"Well, be careful, just in case."

Senjuju nodded.

"Chakra's consumption will not be too much, and it will not affect the overall battle."

Senjutoma shook his head and said, he didn't want Uchiha to enter the Heavenly Gochu World, after all, after this world entered, the two of them really fought?

Unless let Uchiha be arrogant for a while now, let him kill a little more, and at the most critical moment, come forward and fight him again.

Finally, after pulling Uchiha Madara into the Heavenly Gochu World, the two quietly watched the Ninja World battle.

"It's not impossible for you to say that, then you go and resist for a while first!"

"Try it first, if it doesn't work, then pull it into the world you've created."

"We must try to preserve our strength, and we must never let our Chakra consume too much, otherwise, it will be very unfavorable for us."

Senju Zhuma nodded, indeed as Senju Toma said, in case the person who released the rebirth of filthy soil, use psychic techniques.

Directly channeling Uchiha from that side of the world, then back and forth, Senjutoma may consume more.

After all, releasing pupil technique also requires the consumption of pupil power and chakra, and it is not something that can be used casually.

"I know Dad, then I will immediately send my doppelganger to see if I can resist Uncle Ban."

"In addition, you must also arrange for someone to find this spellcaster as soon as possible."

"Only by solving this spellcaster, and then disarming these filthy soil reincarnated bodies, can we truly save the battlefield."

"Otherwise, even if I catch Uncle Madara, it won't have any effect."

"After all, these filthy bodies of them, but they are immortal and cannot be destroyed, and they can be quickly resurrected after killing."

Senjutoma nodded, immediately separated a wooden doppelganger, and then disappeared in place.

Then, Senjutoma looked at Senju Pillar and asked him to send someone to find the caster.

"Well, I'll send someone to search and find out where the spellcaster is now."

"As long as you find it, you will definitely be able to dissolve this ninjutsu similar to the rebirth of dirt."

"Only by lifting it can we make the battlefield smoother."

The Thousand Hand Pillar nodded, his brows furrowed, and his heart was a little secretly anxious.

He must find this spellcaster as soon as possible, otherwise, the entire ninja world will fall into endless fear.


Senjutoma nodded, the corners of his mouth were raised, and a sly color flashed in his eyes.


"So? What is that? Uchiha spots? Isn't this Uchiha Madara Uchiha? How is it possible, hasn't he already been killed by the original Hokage-sama?

"My God, it's really Uchiha, the last time he sneaked up on our Mist Hidden Village, I clearly remember that it was him, how did he also come back to life, obviously he had been killed by the original Hokage-sama, didn't he die?"

"No, he is dead, you see, the marks on his face, this is obviously the rebirth of dirt."

"So, it seems that someone summoned Uchiha Madara out, no, you look at his eyes, how can his eyes be exactly the same as Naruto-sama?"

"That's right, his eyes? How can it be? His eyes turned out to be the eye of reincarnation, how could it be? Didn't he write chakra? Why do you suddenly have a pair of reincarnation eyes? "

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan seem to be descendants of the Six Dao Immortals, so if he awakens the eye of reincarnation, it is not impossible, after all, how he died, we don't know."

For a moment, the entire battlefield began to boil, after all, standing in front of them was the Ninja Realm Shura, a god-killing existence.

Originally, they came to their four great ninja villages, but they did all kinds of evil, and they didn't know how many people were killed and how many buildings were destroyed.

They didn't have any backhand to fight at all, and now they have awakened the eye of reincarnation, can anyone defeat him?

Everyone felt incredible.

According to the information they received, Uchiha was dead and killed by Senjukuma himself.

But now Uchiha spots appeared in front of their eyes, making everyone feel shocked, why is Uchiha here now?

It was discovered that it turned out that Uchiha had been 'reborn from the soil'.

And what he has in his eye sockets is the eye of reincarnation, not the eye of eternal kaleidoscope.

Originally, Uchiha Madara had the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, which was already a symbol of invincibility, and no one dared to make a second in front of him.

All the villages he invaded knew Uchiha's strength and saw his inexplicable fear.

Everyone was trembling all over, their backs were cold, and cold sweat had begun to break out on their foreheads, and they had never seen such a powerful person.

But now, such a powerful person has awakened an even more awesome eye - the eye of reincarnation.

In other words, the current Uchiha is countless times stronger than when he invaded their village before.

As for what extent, no one can know.

So on the entire battlefield, countless people began to panic, can such an enemy really be defeated?

"I really didn't expect it to be him, that is, he defeated my grandfather, when I saw him, I was full of fear, I didn't expect him to come back from the dead."

"Uchiha, is it really something I can defeat?"

"He has the same eyes as the original Hokage, when the original Hokage used the so-called Earth Explosion Star, and I was also present at that time, it was simply shocking, and it was not at all the combat power that a normal person can have."

"With the eye of reincarnation, it is like a god in the world, is such a person really something I can defeat?"

The leader of this team was no one else, but Onoki at the age of seventeen.

Onoki looked at Uchiha not far away, and fear flashed in his eyes.

Such a person is simply not something they can defeat, at that time he just had the Sharingan, and he was already so powerful, but in the face of Uchiha who now has the Eye of Reincarnation, Onoki didn't even have the slightest idea of resisting.

He felt that the Uchiha in front of him was invincible.

After all, at that time, his grandfather resisted with all his strength, but in front of Uchiha, he was like a weak chicken, he could hold it casually, and was forced to kneel and beg for mercy.

It can be seen from this how strong the strength of this Uchiha spot should be, when he saw the Uchiha spot with his own eyes, his whole body was trembling, his brows were locked, his forehead was already covered with dense sweat, and his back was cold, and his whole body seemed to have been soaked with fear.

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