However, even their chakra eyes have their own pupil technique, but what is the ability of this reincarnation eye?

They don't know.

Moreover, they can be summoned, which may mean that their eyes can control the soul of the deceased and can summon the deceased.

Then having more than 90% of the strength in front of him can be used for it, which is also a very powerful ability.

"What do you think we should do now?"

"Do we really want to kill ourselves?"

"Kill your own people?"

"I can't do this, but the body is not controlled at all, it's damn it."

The Thousand Hand Buddha frowned, and his heart was a little confused.

He wanted to kill his own people, which made him unable to do it, he loved his people, loved his family, and did not want to attack his own people at all. "

If you talk about making moves on other people, that's fine, and he never shows mercy to other people.

After all, as one of the most powerful families during the Warring States period, he naturally would not show mercy to those weak subordinates.

But if these people are his own people, he will be a little unable to get his hands off, as the patriarch of the family who has guarded the guardian clan for decades, now he wants to let him deal with his own people, he is very resistant in his heart.

"Do you think I want to deal with my own people?"

"There is no way, this pupil technique is not something we can crack at all."

"All we can do now may be to tell them about our weaknesses and let them kill us quickly."

"Otherwise, our people will also die because of this, this body, it seems to be a little strange, with an inexhaustible Chakra."

"Moreover, it seems that they will not die, that is, they will not kill us at all."

Uchiha Tajima frowned, he didn't want to make a move on his own people, but there was no way, now their bodies were not controlled at all, and they had no way to unlock the pupil technique of the eye of reincarnation.

"Now we can only take one step at a time, and we only hope that someone can kill us."

"Otherwise, we will attack our own people, which I, as the patriarch, have never done and will not do."

"You have to find a way to stop the body from moving."

Thousand hands Buddha, brows locked, if he wants to let himself make a move on his own people, he still can't do it, he can't get his hands off at all, even if he is dead.

But he has guarded his clansmen for decades, and now he wants to take action against his own people, he can't do it at all.

"I feel Izuna's breath, and Izuna's strength seems to have increased a lot, maybe Dena can stop us!"

"Hopefully, he can stop us, otherwise there will be many casualties."

"This is also what I don't want to see, the clan of the Uchiha clan can't die at my hands, if it's your Senju clan, I don't mind."

Uchiha Tajima shook his head and said coldly.

"Hmph, you said that."

"You didn't hear what he said, we are now united by the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

"And rule the entire ninja world, if you want to kill the clan of the Senju clan, I am afraid that the entire ninja world will not agree."

"Even your son, I'm afraid he doesn't agree, right?"

The Thousand Hand Buddha said coldly.

"I'm all dead, do you care if my son agrees or not?"

"Besides, before I die, your Thousand Hands clan was my enemy, what happened to me killing a few enemies?"

Uchiha Tajima smiled disdainfully, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and he was constantly thinking in his heart about how to lift himself from being controlled.


"No, a large number of ninjas are coming towards us, and their aura is very large, they actually have such a large Chakra?"

"How is that possible? How could there be so many powerful powerhouses? A

clan member of the Hyuga clan opened his eyes and saw that the Thousand Hands Buddha and the others who were several miles away quickly approached his side, and their hearts were shocked, revealing an unbelievable look.

You must know that these people he saw, Chakra is extremely huge, and all of them are at least elder-level, or even patriarch-level existences.

This is hundreds, who can withstand it?

"The bugs on my side have already felt it."

"Their strength is so strong that it makes my bugs feel fear."

"In that case, we must immediately convey the information to the headquarters, otherwise, once these hundreds of strong people enter the battlefield, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch them."

"We must devise a plan to intercept them and seal them before they reach the battlefield."

The clansmen of the Oil Lady clan frowned, and he felt that his insects were trembling, which showed how powerful these strong people should be.

He must quickly transmit this information back, once these strong people directly rush into the ninja army, I am afraid that countless middle and upper ninja will suffer, and even die.

They must be successfully intercepted and quickly sealed, once they appear in the ninja army, many people cannot exert their full strength, and they will be killed countless people in an instant and sacrificed in vain.

This is a great loss for their ninja army.


"What happened?"

Nara Lu frowned and said coldly.

"I just received news from the Transit Intelligence Department."

"There are hundreds of strong people who have reached the level of elders, or even patriarchs, heading towards the army of ninjas, and they are extremely fast and powerful, and many of them are even wearing the clothes of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

"Many family elders and patriarchs have appeared, and almost all the famous ninja families in the entire ninja world are among them."

"The number of people is as high as hundreds, and they are getting closer and closer to waiting for the army."

"There is news from the Transit Intelligence Department, and they want us to agree on a plan as soon as possible so that we can intercept it as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once these hundreds of strong people above the elder level rush into the ninja army, I am afraid that it will cause immeasurable damage."

The patriarch of the Yamanaka clan frowned, his brain was connected to an entire ninja army, and everyone's information and intelligence could be transmitted to the command through him, and the news could be transmitted to all the ninja army.

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