Warring States looked at Liu Sheng with an ugly face, and roared in a deep voice: "Do you think you will win until the last minute, no one can decide the outcome!"

Liu Sheng looked at the Warring States with interest, and said with a chuckle: "Then you mean, you have to let me kill you all to prove that I won?"

Kizaru flew out of the broken warship, his breath was sluggish, he stared at Liu Sheng with a headache and said, "Sengoku Shuai Shuai, I think it's better for us to be calmer."

"The current situation is very unfavorable for us, and it is a very unwise choice to continue to resist."

Akainu got up from the ground and said angrily to Kizaru: "Polusalino, what do you mean by that? Do you want the righteous navy to surrender to the evil pirates?"

Kizaru shrugged and said helplessly: "I didn't mean that, but resisting now is really not the right choice."

Liu Sheng smiled lightly, looked at the four people in the Warring States period, and said, "You don't have to be afraid, I don't have the idea of ​​killing all of you now."

"The stability of the sea still needs your efforts. I will decide what to do with you after a while! Now, I have other things to deal with."

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Chapter 173 Who agrees and who disagrees?

Liu Sheng's eyes turned to the sky, and the phantom of a dragon appeared in the clouds.

This divine dragon was Kaido, one of the four emperors, the beast, and he slaughtered Liu Sheng with a wild laugh.

"Are you Liu Sheng? You are really powerful!"

"Come on, let's see if you can kill Lao Tzu!"

Hundred Beast Kaido rushed towards Liu Sheng with a frantic look on his face, laughing wildly in his mouth.

Beast Kaido is a very complicated being, a guy that people can't understand.

Other pirates pursue power, status, fame, and power, but Kaido doesn't seem to be very interested in these things.

He is a suicidal maniac who has challenged the Navy and other Four Emperor Pirates more than once, and has been defeated and captured by them more than once.

But he was never killed, he seemed to be unable to kill him.

Even if it falls from a height of tens of thousands of meters, it will be fine if it hits the ground.

Its vitality is like a monster, and it is known as the strongest creature in the world.

But it is such a lunatic who runs the powerful Beast Pirates.

And it has close ties with the generals of Wano, and may even have secret deals with the world government.

The madness he shows is somewhat contradictory to what he has done, making it impossible to understand whether he is a real lunatic or a false lunatic.

However, his pursuit of death does not appear to have been adulterated in the matter.

Just like at this moment, he found Liu Sheng from thousands of miles away, and wanted to compete with Liu Sheng to see if Liu Sheng could kill him.

From a distance, he sensed the existence of Yagyu and the Warring States Four with his domineering arrogance.

He also knew all about Yagyu's easy defeat of the Sengoku Four 4.

But the crazy beast Kaido did not retreat because of this, but took the initiative to come up.

Seeing the dragon that Kaido turned into slaughtered towards him, Yagyu jumped on the head of Kaido's dragon, grabbed his dragon's horns like taming a fierce horse, and wanted to tame it into his own. mount.

Yagyu rode on the head of Kaido Shenlong and forced Kaido Shenlong's body, making Kaido angry and tutoring.

Kaido's body flew around in the sky in a very awkward manner, and an angry roar came out of his mouth: "Yugiu, you bastard, get out of my way!"

Liu Sheng laughed and said: "Go away from today, you are my mount."

Naturally, Kaido would not agree, flying around in the sky, trying to throw Yagyu out, but he couldn't do it at all.

Soon, the two confronted each other and left here, disappearing into the sky.

"This is the end"

Warring States murmured to himself in disbelief, he was ready to fall here.

But he never thought that Liu Sheng would let them go so dramatically.

Just when the Warring States was overjoyed, the voice came softly: "Don't be too happy, I will be back.

Next time I'm here, I'll be a world government!"

The sudden voice made the faces of Sengoku and others change greatly.

Although they don't have much affection for the world government, the world government represents the order of the sea and is the existence that their navy needs to maintain.

"This is a big deal, we have to go back and discuss it!"

Warring States said with an ugly face, and greeted the three generals of the Navy to leave together by boat.

Their current state is very bad, if they touch

In the case of a powerful Four Emperors, all four of them have to die here today.

You don't even need the four emperors, as long as there is a master of the emperor's deputy level, you can wipe out the four top 44 powerhouses in one fell swoop.

Yagyu flew to the new world with Kaido's dragon, constantly taming Kaido on the way.

It's a pity that Kaido is an unrepentant stubborn guy. Although Yagyu's strength has crushed him, it is not easy to make him surrender.

"no solution anymore!"

Liu Yu sighed helplessly, his eyes suddenly met Kaido Shenlong's eyes, and a pitch-black kaleidoscope pattern appeared in Liu Yu's eyes.

Kaleidoscope Shaker's illusion was activated instantly, forcibly controlling the beast Kaido.

Although the beast Kaido has the domineering arrogance and the domineering arrogance of seeing and hearing, which can resist illusion, but Liu Sheng's spiritual power is much stronger than him.

Although Liu Yu felt that he could make Kaido the Beasts submit by force, but if Kaido was beaten to pieces, it would be meaningless to accept this mount.

Or let him retain the most primitive and majestic form, and it is more suitable for him to be a mount.

"Kaido, take me to your base camp."

Liu Yu gave Kaido an order to take him to the lair of the Beast Pirates.

Next, he has to think about manipulating the world.

Although the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates have low IQs, they can still be useful.

"Master Kaido is back!"

Drought Jack, one of the three top cadres of the Beast Pirates, looked at the Kaido dragon flying in the distance and let out a chuckle.

"Lord Kaido seems to have someone on him, who is that?"

The other top cadre, Yan Jiajin, stared at Kaido Shenlong, who was getting closer and closer, and made a low voice in his mouth.

Plague Quinn frowned and said, "I feel that something is wrong! With Kaido's character, it is impossible for him to carry others on his back."

Just when the three top cadres were in doubt, Kaido Shenlong descended from the sky, revealing his humanoid state.

Liu Yu sat cross-legged on top of Kaido's head, and looked at the three top officials of the Beast Pirates with a smile on his face.

"Who are you"

"I seem to have seen this person, and his appearance makes me feel a little familiar."

"Idiot, this is Yagyu who has the most power in the ocean recently! Yagyu, why are you here with our Kaido boss?"

After the three disasters experienced a brief stupor, they stared at Liu Sheng with a serious face.

"Boss Kaido, what the hell is going on?"

"Boss Kaido, your state seems to be a little wrong!"

"Boss Kaido, why don't you speak?"

The three disasters discovered the abnormality of the beast Kaido, and cried out in a panic.

"Don't yell, he's already under my control."

"The strongest creature in the world, the Pirate Emperor is nothing more than that!"

"Listen, you idiots!"

"From now on, the Beast Pirates will be taken over by me."

"Who is for, who is against"

Liu Sheng said casually, and glanced at the three disasters casually and contemptuously.

An invisible aura emerged from him, exuding coercion that made the Three Disasters tremble.

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Chapter 174 It seems that you are all sensible!

The three disasters trembled for a while under the pressure of Liu Sheng, and finally Jack Drought, a guy with a pit in his head, stood up with his teeth clenched.

He faced Liu Sheng's coercion and said with great difficulty: "What method did you use to control Kaido boss and let him go!"

"Since we have decided to become Kaido's boss, we will not betray him easily.

Unless you have the strength beyond Kaido boss, and can defeat our Beast Pirates."

"The people of our Beast Pirates worship the strong. Only Kaido's... powerful beings can lead us, and only such people are worthy of our allegiance."

"If you used crooked methods to control Kaido's boss, then we will never yield to you."

Liu Sheng glanced at Drought Jack in surprise, and nodded lightly: "Your awareness is not bad, but unfortunately your strength is too weak."

"No matter how high the consciousness is, it is in vain without strength to support it.

Toughness without strength can only be like a clown jumping on a beam."

"But since you are willing to surrender, then I will give you this chance.

Do you want to see my strength? Come, let's go together!"

Liu Sheng restrained the pressure on himself, and waved to Jack Drought and others with a chuckle.

Drought Jack and the others noticed that the pressure on Liu Yu dissipated, and could not help but glance at each other.

They feel that the current Liusheng, they can play a dozen.

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