"All Earth Ninjas, immediately launch Earth Ninjutsu - Earth Movement Core."

"Be sure to reduce the speed of this meteorite falling, as well as the power, take advantage of the current time, everyone can run as far as possible, away from this attack range, you must run away and escape."

Onoki swallowed, his pupils shrunk, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Uchiha spot, this is simply not a person, such a huge meteorite, even he can't compete with it, he can only let all earth ninjas see if they can use the ground core, so that the speed of this meteorite's fall can be eased.

At least leave a glimmer of hope for those who are united with ninjas, and never let everyone be wiped out here, even if it is only to weaken the power of some meteorites to fall.

"Tudun - Earth Kinetic Nucleus."

Onoki immediately summoned all the earth ninjas, and all of them released the earth core together to form an incomparably huge earth core.


One after another incomparably huge rocks rose up into the sky and rushed directly towards the meteorite, as long as it can resist the meteorite for a period of time, it can block the power of the meteorite and buy everyone time to leave.

Seeing huge rocks rising into the air, Onoki flew directly into the sky.

Now he also wants to see if he has the ability to catch this meteorite directly.

If it doesn't work, then his own ninja alliance is really finished.

"Look, what does Onoki-sama want to do."

"Now Onoki-sama is buying time for us, we must leave everyone as soon as possible and hurry up."

"Quick, let's go!"

For a moment, the remaining more than 20,000 ninjas fled madly, trying to avoid the meteorite's attack range.

"Tudun - the art of super light and heavy rock."

Onoki rushed straight up, he just wanted to buy time for the ninja coalition army to escape, and the chakra wind in his body gushed out, wanting to make this meteorite lighter and then stabilize it in the air.


Onoki roared up to the sky, and the chakra all over his body gushed out madly, wanting to make the entire meteorite lighter.

But this rough stone is too large, and the chakra in the body is simply not enough, and it can only barely make this meteorite slightly lighter and slow down its decline rate.

"Damn, the gap is too big, this meteorite is too big, I can't catch it at all."

"The rocks of this earth can't last long."

Onoki could only watch this meteorite slowly land towards the ground, and he had already reduced its weight a lot, but there was still no way to make it stagnate in mid-air.

Coupled with the ground core of countless ninjas, they were barely able to resist.

"Is it blocked?"

"No, run, don't you see? Those rocks have already begun to crack, run.

"Onoki-sama bought us time, we have to get out of here, run!"

All the ninjas saw that the meteorite seemed to descend more and more slowly, and finally seemed to stop, and some of them breathed a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground.

In the face of Uchiha, they really had too much fear, and the moment just now simply scared them stupid.

But when someone saw that the ground core supporting the meteorite had begun to appear slightly, the crack was obvious, it would not last long at all, they had to leave here, and the heart that had just been put down, their hearts were filled with fear again.

Many people quickly stood up and ran towards the distance.

"Onoki? You kid is a little capable, but your chakra is too few to support at all.

"Since you barely blocked the first one, then I'll let you do it again!"

"Buy one get one free, in pairs."


Uchiha sneered, snapped his right hand, and a huge meteorite with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters appeared in the air again, rushing down.

"It's not good, what if there is another one?"

"We lost, this is not a dimensional power at all, how can we possibly win against Uchiha?"

"Just now, one has already consumed all of our energy, now another one, who can stop it?"

"If you don't run, there is no hope of running at all, is it necessary to leave?"

"Let's fight! Maybe we can get out of here alive, this meteorite is too huge, even if we run out, we can't resist the powerful aftermath. "

After everyone saw the second meteorite, their hearts were desperate, they simply could not fight against such a powerful Uchiha spot.


And Onoki was miserable, his head was directly on top of the meteorite, the second meteorite landed, and the powerful pressure almost crushed his head, making him extremely painful, and roared up to the sky.

"Mu Dun - Birth of the Tree Realm."

At this moment, a voice appeared in everyone's minds like a savior, and this was the only hope they saw.


In an instant, within a radius of tens of miles, countless small saplings rose up into the sky, turning into towering trees, directly inserted into the meteorite, and shattered it.

"It's Lord Tomama who is here."

"Lord Toma is coming, and we are saved."

"Long live Toma-sama, long live Toma-sama...!"

A group of ninjas were excited to see Senjutoma coming, shouting loudly, they were saved.

The huge wooden tree was directly inserted into the meteorite in the meteorite, and instantly turned into countless stones and fell from the sky.


And countless wooden vines rose up into the sky, directly entwined on the trees, forming one huge tree net after another, directly weaving the entire sky densely and blocking countless meteorite fragments.


Then countless wooden vines, like tentacles, threw one meteorite fragment after another to attack, and with a flick of their hands, it was several miles away, protecting everyone from being injured by meteorite fragments.

"I really didn't expect that, Toma, it was you who came to fight me."

When Uchiha saw Senjutoma, he was slightly stunned, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Uncle Ban, this battle is very dangerous, I have to come."

"Then you will fight with me!"

"Heaven no Gochu."

Senjutoma looked at Uchiha and directly opened the eye of reincarnation, bringing Uchiha Madara into the heavenly royal palace - the world of sand.

"Lord Tomama also opened the eye of reincarnation? And directly took Uchiha away.

"This should belong to a spatial ability, and the reincarnation eye awakened by Lord Toma should include the spatial ability, and directly took Uchiha away."

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