"Then I will also send someone back to let the people in the village prepare for reception, I hope that you ninjas, go to our Yunyin Village and don't make trouble."

"After all, it's the first time so many ninjas have gone to Yunyin Village."

The second-generation Thunder Shadow nodded, so many ninjas went to their Yunyin Village, if a duel occurred, it would be a very troublesome thing.

This is not a few people, but tens of thousands of ninjas from various villages gathered together, and if something happens, it will face a big battle in the entire village.

At that time, it may get out of hand, which is not a good thing for them.

"Well, all the villages should let the ninjas of their respective villages be divided in peace, and don't cause trouble in Yunyin Village."

"Now we are fighting against an external enemy, and all villages must unite, not fight internally."

"Otherwise, if the enemy has not been destroyed, we ourselves will fight first, which is simply a joke."

"In that case, let's disperse first!"

"Everyone immediately sent someone back and informed the ninja to start going."

The Thousand Hand Pillar nodded and looked at the four second-generation shadows in front of him and said.

Then the four second-generation shadows immediately sent someone back to inform the village, let all the people in the village be ready, and then went to Yunyin Village.

Immediately afterwards, the Senjukuma also sent a Konoha ninja to pick up the daimyo of the Fire Country and go to a safer place to hide.

He also instructed the other four shadows to send their own people to lead the daimyo of their respective villages to a safe area to hide, and they also set up multiple secret places in case.

Because of the urgency of time, Senju directly carried a Flying Thunder God special kunai on each of their ninjas.

Once you reach the safety zone, place the Flying Thunder God Ku Wu in all corners of the safety zone.

The same goes for the ninjas sent out to greet the daimyos, each of whom carries a Flying Thunder God special kunai in their hands.

Once they receive the daimyo, they will immediately use Chakra to stimulate the Flying Thunder God Kumu, and then Senjuma will be able to go immediately to greet the daimyo of various countries, place them in a safe area, and save them from rushing halfway, which is easy to be discovered by the enemy.

Directly using space ninjutsu is indeed the most convenient thing.

Not only that, but Senjukuma also notified the daimyo of each small country or each small ninja village, asking them to take refuge or join the ninja coalition army and start counterattacking.

For a moment, the entire ninja world was sensational, and all the ninjas in the entire ninja world began to gather towards the country of thunder, after all, it was more convenient for the country of thunder to fight on the seashore.


"Uncle Madara, now the Four Great Shinobi Villages have officially joined Konoha."

"In the future, there will be no other ninja village, only Konoha ninja village, and our purpose can be regarded as achieved."

"But now that the war has just begun, we must make them feel the pain and feel the bond of their friends in order to completely subdue them."

"Otherwise, there will be no real peace."

"Now the five great ninja villages have united all their forces to form a 150,000-strong ninja alliance."

"But I was prepared earlier, I have already prepared 100,000 Bai Jue."

"Since a big war has been arranged, it is naturally indispensable to play a role in Bai Jue."

"These whites can be fused into the body of any ninja and cannot be perceived."

"Unless you have the ability of the Nine Tails and can sense evil thoughts, no one can crack it at all."

"It's also a threat that allows all ninjas to try death and fear."

"It's also an experience for everyone to stop trusting the ninjas around them and let them fall into fear and the threat of death."

"After that, my mother's Nine Tails will play, then the other white will just be cannon fodder."

"The Nine Tails has the ability to perceive evil thoughts, and can clearly sense Bai Jue."

"After Bai Jue is eliminated, it is the real battle."

"My side will send the Otsuki clan on the moon to participate in the battle."

"The big tubular wood family on the moon has great power."

"And also has a powerful ability to control puppets, and their puppets will also participate in battle."

"Only by making everyone feel fear, pain, and despair can they truly like and fall in love with true peace."

Senjutoma found Uchiha and smiled.

All of this was just something they created for the sake of peace in the ninja world.

Because peace in the ninja world is the dream of his father and Uchiha, he wants to make the ninja world truly fall into peace.

The reason why he wants to use these useless ninjas and want to make these ninjas fall into peace is first of all because if these ninjas are always rebelling, it is a time-consuming and laborious thing for him.

He didn't have the energy to deal with the rebellion of these ninjas, and instead of that, it was better to plunge the entire ninja world into true peace.

The second is the Otsuki clan, I don't know how many clansmen there are, the number is extremely large, and the entire ninja world may not be able to compare with it.

If Senjutoma wants to fight against the Otsuki clan, he must unite the power of the entire ninja world to be able to barely match it.

Over the years, he has also developed the harmless eight doors of Dun Jia, which can be opened for a long time, just like in the world of fairy tales, opening up the two veins of Ren Du, no longer need to consume their own life force, but forcibly absorb the surrounding natural energy.

As long as you learn immortal arts, you can open the harmless eight-door dunjia, and this harmless eight-door dunjia is simply the biggest benefit for the entire ninja world.

They don't have the bloodline of the Datumu clan, and if everyone can learn immortal arts to open the harmless eight doors of dunjia, then at least they can match a newcomer-like existence of the Six Realms.

Have you ever wondered how powerful the Infinite Eight Gate Dun Jia is for a six-level person?

This is also why Senjutoma wants to use the ninjas of the entire ninja world to make them fall into peace, just so that all of them can learn immortal arts, and open the harmless eight-door dunjia, and they can barely fight against those ordinary members of the big tube.

Relying on the Senju clan, the Uzumaki clan, the Hyuga clan, the Uchiha clan and others alone, the number of people is simply not enough.

A few races of them, and all the clansmen added up to only 100,000 people.

And the data of these 100,000 people is still added to a lot of ordinary people who cannot condense Chakra.

These ordinary clansmen have also recently taken a lot of bloodline elixirs from the Thousand Hands Household, so that they can finally have Chakra and start cultivating.

But these people are far from enough.

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