"Indra is the eldest son of the Six Dao Immortals, that is, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan."

"And Asura is the second son of the Six Dao Immortals, and the ancestor of our Thousand Hands and Vortex Clan."

Senjutoma shrugged.

"That is to say, to combine the bloodlines of the Uchiha clan, the Senju clan, and the Uzumaki clan."

"Then you will have the opportunity to awaken the eye of reincarnation?"

Senjuma's eyes lit up, and he looked at Senjutoma in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were raised.


"Second uncle, the look in my eyes is strange."

Senjutoma swallowed his saliva and said weakly.

"Toma, I will wronged you and marry a woman of the Uchiha clan as a daughter-in-law."

"You have the bloodline of the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan in you."

"If you combine the women of the Uchiha clan, the children born will have the bloodlines of the three major ethnic groups."

"Three in one, which is equal to the bloodline of the six immortals you said."

"Even if it is a little sparse, it is infinitely close."

"It is not impossible to awaken the eye of reincarnation."

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he couldn't help but think in his heart.

"Let me marry a woman from the Uchiha clan?"

"Second uncle, you don't have a fever, do you?"

"Are we still at war with the Uchiha clan?"

"How do I marry?"

Senjutoma couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's simple."

"Peace, isn't it?"

Senju smiled slightly.


"Second Uncle, is peace so simple?"

"How do you feel like you're going to sell me?"

Senjuto smiled awkwardly.


"I heard that the women of the Uchiha clan are each beautiful."

"And gentle and virtuous, in stark contrast to the men of the Uchiha clan."

"One overbearing, one gentle."

"So the women of the Uchiha clan are still good."

"As for peace, I believe that with the three of us, peace is still very simple."

Senju laughed.

"Seems to make some sense?"

"Second uncle, this is not impossible."

"But Second Uncle, you have to teach me all the ninjutsu at the bottom of your box."

"Especially I see that you have recently cultivated to the Flying Thunder God, and I am very interested."

Senju Toma nodded and looked at Senju and smiled.

"No problem."

"It was meant to be handed over to you."

"But it's not yet mature, and we need to improve a lot."

"By the way, the second method you said to resurrect people, how to resurrect people?"

Senju chuckled, suddenly remembering that Senju said that there were two methods, but now he could only say one.

"The second method is the soul."

"When a person dies, the soul does not disappear and does not die."

"But the flesh dies."

"We just need to cultivate a new physical body that is summoning the souls of the dead."

"Let his soul enter a new body and he will be able to be resurrected."

Senjutoma nodded and expressed his opinion.

"Cultivate a new physical body?"

Senjuma's eyes lit up, and he looked at Senjutoma, and his heart was shocked.

"Genius, Toma, you really are a genius."

"Even the second uncle didn't think of it, you actually thought of it first."


"Why didn't I have a walk?"

Qianshou laughed, already having a general direction in his heart.

Originally, there was only one research direction between the thousand hands, but it entered a dead end.

Now that Senju Toma told Senju Kusuma, he naturally knew very well in his heart what he needed to do next.

I have been able to summon a soul, and the next step is to cultivate a new body.

The rebirth of the filthy soil between a thousand hands is to use a living person as a sacrifice, but what if the cultivated flesh is used as a sacrifice?

Then the summoned soul enters the new body, so that it can be perfectly resurrected.

In a sense, this is the true resurrection.

"Hehe, that's, don't look at whose nephew it is?"

"As long as you can study it, then everyone who died in battle can resurrect it."

"It means that the people on our side will never die."

"How good is that?"

Senjutoma said with a smile.

"Life and death are fate, this is the law of the world, and it cannot be violated."

"It's already very rare to be able to resurrect a few people once in a while."

"If you die and come back to life, then no matter how big the world is, it can't accommodate so many people."

"Second uncle only wants to resurrect your second aunt and Xingchen, as well as your third uncle and fourth uncle."

"The rest of them, I will not change their fate."

"I just want them to live a happy life, and when this life is over, we will still meet again underground."

Qianshou frowned and shook his head.

Resurrecting people, often resurrecting is certainly not enough, but resurrecting one's own lover and loved ones, it is still possible.

After all, his brother and son, as well as his daughter-in-law, are still so young, it is still okay for them to live for decades longer.

But for the dead to be resurrected all over the world, then the world is out of order.

He will not leave such an ability, as long as it is researched and used, it will be destroyed and brought into the coffin forever.

"Second uncle, is this life and death underestimated?"

"If I miss you a hundred years later, I won't be able to resurrect you?"

Senjutoma couldn't laugh or cry.

"Human life and death cannot be controlled by oneself."

"As for the resurrection, let's talk about it then!"

"Maybe you don't want to die then?"

"Besides, I can't even do the resurrection now, what do you want to do so much?"

"Okay, the second uncle will go to research first."

Senju smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and touched Senjutoma's head.

"Then the second uncle doesn't object to uniting with the Uchiha clan?"

Senjutoma grinned.

"The Uchiha clan is not good, you and your father have an idea?"

Thousand hands hugged his chest and frowned.

To this day, he still does not believe that the people of the Uchiha clan will unite with their Senju clan.

After all, the people of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have been holding grudges for thousands of years, and it is not at all overnight, and they can be united in a few words.

"Second uncle, the Uchiha clan is also a love family, they love their brothers and sisters."

"No less than the love of our Thousand Hands clan."

"So, I think Dad is right."

"There is no point in us fighting, it will only cause more deaths."

Senjutoma shook his head.

"Tomama, you are still young and too naïve."

"Back then, the second uncle and your father were also this dream."

"But in the end?"

"We failed, and we lost completely."

"Your third and fourth uncles were sacrificed in the end."

Thousand hands clenched, thinking of his third and fourth brothers, his heart was full of anger.

"Second Uncle, no one is born evil."

"Back then, didn't Uchiha also want peace in the ninja world?"

"It's just that none of them have anyone to stop the fight from continuing, otherwise, it wouldn't be so much trouble at all."

"If Dad and Uchiha had the strength they have now, would Grandpa and Uchiha's father still be able to despise the two of them?"

"No, no, they will be afraid of Dad and Uchiha because Uchiha and Dad have surpassed Grandpa's generation."

"Everything is due to its own lack of strength, and only strong forces can stop those who try to start a war."

"Now Dad is already the patriarch of the Thousand Hands clan, and he can influence the fate of the Thousand Hands clan."

"And the same is true of Uchiha, who can influence the fate of the Uchiha clan."

"As long as Dad and Uchiha have the same dream, then the world will be peaceful, and we will usher in the peaceful world we dreamed of."

Senjutoma shook his head.

"Tomama, you don't know."

"In fact, the Uchiha clan is inherently an evil race."

"We Senju people like peace, so we have great strength and motivation to learn ninjutsu and protect our companions."

"The Uchiha family, on the other hand, value their own strength too much, but they know better what love is."

"Their love is different from our peace-loving love, and their love is to love their loved ones deeply."

"Their Uchiha family loves their loved ones more than anything else."

"Once they understand what love is, they have unlimited power."

"For example, Uchiha Madara learned love, he loved his younger brother, and all his younger brothers, except Uchiha Senna, died."

"When Uchiha's love disappears, it's easy to lose control and run away."

"They will form a special special power in their minds, which can also be called hatred."

"Because of love and hate, it eventually stimulated their chakra eyes to evolve."

"The Sharingan should be called, the eye of the soul, the Sharingan of their awakening, which awakens because of love."

"Uchiha is awakening this kaleidoscope chakra eye, the horror of this kaleidoscope chakra eye, you have also seen, except for your father, it is difficult to suppress it."

"Even the second uncle can only rely on speed to dodge Susano's attack."

"Once he awakens the Wanhua Sharingan, it means that his hatred has reached the extreme, and he will release a powerful force."

"The more powerful the Sharingan, the stronger the people of the Uchiha clan correspondingly."

"The current Uchiha spot is not the previous Uchiha spot."

"So, you won't succeed."

"However, I can give you a chance."

"As long as Uchiha is really willing to cooperate with our Senju clan, I will not object."

"But only if you can do it."

Qianshou's face was solemn, and he explained slowly.

"Hey, hey...!"

"This point, the second uncle rest assured."

"However, Second Uncle, you can't kill Uchiha Senna."

"Otherwise, Uchiha really doesn't care."

"The only concern of Uchiha is Uchiha Senna."

"The next battle, it's up to me."

"Uchiha Senna can't die, and Dad will definitely squash Uchiha Madara."

"At that time, the Uchiha clan will be defeated, and we will win, and they will only choose to make peace with us."

"Second uncle, you also know that after a long time in peacetime, it will wear down the spirit of fighting."

"At that time, they will not be willing to go back to the old days."

Senjuto laughed, feeling that this time it would definitely succeed.

After all, Uchiha actually wants peace in the ninja world, and it was because he was defeated by Senjukuma that he finally had Konoha.

The establishment of Konoha can be said to be very difficult, and after several twists and turns, it was finally ended by the Thousand Hand Pillars.

And this time, Senju Toma intervened in it himself, as long as Uchiha Senna did not die, then no one in the whole world dared to move.

The combination of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan will allow the two people to subdue the entire world.

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