A clone created by the fruit's ability.

Its body is a dark cloud, and after being injected into the soul by Charlotte Lingling, it becomes a Hormiz, a dark cloud with life and consciousness.

At this time, it revealed its own body, covering the entire sky, and it landed thunder and lightning on Yagyu, constantly attacking him.

"Boring attack!"

Liu Sheng's expression did not change, and a barrier formed by a layer of spiritual pressure on his head suddenly appeared, directly blocking Zeus' lightning bombardment.

Charlotte Lingling was not discouraged when she saw this scene, she took off her pirate hat and turned it into a big knife.

This is also one of her weapons - Napoleon's sword hat.

Charlotte Lingling brandished Napoleon's sword hat and aggressively killed Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng laughed and stepped forward to fight, and with one punch, Charlotte Lingling was blown away, and the hat sword in her hand was directly smashed.

Immediately after Liu Yu pointed to the sky, a powerful spiritual pressure rose into the sky, directly smashing the soul clone of Charlotte Lingling in Zeus.

Charlotte Lingling was hit hard by Liu Yu's punch, and a lot of blood spurted out of her mouth, and her body received a heavy blow.

Even her gifted body, reinforced and iron-like, became riddled with holes under Liu Sheng's punch.

The soul entrusted to Zeus was destroyed by Liu Yu, and her soul was damaged, and she fainted in the dark.

"Charlotte Lingling, you really deserve to be the weakest of the four emperors! You won't be able to do it before I try too hard."

Liu Sheng said casually, walking slowly towards Charlotte Lingling, with a chuckle in his mouth.

Charlotte Lingling's sons and daughters, when Charlotte Lingling started, they stepped forward to help deal with Liu Sheng.

As a result, Kaido made his move, using his mace made of sea tower stone, and it didn't take long to knock them all down.

"Charlotte Lingling, be my puppet!"

Liu Sheng looked blankly at Charlotte Lingling, who fell to the ground. At this time, Charlotte Lingling had lost her resistance.

The pattern of the kaleidoscope writing wheel appeared in his eyes, directly invading the opponent's brain and forcibly controlling Charlotte Lingling.

His mental power is so powerful that Liuyu's strength, even if Charlotte Lingling doesn't meet his eyes, he can use the illusion of kaleidoscope to forcibly control it.

It's like Danzo controls three ships when his eyes are covered by white cloth. As long as his strength is strong enough, there are no rules that must be followed.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng spent a few days integrating the forces of the Big Mom Pirates, and then single-handedly went to trouble the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates do not have a fixed island as their station. Like traditional pirates, they use pirate ships as their home and wander around on the sea.

With Liu Sheng's strength, it is not difficult to find them.

Soon, Yagyu came to the sky above the Moby Dick.

The white beard on the Moby Dick frowned slightly, and he looked up at the sky with a feeling, just in time to see a figure descending from the sky and landed on the deck of the Moby Dick.

The Whitebeard Pirates who were having a party and carnival suddenly quieted down, and their eyes turned to Liu Sheng.

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Chapter 176 That's what you want!

Liu Sheng walked to Whitebeard without anyone else, and said with a light smile, "Whitebeard, I'm here to include you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was furious.

The relationship between the members of the Whitebeard Pirates is very close, not at all like the Beast Pirates... The internal chaos of the Pirates can be compared.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates consider Whitebeard their father.

At this time, seeing Liu Sheng humiliating Whitebeard, they were all furious and killed Liu Sheng without hesitation.

The speed at which Yagyu cleared the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates was so fast that none of the news spread.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates did not know how powerful Liu Sheng was.

"How dare you go to our Whitebeard Pirates and take him down!"

The phoenix Margao roared angrily, and charged towards Liu Sheng first.

His body was burning with blue flames of regeneration, and he aggressively slaughtered towards Yanagyu.

Diamond Joze followed closely, his body had turned into a dazzling diamond, ramming towards Yanagyu like a bull.

Behind them are Foil Bista and other powerful Whitebeard Pirate officers.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were aggressive and surrounded Yanagyu.

Whitebeard chuckled and drank, as if he didn't take Yagyu seriously.

However, the next moment, invisible pressure surged out from Liu Sheng's body, and the huge pressure suddenly fell.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who surrounded Yanagyu were lying on the deck at the same time, and the whole deck began to crumble.

Whitebeard's face suddenly changed: he became dignified, strode forward to block Liu Sheng, and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Liu Sheng's aura made Baibeard's heart palpitate, and his body trembled involuntarily.

There was an intuition in his heart that the person in front of him was not something he could deal with.

"What the hell do you want to do"

Whitebeard clenched the Naginata in his hand and shouted in a solemn tone.

Liu Sheng looked at the white beard calmly, and said indifferently: "I have already said it, I am here to include you.

Do you want to think about what it will be like to be my subordinate?"

Whitebeard frowned and said, "Let me be your subordinate, it shouldn't be your ultimate goal.

what are you trying to do?"

Liu Sheng said calmly: "This world has been chaotic for too long, it's time to unify it."

"I heard that there is a Void Throne in Mary Joa, the throne of that world."

"That throne is empty, it means there is no king in this world, it represents the democracy of the world government."

"The throne has been vacant for 800 years, an unbearably long time."

"This time will be ended by me, and I will be the only existence on that throne."

Although Yagyu knew of Im's existence, he had already been left behind by Yagyu.

A waste who dares to sit and dare not be, Liu Sheng didn't take him seriously.

A jumping clown who only dares to hide behind his back and plan, is not worthy of Yagyu's attention.

Whitebeard frowned: "Since your goal is

It's the Void Throne on Mary Joa, then your opponent should be the World Government, what are you doing with our Whitebeard Pirates?"

Liu Sheng said in a calm tone: "Is there no king's land under the whole world, and there is no king's ministers on the coast of leading the land. This world is so small, it's barely enough for me to be a king by myself."

"So you warlords who are separate parties must be dealt with by me.

Either submit to me, or be cleared by me, there is no other way."

Whitebeard let out a heroic laugh, clenched the Naginata in his hand and said to Liu Sheng: "You really have the courage to even say such arrogant words."

Liu Sheng looked at the white beard calmly, and said slowly: "This is not arrogant, you should feel that I have this strength."

"Charlotte Lingling and Kaido have been controlled by me, are you going to be the next one?"

"If you surrender obediently, I can keep your autonomy and let you stay with your sons."

Whitebeard clenched the Naginata in his hand and stared at Liu Sheng. After a while, he slowly said, "If you want me to surrender, yes! However, you have to prove your strength."

Although Whitebeard could feel Liu Yu's strength, he didn't want to give in easily.

He was going to try it anyway, he wasn't... a man who would be intimidated by his own instincts.

Liu Sheng chuckled: "If that's the case, then do as you wish!"

Whitebeard shot, his Naginata was concentrated with a powerful vibrational force, and a white halo appeared on his fist, hitting Liu Sheng fiercely.

A similar white halo appeared on Liu Sheng's hand, but the vibrational power contained in it was much stronger than Whitebeard's.

Two white light groups flew out at the same time, collided with each other in mid-air, and an incomparably terrifying force erupted.

Liu Sheng's strength easily suppressed Whitebeard's strength, and all of a sudden, Whitebeard was blown away.

The white beard that flew out was not hurt much because of Yagyu's mercy.

He slowly got up and sighed softly: "You are stronger than me, then I will accept your solicitation!"

What Whitebeard cares about most is his family, that is, his subordinates, his sons.

Apart from this, he doesn't pay much attention to the others, including his title of the Four Emperors and the honor of the strongest man in the world.

The reason why he surrendered to Yagyu was because he could feel Yagyu's strength and determination.

He felt that if he didn't surrender, his sons would probably be finished.

For the sake of his sons, Whitebeard chose to surrender and gave up his reputation and dignity as the strongest man in the world.

After Whitebeard surrendered, the rest of the people also surrendered as a matter of course.

Blackbeard Tiki hid in the crowd, looked at Liu Sheng cautiously, and lowered his head quietly.

The power displayed by Yanagyu is too terrifying, so that Blackbeard Tiki does not have the courage to express his ambition.

After incorporating the Whitebeard Pirates, Yanagyu found the Red Hair Pirates again.

The red-haired pirates who were having a banquet on a desert island welcomed the uninvited guest of Yagyu.

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Chapter 177 Seeing is believing, hearing is false!

"Liu Sheng, I didn't expect you to come here on your own initiative."

"Are you here to challenge me?"

Red-haired Shanks looked at Yanagyu who appeared in front of him, and said with high fighting spirit with a knife in one hand.

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