"Although the moves they use are very similar, the person in front of them is definitely not Admiral Kizaru."

Aaron told himself in his heart to try to overcome his fear of Liu Sheng.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to take a shot at Liu Sheng.

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Chapter 149 Unanimously called Dad!

Chapter 150 This kind of thing doesn't matter at all!

The appearance of Liusheng gave the Bellmer family a huge financial support, and the Bellmer family quickly became the richest man in Cocosia Village from a low-income household.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng began to teach Nami and Nuoqi high practice, and fulfilled his responsibilities as a godfather.

Liu Sheng already has the experience of teaching Luffy Three 3, and he is familiar with teaching disciples.

It didn't take too long for Nami and Nokigao's practice to be fruitful.

It was at this time that the navy that Ah Jian had notified finally arrived late.

"Is the Navy so inefficient?"

Yagyu looked at the naval warships appearing in the distant port, and said to Bermel beside him with a speechless expression.

Bermel's face was a little ugly and said: "The navy in the past was not so bad, and the current navy is really getting more and more degenerate."

Under the gazes of Yanagyu and Bermel, a navy with long snarky eyes came over.

The leading naval officer came to Yanagyu and Bellmer and said in an official tone, "I am Captain Mouse, did you capture the members of the Murloc Pirates?"

Belmer said calmly: "The Murloc Pirates—all of Aaron's gang are here, and they should have a lot of bounties on them."

The mouse's eyes flickered, and he said with a serious face: "You have made a big disaster, can you catch the Murloc Pirates?"

"The captain of the Fish-Man Pirates - Sea Xia Jinping has joined the World Government and has become a member of the King's Qiwuhai."

"Aaron and his gang were also members of the Murloc Pirates. You attacked them and violated the rules set by the World Government."

Liu Sheng looked at the mouse captain in front of him with a half-smile, and said helplessly: "I said a mouse! Can you use your brain to think about it?"

"A person who can defeat Aaron's group, will he be at the mercy of a villain like you, and dare to play such a boring method in front of me, you are courting death!"

Liu Sheng sighed faintly, and looked at Captain Mouse with the eyes of a dead man, causing Captain Mouse to palpitate for a while.

"What do you want? I'm a captain of the Navy."

Captain Mouse subconsciously took two steps back, staring at Liu Sheng and shouting sternly.

"Captain of the Navy is such a big post!"

"You wouldn't be naive enough to think that just being a naval captain would be able to keep you safe, would you?"

"Stop kidding! In this chaotic age of pirates, captains of the navy are killed by pirates every day."

"Not to mention, you're just a navy-distributed captain."

"A captain of the Four Seas Navy is similar to a navy officer in the naval headquarters."

Liu Sheng looked at the mouse in front of him mockingly. This guy in the original book was the accomplice of Aaron's gang.

Now that Aaron and his gang have been sacrificed to the sky by themselves, they will try to be good people to the end and send their allies in their original destiny.

At this time, the Captain Mouse had already hid among the coming navy soldiers.

Looking at the navy soldiers standing around him, Captain Mouse seemed to regain his strength.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Sheng in front of him, and said sharply: "Take him down for me, it doesn't matter if you live or die!"

When the soldiers under the mouse heard this, they raised their guns without hesitation and aimed them at Yanagyu in front of them.

Liu Sheng looked indifferently at the group in front of him.

Navy soldier, said in his mouth: "Is this your choice? If so, then I will do as you wish."

The invisible Reiatsu burst out from Yagyu's body, killing all the navy soldiers including the mouse.

The powerful soul force directly shattered their spirits.

Kill them from the soul.

After eliminating the group of navy soldiers, Yagyu reached out and grabbed the corpse of Captain Mouse, and his body appeared on the navy warship they drove over.

There were still some navy soldiers on the navy warship, and Yagyu appeared directly here with the corpse of Captain Mouse.

"Your Captain Mouse has been killed by me, please take his body back."

"If you want to ask me why I killed him, it's because he wants to take the bounty that belongs to me."

"These words, you truthfully report to your superiors."

"Understood, otherwise, you will surely regret it."

Looking at the few remaining navy soldiers on the navy warship, Liu Yu said in an indifferent tone.

These navy soldiers also saw the picture of Yagyu killing Captain Mouse and others just now.

Although they were too far apart, they could not see clearly.

But they knew that Yagyu didn't put much effort into killing Captain Mouse.

So, the rest of the navy resolutely confessed.

This is not an existence they can fight against, and it is the most correct choice to admit counseling and live.

The corpse of Captain Mouse was taken away by them, and they fled here in embarrassment.

Yagyu stood on the shore and watched the naval warship go away, his expression always calm.

Aware of Belmer's approach, Yanagyu said indifferently: "It seems that those murloc pirates cannot be handed over to the navy, so let's deal with them directly!"

Bellmer said indifferently: "Those murloc pirates are still trivial matters, what about the corpses of the navy?"

"You killed so many navies, the world government will not let you go easily."

"In my opinion, you better run for your life! Although your strength is good, the navy is not weak."

"The navy not only has the three highest combat powers on the bright side - the three generals of the navy, but also has powerful predecessors such as Marshal Warring States and Hero Garp."

Belle Meyer looked at Yanagyu with a worried look on her face. She used to be in the navy, and she was in awe of the huge power group of the navy.

"Naval World Government"

"It doesn't matter at all."

"But I do have to leave here. It's a pleasure to spend time with you."

Yagyu looked at Bermel indifferently, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

Then Liu Yu's figure disappeared directly, leaving only Bermel standing there in a loss.

After spending a few days with Yanagyu, Bermel found that he was attracted to this young man.

Handsome, strong, and gentle in character.

Yagyu meets all Bellemel's mate selection requirements, and more importantly, he is the godfather of Nami and Nokigao.

Don't worry about her daughter being discriminated against, Yagyu is the perfect choice for Belle Mair.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the ikanshuba novel, remember to collect it, save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 151 Zoro and Guina!

Liu Sheng left Cocosia Village, and soon came to another small village - Frost Moon Village.

On a hill on the edge of the village, a little boy with a green algae head is practicing.

A rope was tied to his hand, and behind the rope was a heavy stone, and he was constantly practicing his sword swing.

This green algae-headed boy is Zoro, the man who aspires to become the world's greatest swordsman.

"Little devil, are you practicing?"

Liu Sheng appeared in front of Zoro and said with a smile.

"who are you"

Zoro cast his eyes like Yagyu and asked with a puzzled look.

"who I am"

Liu Sheng thought for a while, and said to Zoro with a smile, "I am a lost traveler, and like you, I can't find my way home."

"No Road Race!"

"six eight, seven"

"What nonsense are you talking about, I can't find my way home!"

Zoro looked embarrassed, and shouted at Liu Sheng angrily.


Liu Sheng squinted at Zoro, and said with a half-smile, "A hopeless road idiot like you, can you remember the way home?"

Zoro hummed with dissatisfaction: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, let's talk about who you are!"

"I don't remember someone like you in the village, you shouldn't be a pirate, right?"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "I'm not a pirate, and this is not your concern."

"By the way, do you really want to become the world's greatest swordsman? I can give you a chance!"

Zoro stared at Liu Sheng vigilantly, and said, "What kind of opportunity are you going to give me?"

Liu Sheng said with a half-smile, "I can teach you how to become strong, but you have to be my godson."

Zoro curled his lips with disdain and said, "I will become the world's greatest swordsman, but I don't need anyone's help."

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