But if they

dare to hurt their brothers and families, even if they die, they will be peeled off.

"Well, then I won't talk about it."

"Ban Shu goodbye, then I'll go first, see you next time."

The corners of Senjutoma's mouth lifted, chuckled, and disappeared in place.

"This kid."

Uchiha smiled and shook his head.

"Between the pillars, our battle has just begun."

Uchiha clenched his fists and raised the corners of his mouth.



"How did you think about it last night? What results do you think of today?

"Time is running out for you, we have already issued an order that as long as you do not agree to sign a merger treaty today, we in Konoha will launch an attack on your four great ninja villages."

"There is not much time left for you, and there is not much time for you to think about it."

"So I hope you can make a decision quickly, and we can make a decision here."

"Again, we in Konoha will never go to any challenge."

"It is you who should be afraid, so you must also think clearly, whether you want the tailed beast or the existence of your village alive."

"I will do what I say, as long as you agree to sign a peace treaty, I can send you back to the village immediately."

"If you don't agree, insist on the tailed beast, or insist on attacking our Konoha village."

"Then you will face absolute retaliation from our Konoha, and it will be very heavy, I hope you are prepared."

Senjutoma sat at the negotiating table and looked at the first shadow of the four ninja villages in front of him and said coldly.

"Your Excellency, we also discussed it last night, and in the end we still firmly decided on our choice, we want the tailed beast."

"If you don't give us the mantissa, then you can do anything to us."

"Of course, this also includes imprisoning us or directly killing us."

"But our village will definitely not give up attacking Konoha."

"Our four great ninja villages will never compromise, now that we have lost everything, we don't care about losing our lives, what do you think?"

"Although it is said that people are swordsmen and I am fish, but now it is peace talks."

"And it's the peace talks organized by your own Konoha, which is naturally a bargaining chip for us."

"I believe you don't want to start a war either, for us, war deaths are normal, but for you war deaths are not."

"Although your strength is strong, can you withstand the assassination, or can the rest of you withstand the assassination?"

"If you are still firm, then you will directly kill us here, I believe that all the ninjas in our four major ninja villages will take crazy revenge on Konoha."

"Unless all of you Konoha ninjas have such great strength as you, I believe that there will be no surprise in ten or dozens of people."

"For us, life and death have long been put aside."

"Without the conditions for survival, we in Shayin Village don't know how long we can survive, and there may be more people below."

"After all, our Sand Ninja Village does not have so many abundant resources, no matter who it is, food is very scarce."

"So for us, for every day of delay, maybe ten or even hundreds of people will die directly in their sleep."

"So we have to get what we deserve, otherwise we won't give up."

Liedou said coldly, until now, there is still no compromise.


Every time a thousand hands think of it, the original wind shadow is actually so rigid and so arrogant.

It seems that he has eaten a thousand hands and households, and he directly wants to not relax.

"Our idea is also the same as the original Kazekage, as long as you Konoha are willing to give us the tailed beast, we will sign a peace treaty immediately."

"Otherwise, we would rather die than sign this contract, which is a shame for us, but an honor for Konoha."

"So we have to use this beast to cover up our shame."

"Maybe to you Konoha, our four great ninja villages are not worth mentioning, but the four first generations of our four great ninja are also the leaders of every ninja village, and we must have a strong leader for the management of the ninja village."

"As leaders, we naturally can't be disgraced outside again and again."

"If you don't agree, I have the same idea as the original Wind Shadow."

"You will either kill or we will agree to divide the tailed beast among us, and there is no other choice."

Ishikawa said coldly, and his attitude was also very tough.

"Maybe I said too much before, maybe I was too polite to you, so that you have now forgotten your own situation."

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with what you just said, there are indeed many ninjas in our village who do not have such great strength as us."

"But don't forget that before the ninja of your village carry out the assassination, I can level your village first, don't think I can't do it, it's hard for you to negatively affect a village."

"But for me, it's a simple thing."

"All the ninjas in your entire village, including all the inhabitants, will be mercilessly killed."

"Next, I will show you what is man, what is God, and how big the gap is."

Senjutoma sneered and waved his right hand.


Suddenly, everyone inexplicably appeared in a world of ice and snow.

That's right, Senjutoma directly used the ability of Tenno-Gochu and directly dragged everyone into the ice and snow world.

"This? What is this place?

"Weren't we in Konoha just now?" How could it suddenly appear here in the ice and snow, I have never seen such a world.

"Is this a spatial capability?" It actually brought us here.

Bai Lian's heart was shocked, every time she thought that she was inexplicably brought to such a world.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, this is also a spatial ability."

"It's a world of my own making."

The corners of Senjutoma's mouth rose and sneered.

"Hahaha, it's a joke."

"You actually say that you created this world yourself?"

"If you say you have a little spatial ability and bring us to this place, we can still be trusted."

"You want to say that you created the world? This is simply a fantasy.

"What do you really think of yourself? How can anyone in this world create the world apart from God?

Liedou pouted.

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