Hokage Building.

"It's all done."

"The original Water Shadow of Wuyin Village has already rushed towards this side."

Senjukuma looked at Senjuju and said.

"I can do the same, the original Tokage has already rushed towards Konoha."

"Write it down and see if the negotiations go smoothly."

Senjutoma pouted.

"Hard work."

"Together, arrange for four shadows to stay."

"Hold the Five Shadows talks tomorrow."

"This time, we are using force just to fight for peace."

Senjuju nodded, looked at Senjujuma and ordered.

"Got it, I'll arrange it."

Senju nodded and disappeared in place.

"What for? What does this look like?

"Think your dad and I did something wrong?"

Senjuju glanced at Senjutoma and smiled slightly.

"You have your thoughts, I have mine."

"The ideas of two people must be different."

"Just think it's right."

Senju was spread out in the household.

"Tomama, you said it too."

"Your thoughts and mine's are different."

"So, can you guarantee that everyone in the entire ninja world will be able to think the same?"

"This is impossible, if they have been suppressed for too long, they will definitely rise up and resist, and when the time comes, they will definitely lose a lot."

"Now that we haven't even managed Konoha well, if we forcibly manage the entire ninja world, how can we make everyone happy?"

"Once there is civil unrest, there will be more casualties."

"If it were Konoha, I wouldn't want that to happen."

"So, I hope Konoha can take its time."

"We have the strength, we can't use it at will, we just need to protect our ninja village."

"The other Shinobi villages are not under our control."

"What they want, let them do it."

"As long as it doesn't harm Konoha, the rest, they are at will."

"Now Dad just wants to protect this acre and a third of land."

The Thousand Hand Pillar raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes full of loss.

"Think you became Hokage, Uncle Izumi died in battle, and Uncle Madara left Konoha, a little self-blame?"

Senjutoma looked at Senju Pillar and gritted his teeth.


"Your dad and I can't even manage Konoha well, how can we manage the entire ninja world?"

"Tomama, if you become a Hokage in the future, you have your own way."

"But, now I say Hokage, listen to me."

"What do you want to do in the future, Dad can't stop you."

"But now, no."

Thousand Hand Pillar shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Got it."

"Whatever you want!"

"I'm not Hokage anyway."

"When Hokage is too tired."

"Second uncle, you can be a whole."

"I don't deserve Hokage!"

"Dogs, eh, it's not appropriate anyway."

Senjutoma waved his hand and said casually.


"Let's talk about it then!"

"Look at the outcome of the negotiations tomorrow."

"I don't know if they want to!"

Thousand Hand Pillar nodded, let out a long sigh, and a look of loss flashed in his eyes.


"Uncle Madara is not there, why is he depressed again?"

"You can't help it."

"Let's go, don't forget to go home early for dinner."

"I went back to sleep first, I'm exhausted."

Seeing Senju Pillar like this, Senju Toma shook his head, reached out and patted his shoulder, and disappeared in place.

"A wooden man went to release a wooden dun and died of exhaustion?"


"This kid has been getting lazier lately."

Thousands of hands between the pillars are crying and laughing, looking at this son of his own, now he is getting lazier and lazier.

He went out for a few steps, released a wooden dun, and came back saying that he was tired, which really made him want to laugh.


At the same time, the four original shadows also arrived at the gate of Konoha.

"I really didn't expect you to come too?"

"This time, it's deflated, right?"

Liedou looked at everyone in front of him, the corners of his mouth were raised, it was good that he was not alone in eating, and he ate deflated together, and finally felt a little comforted.

"Hmph, the first generation of wind shadows, what do you mean by this?"

"Want to fight?"

"The old man is willing to accompany."

Ishikawa looked at Liedou and said coldly.

Originally, my stomach was on fire, but now when I see Fierce Dou, my heart is even more fiery.

What a shame it is to kneel and beg for mercy yourself?

"Okay, now all four of us are here."

"There is still time, and I think we should discuss what to do next."

"Now is not the time to say that."

"Tomorrow we should unify the caliber."

"What do you think?"

"They now have eight tailed beasts in Konoha, that is, there are nine in the entire ninja world, all of them in Konoha."

"It's just that Uchiha took one, and now there are eight left."

"We must get this beast to be able to fight Konoha."

"What do you think?"

Bai Lian looked at everyone in front of her, her brows furrowed, and she muttered in a low voice.

"We really should discuss this matter."

"Not alone, the four of us must unify our words."

"You must divide the tailed beast."

"Now that Konoha has an eight-tailed beast, just one eight-tailed Uchiha can defeat one of our ninja villages."

"If we can divide the eight tailed beasts equally, we will definitely have enough power to fight Konoha."

"What do you think?"

The first generation Lei Ying nodded, looked at the three, and sneered.

"I think it's good."

"As long as our five great ninja villages divide the tailed beasts equally, then our four ninja villages will unite again."

"Wouldn't it be easy to attack Konoha then?"

"Konoha has made our four great ninja villages lose face this time, and we must get it back."

"Otherwise, how can our four great ninja villages still gain a foothold in the ninja world?"

Ishikawa nodded.

"In that case, then let's discuss how to divide the tailed beast."

"If the original Hokage wants to talk to us, we have to be tough."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be eligible for benefits."

"If he wants peace talks, he must show sincerity."

"And there are no tailed beasts in our village, and the tailed beasts are so powerful."

"Until now, we can only truly benefit if we join forces."

Liedou nodded, and he was not quarreling, now they all have common interests, naturally they still have to unite.

Otherwise, these four great ninja villages would have no chance to defeat Konoha.

"Konoha's strength is too strong, and the three people between Senju, Senju, and Senjuto are simply not an existence that we can fight against."

"If you count Uchiha Madara, the strongest person in the entire ninja world is in Konoha."

"We have to get most of the tailed beasts."

"Otherwise we will never be able to defeat Konoha."

"As for the battle in our own four ninja villages, I think it can be suppressed."

"Konoha is too powerful, you must be the first to destroy it."

Bai Lian nodded and said, the fear given to him by the thousand hands was too great.

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