And he is back now, this is the state of the day, after all, it is the past 24 hours.

"How long has it been"

Liu Sheng asked curiously. He looked at Tony in front of him. The other party was injured. He was in the room. .

"It's been more than three days!"

Tony Stark said, he thought about it, and asked, "Where have you been?"

After getting along for so long, the relationship between the two sides has been very good, so Tony Stark will not be very restrained, he is slightly casual at this moment.

"Kill the two powerhouses against me!"

Liu Sheng said in a relaxed and freehand manner at this time, and then he glanced at the other party and asked: "Also, why did you make such a ghost look, I remember that you were not injured!"

When Liu Sheng was about to leave, he did not remember that Tony Stark was injured, and when his strength has risen to their level, it is impossible for his memory to go wrong.

"Don't mention it, I encountered a group of out-of-control robots and fought with them. I didn't expect their strength to be so terrifying, and I was injured abruptly, but fortunately the matter was resolved!"

Tony Stark spoke, he said helplessly.

Then he sighed again: "No wonder it took you more than three days to come back. It turns out that you met a strong man against you, a guy who can be called a strong man by you, and his strength should be very strong."

"That's for sure!"

Liu Sheng nodded. He thought of the wolf god and the dragon man. It was not all smooth sailing for him to fight with these two guys, and they themselves were infinitely close to the strength of the heavenly father.

It is indeed a strong man! "Do you need me to help you heal your wounds?"

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng said at this time.

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Chapter 311 It's about to start!

"No need, it's almost healed."

Tony Stark shook his head, because his research broke through an important link, so the Iron Man armor he built was stronger than before, so he was not seriously injured.

His injuries are almost healed now, and naturally he does not need the other party's medical treatment.

"Well then."

Liu Sheng nodded and didn't say anything more, after all, the other party didn't need his own help in healing, and he didn't need to be shameless to help the other party heal.

He just started to meditate in his mind, thinking about something.

That is, extract some of the things you need from the words the other party just said.

Let's say the runaway robot "is about to start."

Liu Sheng suddenly sighed with emotion.

Such a coincidence will not happen in this world, and some robots will not be out of control for no reason. It is definitely because of Ultron! After all, one is because the time is too coincidental, and the other is because Iron Man is extremely powerful. I don't believe that an ordinary robot out of control can cause such a terrifying power.

What can cause all of this is definitely related to Ultron.

"I have to work harder too!"

The next thing Liu Sheng has to do is to completely seal his own strength. You must know that this is not an easy task. It will cost him a lot to complete this task.

And time is very important, after all, in this catastrophe, every point is likely to affect the overall situation, so he must speed up the progress as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to follow a catastrophe.

"what are you talking about"

Tony Stark looked at him bewildered from the side, he couldn't understand, the other party was muttering in his mouth just now

He didn't seem to understand what he was saying, "Nothing."

Glancing at Tony Stark, Yagyu shook his head.

In order to meet just in case, there are some things that he can't let: the other party knows, otherwise, if there is a butterfly effect, it will cause his general understanding of the future to change, but it will be bad.

"Okay then, you're busy with your business, and I'll go get some sunshine."

Tony Stark nodded, since the other party didn't want to talk about him, there was no need to force the other party.

He said hello to the other party at this moment and planned to leave.

After all, he was injured, he was on vacation at home, and he had just chatted with each other for so long, he thought it was necessary for him to bask in the sun and enjoy the abundant sunshine.

"It's time for me to do my own thing too."

Tony Stark went to bask in the sun, Yagyu also returned to the villa, and some things should be done.

There was no one in the villa, and everyone went out to do tasks. This is a normal thing. After all, it is a country with a very high crime rate, especially in the area of ​​Los Angeles. There are criminals almost every day, everyone. I'm very busy, and I don't have much time to stay at home.

In particular, these days are extraordinary times, perhaps because of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Due to the destruction of the headquarters, many dark forces in the dark have spying on the whole, and people are frequently sent to commit crimes during this time! This makes SHIELD, which is already very busy,

, more and more busy.

Superheroes are too, after all, each of them is a strong force that cannot be ignored! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save Love reading it's only domain name, enjoy high speed read!

Chapter 312 Preparation

Going directly into his room in the villa, Liu Sheng sat cross-legged on the bed, he controlled the surging energy in his body, and ran several big days directly.

This is one of his abilities, which can improve his strength and strengthen his body.

The time it takes to run a big week is about ten minutes, and soon an hour has passed, and his tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

There was a flash of light between his eyes, it was his terrifying spirit! It surpassed 99% of the creatures in the world! "Almost okay."

He spoke slowly.

The purpose of his running Da Zhoutian just now was very simple, not to improve his strength, because his strength is already very strong, there is no need to continue to improve.

In other words, the improvement of strength is really important, but for him now, he should first break through the Heavenly Father level. Only in this way will his strength be improved by a gap.

Instead of running Zhou Tian, ​​you can only improve a little at a time. Even if thousands of years have passed, there is not much that can be improved, and it is not comparable to breaking through the existing realm.

The reason why he ran Da Zhoutian just now was actually very simple.

It is to adjust his spirit to the peak. Only in this way, when his strength is sealed, he can still maintain a good state and carry his own spirit.

Not for a moment, as if the soul has been lost.

"Set up a protective cover first!"

Liu Sheng directly laid a layer around it, this is to prevent foreign objects from disturbing him, and in addition to preventing,

When he was sealing his self-cultivation, the movement he made.

If the movement he made was too honest, this scene wasn't... what he wanted to see.

The defense was quickly set up, and then he began to seal the cultivation base—his eyes closed again, and then frantically used the power of the flesh in his body, he removed the power of the flesh from his own flesh and blood. Disperse, let them turn into a stream of Qi.

This qi was combined by him and forcibly sealed in his dantian! This process is actually very complicated, far from being so simple. After all, this is an operation that no one has ever done before, and no one has come since. For, but at most it is to suppress and limit one's own strength, but there will be no such thing as forcibly weakening one's own strength and making it detached from the body.

Because the latter, in a sense, is equivalent to the path of cultivation since the abolition of oneself! A little carelessness, it is very likely that the end will disappear! However, Liu Sheng is very confident, although the process is very complicated, it is also It's not simple, but under his delicate operation, after an hour or two has passed, he sealed these energies.

These energies are ruthlessly sealed in their dantian! "How not to use them"

This terrifying energy, although it is sealed in his dantian, is usually unusable, but at the most critical moment, when he is faced with real life and death, he can still mobilize this power, because this terrifying power , itself is a part of him! He can be used at any time of course! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 313 Seal

But this scene is not what Liu Sheng hoped.

Because he wants to really face life and death, even if he really dies, he shouldn't use this power! Because only by experiencing real life and death, can there be an opportunity for breakthrough.

If he can use this power when he is really experiencing life and death, then in a sense, he is not really, experiencing, and facing life and death.

So he was thinking about how to break through the existing level. He took a deep breath and began to think.

Soon an idea was born from his heart. This is a very bold idea! "Suppose I re-create a creature, suppress it, and let him bear 99% of my energy. In this way, can this situation be alleviated? what?"

He questioned himself at this time.

Then he started to try, he started to fabricate the forces that were suppressed in his dantian, trying to create something, and soon like Nuwa pinching people, he also created a cloud of vague things.

This is a very special qi, the evil side of everything.

It exudes a power that can arouse the deepest evil in people's hearts. This is an extremely terrifying power. It is a forbidden object and an existence that cannot be touched.


Liu Sheng's head was dripping with cold sweat, and he was still very stressed at the moment.

This is a normal thing, after all, he just created a forbidden object, which is rare in the world, and until now, it is an unsolvable existence.

He was able to materialize it, and one can imagine how little wasted.

To use a simple analogy, he originally had ten percent of the terrifying energy, but now, even if 11

None, or even 1% if you go deeper! This is normal, because it's not "finally done!"

The energy that had been suppressed in his dantian was retrieved again, allowing the evil energy to invade, and then the energy that belonged to him, frantically suppressing the evil energy, and the two gradually formed a strange balance, which made Liu Sheng very happy! Because He discovered one thing, that is, the power of his physical body was completely sealed at the moment, only a small part was left, and other powers were restrained and suppressed, and now they can no longer be used.

The first step has been completed! "Next is the crucial second step!"

Liu Sheng began to use the power of his soul, and now he wants to seal the power of his own soul. This is also a terrifying killer, and it is an absolute power, so he must also seal this power.

The soul is not the same as the body, and the difference between the two is like a gulf.

This difference, like living things and dead things, is completely irrelevant, although the two are associated with each other and have a very strange connection.

"How to seal the power of the soul"

Yagyu was lost in thought, he was thinking about how to do this.

Soon, he had a way, a very mature way.

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