"Ice Age!"

Aokiji, capable of restraining the sea, shot and froze the tsunami that was about to drown the navy.

However, at this moment, Charlotte Lingling slapped the ice cube made by Aokiji with her palm.

Charlotte Lingling separated a part of her soul and injected it into the ice made by Aokiji, and suddenly an ice monster appeared.

"As expected of the Pirate Emperor, everyone has the ability to cause headaches."

Aokiji said in a lazy tone, but not too afraid.

The Admiral and the Pirate Emperor are both standing at the pinnacle of the Pirate World, and their strengths are almost the same.

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Chapter 181 I will clear the field next!

The war broke out! Yagyu has absolute certainty to defeat the world government, but the power in his hands is far inferior to that of the world government.

The chips in his hand are really too small, no matter how he arranges it, he can't beat the World Government side.

Of course, this is on the premise that he himself is not present.

If he ends up in person, the World Government side has no chance of winning.

However, Liu Sheng did not immediately.

When he came out, he first directed his men to fight with the navy.

Mainly, I want to test the combat effectiveness of my subordinates, and by the way, weed out some scumbags.

More importantly, let everyone in the navy know that the Pirate Emperor he controls has real combat effectiveness.

"Dad, why are you following Liu Sheng?"

Haixia Jinping looked at Whitebeard with a puzzled expression, and Whitebeard's actions made him wonder why.

"That man will definitely defeat the World Government, and I did it just to protect my family."

Whitebeard replied, at the same time persuading Haixia Jinbei to join them.

"But I just killed a lot of people from the pirate alliance with fishman karate."

Hai Xia Jinpei hesitated about this, which is why the Navy side was willing to let him rush out alone.

"rest assured!"

"Lord Yagyu won't care about this kind of thing, the pirates you killed are insignificant to him."

"Even our four 44 Pirate Emperors are dispensable to him."

"Come and join us, I will guarantee your safety."

Whitebeard still felt very good about Haixia Jinping, and finally drew him to Yagyu's side.

"Shanks, what's the matter with you"

"Answer my question, are you unconscious?"

Hawk-Eyed Mihawk waved the black big knife in his hand, and said to the red-haired Shanks in front of him with an ugly face.

The red-haired Shanks, who was fighting Hawkeye Mihawk, had empty eyes and no expression, but his moves were extremely sharp.

The extremely powerful overlord-colored domineering and red-haired Shanks' tyrannical armed-colored domineering domineering, even the Hawk-Eyed Mihawk, who is known as the world's greatest swordsman, can't resist.

"Don't waste your efforts, the red-haired Shanks has been controlled by me."

Liu Sheng appeared beside Hawkeye Mihawk and red-haired Shanks, and said to Hawkeye Mihawk with a light expression.

"What do you mean it's impossible!"

Hawkeye Mihawk felt unbelievable, how could a domineering man like the red-haired Shanks be controlled by others? "As long as the strength is strong enough, nothing is impossible."

Liu Sheng said in a flat tone, his eyes turned to Hawkeye Mihawk, and the circle-shaped Samsara eyes appeared in his eyes.

Reincarnation Eye! Uchiha Madara's template was further advanced, and Liusheng got the big pupil technique of Reincarnation Eye.

"Eyes Like Me"

Hawk-Eyed Mihawk was stunned for a while, and the pattern of his return eyes was shocked.

"Although the patterns are somewhat similar, the two pairs of eyes are quite different.

Feel the power of these eyes, the pupil power of Samsara Eye!"

Liu Sheng looked at Hawkeye Mihawk calmly, his eyes met Hawkeye Mihawk, and the illusion of Samsara Eye was activated suddenly.

Hawkeye Mihawk was directly controlled by Yagyu with the illusion of Samsara, and became the glorious companion of red-haired Shanks.

"Take advantage of their fierce fighting, concubine quickly get out of here."

Pirate Empress Boya Hancook, cautiously sensed the surroundings with a domineering look, and prepared to leave here quietly.

"Where do you want to go"

As a result, Liu Sheng appeared directly in front of her and said to her with a smile.

"You are Liu Sheng who asked the concubine to leave here."

"Looking at the beauty of the concubine, how about agreeing to the request of the concubine?"

Pirate Empress Boya Hancook shook his hair and said to Yagyu with a smile.

The Pirate Empress was afraid of Liu Sheng's strength and did not dare to force her way out by attacking.

She used her inexplicable charm to try to make Yagyu soft-hearted and let her go.

"Since you are beautiful as flowers, why don't you stay and serve me?"

"I am the man who wants to overthrow the world government, and then I will slaughter the Tianlong people."

"Don't you want to see the picture of Tianlong being killed by me?"

Liu Sheng said to the Pirate Queen with a smile on his face, which made the Pirate Queen's heart beat.

The pirate queen who once served as a slave to the Tianlong people very much hopes to see the scene of the Tianlong people being slaughtered.

"If you can really destroy the Tianlong people, the concubine is willing to do anything for you."

After a moment of dazed expression on the face of the Pirate Empress, she said solemnly to Liu Sheng.

"Really? That's really nice."

Liu Sheng smiled and turned his eyes to Crocodile.

Crocodile, the conspirator, slipped to the edge of the battlefield early at this moment.

There is absolutely no reason for him to take part in this fight, no matter what

It doesn't matter to him who wins.

And this battle is too crazy, the scale of this war is even more exaggerated than the top war in the original book.

The war on the top is the most massive war in the original One Piece, but it is completely incomparable with the current war.

Only the Whitebeard Pirates and one Four Emperor Pirates participated in the war on the top, but there are four 44 Four Emperor Pirates in this war.

During the war, the three generals of the navy did not exert their full strength at all, but at this time the three generals of the navy were desperately fighting against the four emperors.

Not only that, even Marshal Warring States, Hero Garp, and Cyborg Kong, the generals and powerhouses of the previous era, were forced to participate in this war helplessly.

Magellan and Shiliu of the Rain, who were transferred from the Undersea Prison, were second only to the Admiral in a fierce battle with the pirates.

The strong generals in the organization also led the elites to fight against the pirates.

"The Four Emperors Pirates still have some merit."

"Although it is inferior to the navy side in terms of strength, it can compete with them without falling behind."

Liu Sheng commented indifferently, of course he knew that this situation was mainly due to him.

If it weren't for him, the super-strong man who could easily hang the Admiral and the three generals of the Navy, watching him, the strength of the Navy would definitely be even stronger.

With him here, the world government must use enough strength to guard against him.

Although this is of no use.

"Okay, everyone back down for me."

"The boring battle is over, I will clear the field next."

Liu Sheng said with a light smile.

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Chapter 182 You are so naive!

Liu Dao Madara's power was revived in Liu Yu's body, and now Liu Yu already has [*]% of Uchiha Madara's ability.

"Woodun - The tree world is born!"

Liu Yu's hands were sealed, the huge chakra surged, and the endless wooden chakra surged out.

The huge forest that covered the sky and the sun appeared out of nowhere, covering the past towards the distant battlefield.


"I didn't expect Liu Sheng to have other devil fruit abilities besides the abilities of the shaking fruit and the glittering fruit."

Kizaru looked at the huge forest surging towards him in surprise, and his body turned into light particles soaring into the sky.

Eight-foot Qionggouyu! Dense golden light bullets roared out from the hands of the yellow monkey, and hit the surging wooden vines.

One after another, the tenacious wooden vines were directly interrupted by the golden light bullets produced by the eight-foot Qionggou jade, and they were even broken into pieces.

However, the forest created by the birth of the tree world is too huge, and even if Kiaboshi attacks hard, it is still a bit unattractive in the face of the birth of the tree world.

It's like the thousands of hands in the Senju-Hashidama, those arms are not particularly strong, and they don't have the advantage when they go head-to-head with Susanoo.

However, the number of them is too large, Susanoo can almost destroy those arms, but it will take time.

In the time when Susanohu defeated those arms, hundreds of Mudun fists hit its body, shattering it to pieces.

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