In this ninja world where children of a few years old can go to the battlefield, early marriage and early childbirth are nothing at all.

"How do you know my wife is pregnant?"

Uchiha Fuyue's face was a little ugly.

Not many people know about his wife's pregnancy.

If it wasn't for Yagyu's first visit to Konoha, Uchiha Fugaku would have doubted the color of his hat.

Liu Sheng laughed and said casually: "It's nothing, I have an excellent intelligence system."

Uchiha Fuyue frowned. Could it be that there are spies in the Uchiha family?

But if that's the case, why did he bring this up?

Doesn't he know that what he said would make the spies dangerous?

Or did he get this information by chance and deliberately said it to cause internal turmoil in the Uchiha clan?

Uchiha Fuyue felt a little headache.

Looking at Uchiha Fuyake with a tangled face, Liu Sheng laughed, and his body turned into countless spots of light and left here.

He doesn't care whether Uchiha Fuyue will be entangled or not, it is his style to do whatever he wants.

Chapter [-] The commission is in place, Naruto is a waste!

"The base of Wuyin Village is in front, you are safe."

"The mission of my avatar can be ended now."

Looking at the Wuyin Village base not far ahead, Liu Yu said in a leisurely tone.

Master Yuan stared at Liu Sheng and said, "Without our drag, you should be able to leave Konoha easily, right?"

Liu Sheng smiled casually: "I can leave Konoha at any time, but I don't want to leave so easily."

"Since Konoha is deliberately trying to deal with me, how can I not respond well to them?"

"I have decided to have a good fight in Konoha Village."

"By the way... If I can hit Konoha this time, how much commission will the village give me?"

Liu Sheng had a whim and asked with great interest.

Master Yuan said: "It depends on what kind of battle results you have achieved, the level and number of enemies killed, and the impact they have caused."

"But you just corrupted a lot of money from Konoha, shouldn't you care about the commission commission?"

Liu Sheng said with a smile: "No! I am very concerned about this kind of thing, after all, I want a good meal!"

"The commission is in place, Hokage is a waste! Waiting for my good news, I will make Konoha down."

Yanagyu's body turned into a puddle of liquid, releasing the water.

Leaf Village.

Liu Sheng was lying on a reclining chair in the courtyard of the guest house, squinting in the sun.

On the coffee table next to it are Konoha's special snacks and tea cups, um~ they were all bought with public money provided by Konoha.

"Alas! If it wasn't for Konoha's plot against me, I would be embarrassed to attack them with their warm hospitality."

Liu Sheng sighed faintly, picked up the cup next to him and drank it.

At this moment, Liu Sheng's expression suddenly changed.

After removing the water body, the memory of the water body returned to the body.

"I didn't attack the Yuan Shi and the others. It seems that they hit me with all their ideas."

Liu Sheng got up and walked outside with a smile.

He has a mission to stay in Konoha, and he has to negotiate with the three generations of Hokage!

"Orochimaru and the others have returned, and this negotiation will go very smoothly!"

Liu Sheng smiled slightly, and all the voices in Konoha Village could not hide from him.

The three generations of Hokage and their well-planned battle plans have long been known to Liu Yu.

Liu Sheng's mouth twitched, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "Since you want to play, then I will accompany you to have a good time."

Naruto Building.

Negotiation Office.

The third Hokage wears Hokage's special hat, and he is smoking with a pipe in his hand.

Seeing Liu Sheng walk in, a warm smile immediately appeared on his face.

"We've talked many times in the past few days."

"The general direction of many issues is fine, but there are still some details that you need to take a good look at."

Sandai Hokage smiled and put a document that had been prepared a long time ago on the table in front of him.

"it is good!"

Liu Sheng smiled and nodded, walked over to the opposite side of the three generations of Hokage, picked up the document and looked at it.

"There are so many regulations, people who see it are dizzy!"

Liu Sheng glanced at the three generations of Hokage with a half-smile, and said casually.

The three generations of Hokage laughed: "This is related to the interests of the entire village.

, or a little more detailed. "

Liu Sheng nodded, took out a cigarette from his body, lit it, and looked at it slowly.

More than half an hour later, Liu Sheng lazily looked at the document in his hand, his double eyelids collided constantly, and his saliva was about to flow down.

"Excuse me!"

Liu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, threw away the cigarette that was about to burn out, and apologized to the three generations of Hokage without any sincerity.

Liu Sheng was also a little surprised, the three generations of Hokage were really calm, and he could hold back such a good opportunity to attack himself.

"It's okay! These things are indeed a bit boring, and it's normal to be sleepy."

The three generations of Hokage smiled kindly and said very understandingly.

He knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "Serve the tea!"

An Anbu ninja walked in from outside and brought a teacup to the table next to Yagyu.

The three generations of Hokage smiled and said, "Drinking tea can refresh your mind. I often do this when I read documents."

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "Really? Thank you very much."

Liu Sheng glanced at the Anbu ninja who was about to go out, and said, "I am really flattered that Lengjun Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, will serve me tea in person!"

Anbu Ninja paused, turned around to look at Liu Sheng, took off his mask and said, "Yu Sheng, the genius of Wuyin Village, how did you know it was me?"

Liu Sheng even called out his name, and Orochimaru knew that it was meaningless to deny it, so he simply revealed his identity.

After all, Liu Sheng just recognized his identity and did not say that the cup of tea was poisonous. He felt that he had to continue acting.

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "Want to know? If you tell me which type of snake venom is in this teacup, I can consider whether to tell you!"

Three generations of Hokage's face changed, and he picked up the teacup next to him and threw it on the ground.

Liu Sheng was shocked. There was no such thing as a smashing cup in the script.

How do you add drama to yourself?

In other words, this skill of throwing a cup is really universal!

Whoosh whoosh!

Along with Sarutobi Hizan threw the teacup, two figures suddenly appeared in the conference room, two masked Anbu ninjas.

One Anbu ninja with white hair seems to be Jiraiya; the other ninja with divergent black hair should be Shimura Danzo.

It's hard for Konoha!

Let the two shadow-level powerhouses pretend to be Hokage's close-fitting Anbu all the time and hide outside the conference room.

"Ninja - Four Red Sun Formation!"

At the moment when the two Anbu ninjas appeared, the three generations of Naruto and Orochimaru made an instant shot, and used the enchantment ninjutsu with the two Anbu ninjas.

The four shadow-level powerhouses shot together, enough to release the high-level enchantment ninjutsu - the Four Red Sun Formation.

Crimson barriers appeared on the front, back, left, and right, forming a rectangle to surround Yagyu.

"Enchantment Ninjutsu? Not bad!"

Liu Sheng looked at the Si Chi Yang Formation with a smile, and there was no panic of being captured and imprisoned.

"Liu Sheng, you are helpless!"

"If you can take the initiative to accept Konoha's binding spell, and serve Konoha from now on, we can let you go!"

Shimura Danzo took off his mask and said indifferently.

"He's helpless?"

"Lord Danzo, which eye did you see that I was helpless?"

Liu Sheng tilted his head and said with a smile.

Chapter [-] Useless Barrier Ninjutsu!

"Four Scarlet Sun Formations... Formation ninjutsu that requires four shadow-level powerhouses to join forces to release is really terrifying!"

Liu Sheng casually looked at the Four Scarlet Sun Formation around him, and when he raised his hand, the light flickered, and a cross-shaped light kept spinning at his fingertips.


The golden rays of light bombarded the Four Scarlet Sun Formation, and the Four Scarlet Sun Formation fluctuated for a while, but it did not destroy it.

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