For a moment, nearly 30,000 troops frantically rushed towards Uchiha, and they had to fight to the end for the last glimmer of hope.


"That's right, that's why I find it interesting that you guys have to fight like this?"

"If all of you think I'm invincible, then why are you fighting?"

"It's better to commit suicide directly, at least you dare to rush towards me, which shows that you have at least a little guts."

"At least it didn't make me Uchiha look down on you, although my body is not under my control, but your spirit, I still approve of it."

"Originally, I and Senjuju wanted to unify the ninja world, and then make the entire ninja world peaceful."

"Now seeing that the ninja world can be peaceful is also a fulfillment of one of my wishes, but my body is not controlled, so don't blame me."

Uchiha laughed wildly, looking at the ninja alliance in front of him, his eyes flashed with relief, at least his role was good this time, thirty thousand ninjas, originally all ninjas from all over the ninja world.

Not only the ninjas of the five major ninja villages, but also the ninjas of many small villages have joined them, which is a symbol of peace.

The peace of the ninja world that he cherished in his heart was finally achieved in his own hands.

This time, if you want them to truly achieve peace, these people will die when they die, anyway, they can resurrect them, and it doesn't matter if they die.



"Kill Uchiha."


Tens of thousands of ninjas rushed towards Zhiha, and the scene of a sea of people was simply terrifying, and it was unprecedented in the entire history.

"It's kind of interesting, hahaha...!"

Uchiha laughed loudly, and slowly walked towards tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops step by step, and then the speed of his steps suddenly increased, and the whole person rushed into the ninja army.





For a moment, as Uchiha rushed into the ninja army, dozens of people were instantly overturned, losing their vital signs, and killing with one hit.

Moreover, it is only a matter of a moment, the speed is so fast that it flies, even if it is just a physical skill, it can kill countless enemies who rush up in an instant, which shows that its strength is terrifying.

"Didn't you swear by each other just now?"

"Why is the strength so weak now? Are you coming?

"Let's go together, let me feel your passion!"

The rise of Uchiha Spot's momentary killing had killed hundreds of people in an instant, and looking at the people in front of him, disdain flashed in his eyes.

These people can kill them casually, and there is no need to use such physical skills to deal with them.

But no way, their plan is to make these people feel fear.

It is not to destroy them all, kill them one by one, so that they can really understand what horror is.

The waiting time for death is the most frightening thing.

If you kill him in an instant, you will die without waiting for them to feel it.

It seems to be nothing, anyway, they are already dead, and when they feel it, they are already going to hell, such a fear, too light.

And the Uchiha in front of him, just using physical skills alone, instantly killed hundreds of their ninja alliance troops.

But everyone in the Ninja Alliance still defended the undead and ran forward.

Although they defend immortality, the fear in their hearts is constantly superimposed.

After that, he made a few more big moves, and everyone could feel incomparable fear, even despair.


Countless Ku Wu rushed towards Uchiha Madara with many detonation charms tied to them.

"These things are simply useless to me."

Uchiha sneered, and directly and quickly grabbed those who were tied to the detonation charm, and threw them all out.

In an instant, countless detonation charms all returned to the same way.



For a moment, the sound of blasting sounded frequently, and countless ninjas were killed by their own detonation charms.

"Is that all you have to do with this strength?"

"Then don't blame me for being unkind."

Uchiha sneered, directly snatched the katana in the hands of the two ninjas, dancing fiercely, airtight, without the slightest flaw, and extremely fast, able to cut people in half in an instant.

For a moment, the wreckage was all over the ground, all the corpses of the ninja alliance, and the blood and blood converged, and the blood flowed like a river.


Many ninjas of the Kiki clan, holding katanas, and above the katana, reflecting the extremely dazzling Chakra, kept rushing towards Uchiha.

They exist as a combination of samurai and ninja, and they can be called swordsmanship, and there are few opponents in the ninja world.

Now that Uchiha is holding a katana to perform sword skills, they also want to go up and stop Uchiha Madara as well.


"Do you want to dance too?"

Uchiha stretched out his hand and directly grabbed a ninja of the Kiki clan by the neck and lifted it up, his eyes full of disdain.


At this moment, a green light shot directly towards Uchiha.


Uchiha frowned, and directly threw out the ninja of the Qimu clan that he was holding in his hand, smashing towards the green light.

However, that green light was able to turn a corner, past the ninja of the Kiki clan, and continued to shoot towards Uchiha.


"Sword Qi that moves at will?"

"It turned out to be you, Qimu Apocalypse."

"I said who can have such abilities, it turns out that an old friend came?"


Uchiha sneered and instantly disappeared in place, and the sword light did not hit him.


And on a small hill not far from Uchiha, it instantly became scattered and directly turned into dust, and the moment the knife touched the object, it could launch countless blades and directly cut them to pieces, which shows the strength of its blades.

If it hits a person instantly, then this person will instantly turn into a cloud of blood mist.

"Apocalypse, is that how you came to meet your old friend?"

Uchiha stretched out his hand and patted the armor on his body, and then glanced at the dust behind him, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Now, we are the enemy."

Before the person arrived, the voice arrived first, and the figure of the Qimu Tianqi flashed and appeared on the battlefield.

I saw that Qimu Tianqi had short hair with a white hedgehog head, and a small braid, wearing a Konoha Shinobi costume, and a short sword behind his back, about forty years old, his eyes were cold and his face was expressionless.

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