"Magnetic escape?"

"It's a good ability, it can control these sand iron, and in the yellow sand, there are indeed countless irons."

"It's a good ability, but even my defenses can't be broken."

Uchiha smiled slightly, Susano's other two hands also condensed two huge katanas, four katanas flying wildly at the same time, extremely powerful, each knife, can take away dozens and hundreds of ninjas.

"Good ability?"


"Then give it to me!"

The man smiled slightly, directly integrated the iron sand into the ground, appeared at the feet of Uchiha, and dragged it out.


Uchiha looked confused, he didn't expect that his Susanoo could still be cracked like this?

He was directly dragged out of Susanoo, and this was the first time that something like this had happened.

"Dust Escape - The Art of Origin Stripping."

At this time, Onoki had already been condensing the dust, and when he saw that Uchiha was dragged out, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he directly released the dust and rushed towards Uchiha spot.

"It's really good, I didn't expect that you guys had just known each other for a long time, and you could actually unite together and have such a good match."

"This method is really good."

"Unfortunately, all ninjutsu has no effect in my eyes."

Uchiha smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand and directly touched the dust, and the chakra in the dust was instantly inhaled by it.

"What? What the? This? How is this possible?

"My dust? It was actually absorbed by him, what kind of ability is this? "

The eye of reincarnation is even able to absorb other people's ninjutsu? Absorb someone else's chakra?

Onoki was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that this Uchiha spot's reincarnation eye could actually absorb other people's ninjutsu and chakra, which made him feel incredible, how can this fucking fight it?

His own ninjutsu, Uchiha can absorb it, so what is the effect of fighting it yourself?

Is it just empty Chakra? Can't it make the slightest impact on him?

"How is that possible?"

Everyone around him was full of doubts, but he didn't expect that this eye of reincarnation could still absorb other people's ninjutsu, which made him feel incredible.

"Even Lord Onoki can absorb the dust, this Uchiha spot, how can we resist? Didn't all ninjutsu have the slightest effect on him?

"Just now, he actually absorbed it directly, you know, this is a blood succession elimination?"

"How is that possible? How can we fight such an enemy?

"If we knew it from the beginning, would it be necessary for us to fight such people?"

The invincibility of Uchiha spot, the strength of Uchiha spot, and even a hard move to escape, there is no harm.

This is simply a fatal blow to the entire Ninja Alliance.

Their eyes are full of fear, and they have even begun to despair, and want to give up resistance.

They knew that they could not be Uchiha's opponent at all, so why did they continue to resist?

"Everyone, we said that we must not give up, and if Uchiha can absorb ninjutsu and absorb Chakra, there must be a limit."

"It is impossible to absorb without limit, otherwise, he would not be able to directly cast Susanoo to resist your ninjutsu attack."

"If he can absorb all the ninjutsu of the ninja, then why didn't he directly absorb all of your chakra?"

"Everyone, cheer up, are you going to give up your lives in vain? And

"so many comrades have lost their lives just now, all because they want to protect their families and friends, as well as the entire ninja world."

"Everyone don't give up, we have to find some way to do what we can."

"Maybe we can still have a chance, if you give up, then there really is no chance."

Onoki was shocked in his heart, looking at Uchiha in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes.

His most powerful dust escape was actually swallowed by Uchiha at will.

This is simply something that has never happened before, originally they fought against Uchiha Ban, and Uchiha Madara, either carried it hard or directly dodged it.

But this time, he actually absorbed the dust directly, which was unimaginable.


"Do you feel desperate?"

"Don't be anxious, there will be more desperate things for you later."

Uchiha laughed maniacally, looking at the fearful eyes of everyone in front of him, satisfied, his purpose was finally achieved.

However, next, it is necessary to make them step by step and feel real fear.

As soon as Uchiha finished speaking, he disappeared in place, and the whole person soared into the air, suspended above the sky.

"Uchiha spot, Uchiha spot also flies, yes, he can even fly?"

"In the entire ninja world, there are not many ninjas who can fly, except for the first and second generations of Iwahide Village, and Lord Onoki, only Naruto-sama who awakens the eye of reincarnation remains."

"I really didn't expect that he still has such ability, I have a bad premonition."

Everyone watched Uchiha slowly rise into the air, and their hearts were shocked.

After all, there are not many ninjas who can fly in the entire ninja world, unless they use psychic beasts and some use ninjutsu, and there are not many people who can really fly freely above the sky.

"So what exactly is he trying to do when he takes to the sky?"

"I don't know, he just said that he wants us to feel fear, what is the so-called fear."

"I heard that when the Five Kages met before, the original Hokage-sama released a Heavenly Star, which was very powerful, and it also soared into the air, and finally was able to suck the entire ground into the air."

"I also heard that it is said that the Six Dao Immortals used this ninjutsu to create the current moon, could it be that Uchiha also wanted to use the Earth Explosion Celestial Star?"

Suddenly, all the ninjas began to panic, and they had heard several of their second-generation shadows say such things.

This is simply the power of God, and the six immortals back then, but with this ninjutsu, they directly created a moon, this moon is a planet, casually can be made, this is simply not a person.

"Does he want to use the Earth Explosion Star?"

"What to do? If you put the Earth Explosion Star here, everyone will be sucked into the Earth Explosion Star and directly sealed.

"Even directly crushed to death by the powerful boulder pressure."

"What should I do?"

Onoki was horrified and didn't know what he should do next.

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