Noble Phantasm! "Are you going to use the strongest move?"

Liu Sheng squinted his eyes, feeling that this... a stray sword that claims to be able to split the whole world: it's nothing more than that.

Kyoka Suizuki,! Yagyu summoned his Zanpakutō, ready to try the sharp edge of the Deviance Sword.

However, at this moment, a powerful magic power erupted from the King of Heroes.


The King of Heroes roared, with twisted anger on his face.

"How dare you disturb me when this king is fighting"

The roar of the King of Heroes resounded in Tosaka Tokiomi's ears, making him smile bitterly.

Although the Heroic Spirit he summoned is the strongest among all Heroic Spirits, it is also the most difficult to control among all Heroic Spirits.

The other heroic spirits treat their masters like their monarchs, but the King of Heroes treats his masters as his subjects.

Tohsaka Tokiomi summoned a father for himself! But for the sake of this father's extraordinary strength, Tohsaka Tokiomi felt that he could endure the shortcomings of the King of Heroes.

If I can do it all over again, I would choose the King of Heroes.

"Wang, now is not the time to fight him."

"If you lose with him, the cheap ones will make the others."

"I think we should go back temporarily, and first we should work with others to eliminate this non-Heroic Spirit guy."

Tohsaka Tokiomi patiently persuaded the Hero King, but the Hero King was not moved at all.

"Toki minister, the advice of a minister can't stop the king's will!"

"This human being can't stop this king's stray sword:!"

"It's the same with everyone else, no one can stop this king."

The King of Heroes is arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't regard other people as his enemies at all.

Tokiomi Tosaka did not obey the Hero King's orders, but instead used a Command Spell to forcibly summon the Hero King back.

"I hate it!"

Encountering such a disobedient subject, the Hero King was extremely angry, but he was forcibly summoned back.

"King Arthur, come back too!"

Emiya Kiritsugu, the true master of King Arthur, did not hesitate to summon King Arthur back to Mi.

The heroic spirit of Tosaka Tokiomi's disciple, Hassan, was also urgently summoned to return.

The Lancers are called to return.

Only the Conqueror King was unlucky and was eliminated directly. reminds you: There are three things in reading to collect, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu[*].com Aikanshu[*].com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 134 The door to the new world!

The Servants retreated and returned to their Master's side.

By seeing the domineering, Liu Sheng can clearly know their position.

But Liu Sheng did not immediately.

Chasing and killing the past, these heroic spirits may give him unexpected joy.

Liu Sheng's knowledge and domineering shrouded the entire Fuyuki City, and everything was under his observation.

The farce between these heroic spirits is also a fun for him.

Tohsaka House.

The King of Heroes was furious at Tohsaka Shichen, and shouted angrily: "Tokiomi, what the hell are you doing? I'm going to win those guys right away, why are you pulling my back?"

The King of Heroes was so rude, making Tohsaka Toshin a little annoyed.

He can bow down before the Hero King, provided the Hero King is willing to obey his arrangements.

Seeing the King of Heroes being so arrogant, Tosaka Tosaka's attitude also became cold.

His tone became tough, and he said firmly: "King of Heroes! As a Heroic Spirit, you only need to obey the Master's arrangements."

"As long as you obey my instructions, we can all get the Holy Grail and fulfill our wishes."

The King of Heroes was furious, but Tohsaka Shichen unhurriedly showed the King of Heroes the Command Spell in his hand.

"I treat you as a king, and you are the king."

"If I don't make you king, you are nothing."

"You are my servant, and I am your master."

"Obey my orders and forget about your identity."

Yanagyu's strong performance made Tohsaka Tokiomi a little disappointed in the King of Heroes.

Since the King of Heroes is not invincible, there is no need for him to be so polite.


The King of Heroes gritted his teeth, but under the threat of the Command Spell, he could only swallow this breath bitterly.

At this moment, Tokiomi Tosaka's disciple Kotomine Kirei came to Tosaka Tokiomi.

He is also a participant in this Holy Grail War, and Hassan is the heroic Servant he summoned.

Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Tokisaka are allies, and they will cooperate with each other in this war.

They had already made a plan for cooperation, but unfortunately they were disrupted by the sudden appearance of Yagyu.

Kotomine Kirei came here this time to discuss the next battle plan with Tokiomi Tosaka.

The King of Heroes looked at Kotomine Kirei with a numb expression, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Damn Tosaka Tokiomi, can you tell me what to do with this king? The other side.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked gloomily at the information in his hand and planned his next move.

Artoria sat on the side with a displeased face, and she did not get along well with her master Emiya Kiritsugu.

Fortunately, Emiya Kiritsugu has a good wife and is deeply favored by King Arthur.

After Emiya Kiritsugu sent his wife, Lord Arthur forgave him a lot.

At this time, King Arthur was sitting beside Emiya Kiritsugu's wife, a pure lily, ,, waiting to bloom.


"That human is too strong, let's join forces to knock him out."

"Otherwise, the result of this Holy Grail War will be the elimination of all Heroic Spirits."

Emiya Kiritsugu pondered for a moment, and decided that the others would join forces to eliminate Yagyu.

"Tohsaka Tokiomi? I need to talk to him!"

Emiya Kiritsugu muttered to himself and quickly made up his mind

Matou family.

Liu Sheng used his knowledge and domineering arrogance to monitor the entire Fuyuki City, and all the movements of the Master and Heroic Spirit could not be concealed from him.

After noticing the opponent's actions, a mocking smile appeared on Liu Yu's face.


"Aren't you going to eliminate the other fighters?"

"You didn't succeed at first sight!"

"The cow is blown up"

Tohsaka Rin came to Yanagyu and said triumphantly.

"You don't know anything about my power, big girl."

"If I want, I can end the Holy Grail War now."

"But in this way, those who participated in the war will be sad."

"They'll be very unwilling, it's not good."

"They will think that their failure is just bad luck, and they will not surrender to me willingly."

"They don't know how weak they are until they try."

"Only let them know their weakness, they will kneel in front of me willingly."

Liu Yu said casually, in a casual tone.

"kneel down"

Tohsaka Rin frowned and stared at Liu Sheng, "What the hell are you doing, pervert?"

Liu Sheng said dissatisfiedly: "I solemnly declare that I am not a pervert.

Lao Tzu is a white beard, not Qiuyue Xiaosan!"

"I want Artoria to be my daughter, absolutely without any selfishness, purely because of the integrity of the Dumb Hair King."

Tohsaka Rin snorted twice, giving Yanagyu a big white eye.

Liu Sheng curled his lips and said, "I'm too lazy to tell you all this nonsense, help me contact your mother."

Tohsaka Rin instantly frowned and glared at Liu Sheng: "You are not allowed to hit your mother's idea!"

Liu Sheng was speechless: "What do you think? I mean, I have something important to tell her."

Tohsaka Rin snorted coldly: "If you have anything important to tell me, I will tell your mother for you."

Liu Sheng said helplessly: "Okay! I have a special ability that can monitor the entire Fuyuki City."

"Your father wants to team up with other masters to deal with me, but he takes it for granted."

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