To meet everyone's gaze, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

"Even if they have bad intentions"

Tony Stark asked.

"What can they do if they have bad intentions, they don't have this ability at all!"

Looking at each other, Liu Sheng said at this time: "In this month's time, I won't do anything to them, if a month's time passes and I don't get what I want, I will make them pay a heavy price. The price will make them regret it, and that's enough."

"Go back to sleep, it's late now."

He glanced at the time, it was already two or three in the morning.

At the other end, the military base, there are many people standing here at this moment, they are all discussing today's affairs, and their expressions are not particularly good.

Because they know that their plan has failed this time.

"I said, we shouldn't do this, if we just rely on a few killers and a dynamite bag to get rid of him, we can't be forced to do this by him! Today we do this, except for the grass and the snake. , there is no other meaning at all!"

A high-level executive spoke, and he was extremely angry in his heart.

He hadn't planned to do this before.

Everyone didn't say anything, they naturally knew that the other party was right, but they had no choice, because this matter was ordered by the dragon people! They couldn't disagree with the other party's decision, because they would be killed by the other party! They looked at each other with pity because they knew that the dragon man had been observing this place, Fang Shuan must have been noticed by the other party, and the other party might make a move in the next moment.


as expected

, the next second, the eyes of the audience will be full of flowers.

Immediately afterwards, they saw this person fly out! His body was directly embedded in the steel wall! The other party's vital signs kept falling, and soon it was zero, and it was obvious that the other party was dead.

"I hate it the most, when other people babble behind me."

Without even looking at the dead high-rise, the dragon man spoke lightly.

"What should we do next"

Someone asked.

"I didn't notice him coming, he didn't care much about it."

The dragon man opened his mouth, and he thought: "Perhaps in Liu Sheng's eyes, you are ants, he doesn't care about you, you listen to me now, and you can lead him to the sea as much as possible! By then, everything will be done by me! By the way, it's the seaside near Hong Kong Dawan, don't mess with it!"

"If you're wrong, I'll make you pay!"

As he spoke, he glanced coldly at the crowd.

Everyone subconsciously wrapped their clothes tightly because they fell into an ice cellar just now.

Then the dragon man left, the things he should have ordered have been completed, he will not waste time here, he still has a lot of things to deal with, he has to hurry up.

"Lead him to the sea"

Seeing that the other party had left, many high-level executives were puzzled.

They didn't understand what the other party meant. After all, their strength has risen to the level of the other party, and the combat environment is no longer important. Why did they bring the other party into the sea? Could it make the other party more confident? They are very confused about this.

Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, keep it in the collection, save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 267 Purpose

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month had passed.

In the past month, Liusheng has been frequently assassinated many times. There are many kinds of assassins, including powerful mutants, special forces with perfect cooperation, and future soldiers, etc.

These people are all elite-level figures. If you want to invite them to assassinate, you will have to pay a heavy price. After all, these people, every time they make a shot, the price is very high:.

But these people, in this month's time, have not stopped at all, almost every day someone will appear in Liu Yu's villa, intending to kill his life.

"A month has passed."

Liu Sheng came to the base, the appearance here is exactly the same as before, there is no difference.

Also, in more than a month, what changes can be made in a place. At this moment, he looked directly at the people in front of him, and his tone was very indifferent.

"We are ready for the money, but the delivery location is not here, but in Hong Kong Dawan."

A senior spoke up.

"Why don't you give me the money here"

Glancing at the people in front of him, Liu Sheng said.

"This point, we are not very clear, we all obey the instructions above."

This high-level explanation.

"Do you know what happened this month?"

Glancing at the person in front of him, Liu Sheng suddenly had an interesting smile on his face, and he slowly said, "I've encountered many times and asked if these guys have anything to do with it."

"How could it have anything to do with us, how could we be like that

Woolen cloth!"

They kept complaining in their hearts, because love was what they did, but they would not admit it. After all, if they admitted it in front of Liu Sheng, they would definitely tear their faces away! If they do, they are not opponents at all! "I don't care who assassinated me, in my eyes they are all the same, they are all ants, but I hope this kind of thing doesn't happen, because when I shoot ants, I shoot all of them. Kind of annoying."

Glancing at the person in front of him, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

"Looking back, I will definitely use the power on my side to help you find the real murderer!"

This person hurriedly promised, but his face was ugly, because he knew that although the other party didn't say it explicitly, the other party had already hinted it clearly, and the other party already knew the truth.

Otherwise, why would the other party tell them about this? "See you later."

Glancing at the other party, in the next second, Liu Sheng disappeared directly in place and went to his destination.

After all, he didn't have the heart to wait for the other party to go with him, it would be a waste of time, he might as well go alone, in this way, he could reach his destination in a few breaths.

And at this moment, he has come to this place - Hong Kong Dawan.

This is already the seaside. When Liu Yu came here, the sea breeze was blowing here, bringing a slightly salty, slightly moist sea breeze.

When he came here, he found that the surrounding area had long since been emptied.

On the seaside, there is a figure standing at the moment! Please download and remember to save the underlined version of the novel, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 268

Chapter 269 It's a pity it's useless

After smashing his fist out, the dragon man did not stop attacking. He had observed Liu Sheng's strength in the dark. After all, the other party fought with the wolf god and won.

This already shows how terrifying the opponent's strength is! So he is very careful, this is the main reason for his sneak attack.

And at this moment, he punched the opponent's brain and gained a certain advantage. He wants to maintain this advantage. Therefore, he will not stop attacking, he will continue to attack! He kicked out at this moment, and the above is still Terrifying power, and the target of his attack is the opponent's dantian, which is generally a place in the flesh, where energy must flow.

If he wants to hit here, in that case, the latter's internal strength will be disordered! "You too underestimate me!"

Although he was attacked by the other party at the beginning, it caused a problem with his own response, and his brain was a little faint.

However, Liu Sheng is Liu Sheng after all, his strength is extremely extraordinary, and he has acquired Saitama's ability, and therefore, in a very short period of time, he returned to normal.

At this moment, facing the opponent's kick that messed up the power in his body - he chose to grab it with one hand! This time he directly exerted all his strength, because he was very angry! He never thought that the opponent would To be shameless, to dare to attack him, he decided to let the other party take a good look, the gap between them is a gap that cannot be bridged! "The fury of thunder!"

Aware of the other party's behavior, the corner of the dragon's mouth twitched, and he was roaring with the power of thunder. In this short period of time, he noticed the other party's behavior, and he gave countermeasures.

Thunder flashes on his body, there are terrifying thunder and lightning


The wattage of the power of lightning has reached 10 volts! He has absolute confidence that if the opponent touches his body, the opponent will be paralyzed immediately! Because the power of thunder is as high as: 10 volts, Can turn everything into coke! "Zizzi-"

The crackling roar sounded, the dragon man originally thought that his whole body was shining with the power of thunder, and the other party should not dare to touch his body, because in that case, the other party would face 10 volts.

But he didn't expect that the other party was so brave. In the face of the 10 volts on his body, he still did not flinch at all, and he still attacked and burst out, greeting him! His face was a little distorted, because the opponent's attack was very powerful. Strong - The opponent's grasping, but the opponent's strength is exhausted! You must know that the opponent's power is terrifying, it is already at the level of a god, or even higher! "Use the power of thunder to deal with me, you really are You look too high on yourself!"

The power of thunder slammed into his body, Liu Sheng's face did not change in the slightest, he did not care about this power, and this power did not threaten him at all.

Because he himself also uses the power of thunder.

Unless it is said that the power of thunder used by the other party is too powerful and beyond his control, otherwise, within the limits that he can control, the power of thunder that the other party uses is useless.

It can be easily resolved by him! This is the reason why he laughs at the other party, because such a mistake should not be made on the other party's body! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and save it as , enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 270 The Helpless Ancient One

"Very Powerful Fluctuations"

Gu Yi opened his eyes, he was cultivating in a certain corner of the earth at the moment, and now his cultivation has reached a critical juncture, with just one step, he can enter another realm.

It's just that he has stopped cultivating helplessly now, because he has noticed that there is a place on earth that is bursting with terrifying power at the moment. This power is very powerful, and he must take a look.

Because this power can destroy the earth! There was power in his eyes, and his eyes changed instantly, becoming amber, and the next moment, he saw everything that happened on Yagyu's side - "Why is it you again! "

Gu Yi almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He never imagined that such a terrifying power fluctuation would have something to do with Liu Sheng.

"In the past few days, I actually fought against a powerful existence again."

He sighed in his mouth, he couldn't understand, did the other party cause trouble every day, or it took so long, how did the other party fight against a strong man again. It is very rare to know such a strong man.

"Space Expulsion!"

Without the slightest hesitation, after realizing the situation over there, Gu Yi made a few seals with both hands.

He exiled that space! Otherwise, the battle between the two top powerhouses, the terrifying energy escaped, does not need too much, just a little bit, it will cause huge damage to this world.

It can easily destroy an entire land.

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