"The power in you made me see another world, you came from another universe, right?"

"Your appearance disturbs the timeline of this universe, and you cannot be seen in the timeline of this universe."

The Supreme Master Gu Yi looked at Liu Sheng in front of him and said calmly.

"and then"

As a supreme mage, who is determined to protect the earth and the time gem, how do you treat me, a chaotic person?"

"Expel me from here, or kill me on the spot?"

Liu Sheng looked at the Supreme Mage in front of him and said indifferently.

Although the supreme mage Gu Yi's strength is strong, it is not invincible to Liu Sheng.

In addition to the time gem that makes Yagyu a little jealous, in other respects, Yagyu is even stronger than the Supreme Mage.

"Don't get excited, I'm not hostile to people from other universes."

"As long as you don't harm the earth, I won't care about you."

"I don't see evil in you, and I'm sure you're not the kind of person who...would destroy the planet."

The Supreme Master Gu Yi said with a smile, expressing his kindness to Liu Sheng.

"If you have time in the future, you can go to Kama Taj. I'm also curious about other universes."

The Supreme Master Gu Yi invited Yanyu to visit Kama Taj as a guest, then turned and left.

"It's over"

Liu Sheng originally thought that he would inevitably have to fight against Master Gu Yi.

I didn't expect the other party to be so light, so he exposed the matter.

But this is just right, Liu Sheng has no idea of ​​conflict with the Supreme Master Gu Yi.


Just as the Supreme Mage Gu Yi left, a voice sounded in Liu Sheng's mind.


The sudden appearance of this voice made Liu Sheng slightly startled.

But soon, Liu Sheng knew who the owner of the voice was.

"It's not polite to invade other people's spirits rashly."

Liu Sheng used his mental power to communicate with the professor, and a calm voice sounded in the professor's mind.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way I can get in touch with you."

"But don't worry, I won't rashly check people's memories."

"And your mental power is so strong, even if I want to check your records, I can do it."

The teacher's voice with a faint smile sounded in Liu Sheng's mind.

"Explain your intentions!"

"First I want to remind you that I'm not a mutant."

"If you have any plans based on my being a mutant, you should dismiss them as soon as possible!"

Liu Sheng communicated with the professor calmly, and he could roughly guess the purpose of the professor's visit.

"It's a shame you're not a mutant."

Hearing that Yagyu said that he was not a mutant, the professor was a little disappointed.

However, he was not discouraged, but continued to persuade Liu Sheng, hoping that he could

Help a bunch of mutants.

"The situation of mutants is not much better than that of mutants. The difference between us is only innate and acquired."

"Mutants are genetically different from ordinary people, and mutants are stimulated by acquired factors that lead to gene mutation."

"To some people, we are the same threat and the same research value."

"If we unite, we can fight a lot of troubles that we can't fight on our own."

Liu Sheng was noncommittal when he heard the words, and responded lightly: "Maybe what you said makes sense, but I need time to verify."

Jiao did not continue to persuade, but calmly said to Liu Sheng: "If you realize that I am right, then come to me!"

After saying this, the professor cut off the connection with Yagyu.

Mutant Academy.

In the basement, the professor took down the wave intensifier.

"Professor, did you fail?"

Teach your side, Beast Ke asked.


"But don't worry, maybe he will come to us on his own initiative."

Teaching is more fun, but I don't really care about it

"Join the Mutant Academy"

On the other side, Liu Sheng shook his head secretly.

Judging from his current strength, he basically does not need the support of the Mutant Academy.

If there is anything in the Mutant Academy that deserves his attention, it is probably only the power of the phoenix in the phoenix girl.

However, the level of Phoenix's power is too high, and Liu Yu has no idea of ​​hitting it now.

"Boss, the U.S. military has contacted me."

"There are many high-level military officials who want to invite you to the military base, and they are very interested in your capabilities."

"You'd better be careful, I suspect they want to experiment with your abilities."

Tony Stark's Yagyu sent a message, and he got a lot of useful information from his good friend Colonel Rhodes.

"Really, the U.S. military is really interesting!"

Liu Sheng didn't take it seriously after receiving the news, and smiled lightly.

Although there are many powerful forces on earth that can threaten him, the US military is definitely not among them.

"Is the U.S. military going to attack me? It's a shocking confidence!"

"They can't even handle the Hulk, how can they have the confidence to attack me?"

"Although the Hulk is powerful, he has no reason and cannot control his incomparable power."

"And I have a clear mind and can control my powerful strength, aren't they afraid of death?"

Liu Sheng sensed some information with a domineering look, and couldn't help thinking with a funny look.

Then his body rose into the sky, left New York City directly, and came to a piece of ocean in the Atlantic Ocean.

"The target has left!"

"Target goes into the Atlantic and asks for help from the Air Force and Navy."

"The Army Special Forces are withdrawn, the Air Force and Navy are dispatched!"

In the command room of the U.S. military, a group of military executives are busy making plans that may defeat or even capture Yagyu.

"It's hard to perform in New York City, and it gives you some unrealistic fantasies."

"Now, let me help you wake up."

Liu Sheng sneered.

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Chapter 191 Seems a little rebellious!

"He's so fast that we hadn't thought about it before."

"With the speed he is showing now, we can't stop him if he wants to escape."

"Are we really going to go ahead and catch him? I feel like our chances of success are slim to none."

Some people in the upper echelons of the U.S. military raised objections, and they felt the terror of Yagyu.

"in spite of

Whether we can succeed or not, we must let him feel our strength."

"Even if you can't catch him successfully, it's good to fight him."

"At least we can determine his strength, and be prepared for a fight in the future."

Someone at the top of the U.S. military went his own way and resolutely gave the order to attack.

After a brief exchange and debate, countless fighter jets and warships rushed towards where Yagyu was located.

"It's so slow!"

"How ignorant and ignorant to dare to challenge me with such a weak strength."

Liu Yu sneered again and again, and looked at the warships and fighter jets coming from all directions.

Boom boom boom! Whoosh whoosh! The cannons on the warships are roaring, the missiles on the fighter jets are roaring.

Countless streamers flew over from all directions and hit Liu Sheng who was standing on the sea.

"Eight-foot Qionggou jade!"

Liu Sheng's body spun like a spinning top, and his whole body turned into a golden spinning top with pointed tops and bottoms.

The dense golden light spots flew out from the spinning golden light top, blasting all the missiles and artillery shells flying around in mid-air.

"His golden light projectile is not only powerful, but also very accurate in terms of accuracy, which is more terrifying than a launcher with a radar installed."

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