"After everyone has the Nine-Tailed Chakra, they can help you recover the Chakra more or less, and increase your combat effectiveness, and the Chakra in your body will become larger and larger."

Uzumaki Mito smiled and disappeared in place, quickly flying over the battlefield, and every time he touched a ninja, a nine-tailed chakra cloak appeared on them.

"What kind of power is this, such a powerful force?"

"Is this the power of the Nine Tails? Unexpectedly, the power of the Nine Tails could be transmitted, and just such a little power made me feel vast, and my power in front of it was not worth mentioning at all.

"I now feel that my whole body is full of strength, and the original damage is slowly repairing, and the Chakra in my body is also expanding."

"This feeling gives me the illusion of being invincible, this is the nine-tailed chakra? Even just a little bit of the Nine-Tailed Chakra can have such a powerful power. "

All the ninjas who have been taught the Nine-Tailed Chakra feel an incomparably powerful force emerging from their bodies, making them feel shocked and deeply afraid in their hearts.

If such a force dealt with their former village, they would have been destroyed in an instant, but fortunately Konoha did not do this, otherwise, their village would have ceased to exist long ago.


At the same time, in addition to the Thousand Hand Pillar, the other four second-generation shadows also rushed to the battlefield.

The power of Uzumaki Mito's doppelgangers is limited, and there are still some difficulties in dividing so many doppelgangers, and there are still some difficulties to fight against the hundreds of strong people above the elder level that all the coalition forces face, as well as other strong people.

Therefore, the four second-generation shadows went online one after another and began to rush to the battlefield to command a force each.

The situation on the battlefield was terrible, with countless deaths and injuries, and rivers of blood.

But it was also this war that united everyone in their respective Shinobi villages.

And there are bonds between them, and only the world that has bonds can bring them to peace, and all people can have this special bond.

If you want peace in the entire ninja world, you must connect everyone's hearts, otherwise if someone breaks away from the whole, a new war will result.

Now the hearts of all of them have been connected, and their only thought is to defeat the Otsuki clan and return them to the ninja world, and all ninjas are fighting for peace.


"You boy, I haven't had enough fun yet?"

"You took me away, really."

"Anyway, when the time comes, it can be resurrected, what's the hurry, now let me kill more, let them feel fear."

Uchiha looked at the Senjuto in front of him and pouted, if he hadn't stopped it just now, then he would have been able to destroy most of these people at least, and when the time came, it would have really made them feel afraid.

But I didn't expect that such a wonderful scene was directly stopped by Senjutoma.

Otherwise, it will definitely take away the lives of a large number of ninjas, anyway, they can all be resurrected, and if they die, they will die, so that they can experience a feeling of fear in advance, which is what he really wants.

"Uncle Ban, I can't stop you!"

"If I don't stop you, my mother will arrive!"

"I just made a move because I felt my mother's breath, otherwise, I wouldn't care about you!"

"Just now I felt my mother's breath, if she goes to the battlefield and fights you, what will you do?"

"Do you still have mercy on your subordinates? If you want to go all out, then my mother is not going to be arrested by you?

"At that time, if my mother is caught, my father is not going to make a move, and now is not the time for him to make a move."

"It must make the entire ninja world feel fear, and now Dad is able to stay in the headquarters because there are still the clansmen of our so-called Otsuki clan behind him."

"If my mother is really caught, he will play, and at that time, won't our goal be perfectly achieved?"

"It's true that there aren't that many people killed now, but it's enough."

"The fear in their hearts is already incomparably great, and the desire for peace in their hearts will become stronger and stronger."

"Only the longer the battle line drags on, the longer the entire ninja world can be feared."

"Wouldn't it be faceless to simply let them end the war."

"We have been planning for so long, naturally we can't let them defeat and achieve victory so quickly."

"As long as Dad doesn't make a move, with these people, it is impossible to defeat us."

"Therefore, we need to put a long line to catch big fish, and we can't move our mother."

"After all, mom is very important to dad."

"If the old mother is caught, then he will definitely not be able to contain the anger in his heart and go directly to the battlefield, and at that time, you will show your stuffing!"

"Now the only way we can do it is to keep Dad still."

"And the seven big tubes behind him are the people he finally wants to deal with."

"It is precisely in this way that I can always hold on to my father's heart."

"Although he was very impatient, he still didn't make a move."

The Thousand Hands Pillar shook his head, it was because of the seven unwarranted people of the Taitumu clan that they kept the Thousand Hands Pillar still moving.

Otherwise, the Thousand Hand Pillar would have been unable to resist his own nature and wanted to make a move.

At that time, Uchiha Madara will definitely be forced to exert his full strength, so that the Senjuju Pillar in front of him will know that he is actually a fake dirt reincarnation.

If this is the case, the lie will not be broken, and the plan will not be able to proceed.

They had to keep the Senju pillar still, and then they would make all the ninjas in the entire ninja world feel fear.

Only in this way can peace truly be achieved.

If the war just started, and the result was solved in one day, then they are afraid of a fart?

They must be made to feel deep fear, and they must be kept in this state of fear for a long time, so that they can truly transfer their hatred to the Otsuki people.

In the end, Senju Toma was able to truly rule the entire ninja world and let the ninja world develop rapidly.

"Oh, it's boring."

"I finally came out, and I was still afraid to fight, I really don't know what to do."

"It's still comfortable to fight with your dad, fist to the flesh."

"Oh, it's a pity, I really want to give your dad another time."

Uchiha lay on the beach and looked at Senjutoma, shook his head, and sighed.

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