"Peace? What do you mean? The patriarch said this, why can't I understand it?

"Me too, what peace? Where does peace come from?

"Could it be that the patriarch is saying that the Uchiha clan will be eliminated, a full-scale war will begin, and then our Senju clan will be invincible, so that the ninja world will be peaceful?"

"It's not impossible, our current strength is much stronger than the Uchiha clan, and we can completely crush them."

"If there is peace, I also hope that I will be a little tired of fighting all day long."

"That's right, fighting can really make us tired and tired, if it can be peaceful, who wants to go to the knife to lick the blood?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the people of the Thousand Hands clan did not know what the meaning of the Thousand Hands Pillar was expressed, and one by one began to whisper.

"I'm sure you're all confused."


"What is peace?"

"Peace is to give up our old hatred and make peace with the Uchiha clan."

"As long as we Senju clan plus the Uchiha clan, we can bring peace to the entire ninja world."

"For thousands of years, our Thousand Hands clan has suffered heavy casualties, you have also lost a lot of relatives, and the Uchiha clan has also lost a lot of relatives."

"Our hatred has been accumulated for thousands of years, and we are still fighting."

"I and the elders believe that there is no point in fighting any longer."

"It will only increase death."

"In every battle, although we are taking revenge, but in every battle, there will be countless deaths and injuries."

"At least dozens, even hundreds, of people are killed or injured each time."

"On days like this, I want to ask you, have you had enough?"

"If we continue to fight with the Uchiha clan, our people will die one after another, and you will watch your relatives leave one after another."

"Is this what you would like to see?"

The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at everyone in front of him and shouted loudly.

"What? Make peace with the Uchiha family? How is this possible? Did my brother die in vain? "

Make peace with the Uchiha clan? If that's the case, we won't have to continue to die, which I think is good.

"It would be nice if I could stop talking about peace, war, which I have become accustomed to and hate war, would be nice if I could live in peace."

"I also hope for peace in the ninja world, my cub has just been born, and I don't want to die in battle."

"If I can, I would also like to make peace in the ninja world."

For a while, most people felt that peace was very precious, after all, the Thousand Hands family was a big love family, and many of those present were young people, and the family had just given birth to Xiaobei Nose, so naturally they did not want to die in battle.

However, there are still many people who are angry with the Uchiha family, their family has just died in battle, and now they want to make peace with the Uchiha family, and the psychology must not go.

"Patriarch, our family, our friends all died in vain?"

"Why not kill them?"

"We can defeat them."

"As long as we defeat the Uchiha clan, we Senju clan will be able to become the first family in the ninja world, and at that time, the entire ninja world can also be peaceful."

A man in his thirties stood up and shouted.

He had just died his son and daughter, and now he actually wanted to make peace with the Uchiha clan, and his heart was fiercely rejected.

"I know that many of you have just killed children, elders, brothers, and friends."

"But if we are expanding the war, then your current children, elders, brothers and friends will die again."

"Cyclical, endless killings are simply not desirable."

"If we declare war with the Uchiha clan again, it will be your own relatives and friends who will die next."

"Those who have died, they also want us to live in peace and happiness."

"Instead of blindly avenging them, will our families and friends be resurrected?"

"No, it won't, but it will make us more casualties."

"The Uchiha clan killed our relatives and friends, think about it from another perspective, didn't we kill their relatives and friends?"

"Our hatred is mutual, a smile to solve the feud, both sides let go of the hatred in their hearts, and then everyone lives in peace."

"Isn't this bad?"

The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at the people in front of him and said coldly.

"Patriarch, I support you."

"Patriarch, I also support you, there is no need to fight on."

"Patriarch, we support you, we are tired of war, endless fighting, will only make us add more casualties."

"Patriarch, I also support, I also support."


As the Thousand Hand Pillar spoke, at least 3,500 people directly raised their right hand and shouted loudly, expressing their support for the plan between the Thousand Hand Pillar and choosing to make peace with the Uchiha clan.

The rest of the nearly a thousand people wavered, and some were full of anger in their hearts and did not want to answer at all.

They heard their own people supporting one after another, and their hearts were upset.

"Okay, now let's go, split into two teams."

"Those who agree to peace, stand on my left."

"Those who do not agree with peace, stand on the right hand side."

"I believe that there will also be people in the Uchiha clan who want peace and expect peace."

"However, they will also have people who do not want peace and continue to fight."

"Our own people of the Thousand Hands clan also have such people."

"Then, at that time, I will discuss with the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and let the people of your main battle faction fight."

"At that time, the fight will stop when you don't want to fight."

"Your life and death are up to you to decide."

"I will not interfere."

Qianshou Zhujian said coldly, looking at those who were unwilling to peace, and his heart was somewhat angry.

But he was helpless, after all, these people were indeed dead relatives, and this anger was difficult to eliminate.

They don't care at all if they have killed other people's families and relatives, they only care that their relatives and friends have been killed.

Never consider others, although peace is what countless people yearn for, there are always some people who will be blinded by anger.

"I want peace."

"I also hold myself as a patriarch and want peace."

"It's better to be peaceful."

"Yes, peace, how desirable."

For a moment, more than 3,800 people stood on the left hand side between the thousand hand pillars.

Others were undecided, leaving more than 300 people standing in place.

And more than four hundred people stood on the right hand side of the main battle faction, that is, the thousand hand pillars.

"It's still peace!"

"That's right, peace is better, I don't want to fight anymore."

In the end, the remaining more than three hundred people also walked to the left hand side between the thousand hand pillars.

More than 4,300 people chose peace, and the remaining 400 stood in the direction of the main war faction, standing out from the crowd.

After all, the ratio has become ten to one, which is very obvious.

"Quan Xing, are you sure you want to go your own way?"

The Thousand Hands Pillar frowned, looking at the Thousand Hands Quanxing who took the lead in front of him, but in addition to the elders, the first battle general of the Thousand Hands Clan, he actually chose the main battle faction.

"Patriarch, I know that you are for the good of our Thousand Hands clan."

"However, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan will inevitably sacrifice a group of people."

"Even if the patriarch wants peace, the clansmen want peace, but is the Uchiha clan really willing to be peaceful?"

"Perhaps, they will also have the idea of peace for our Thousand Hands clan, but in the end, there will still be the main war faction, just like us."

"Let the subordinates exert their last residual heat for the Thousand Hands Clan."

"Let the death of the subordinates change the peace of the Thousand Hands clan."

"I hope the patriarch can fulfill it."

Qianshou Quanxing knelt on one knee, his eyes full of determination.

"Please the patriarch to complete."


More than four hundred people knelt directly on the ground and shouted loudly.

Among them were many men aged eleven or twelve, and even a few girls of seven or eight years old.

Their relatives have all been killed, and their hatred for the Uchiha family is difficult to let go.

"You, you...!"

The Thousand Hand Pillar stretched out his finger to point at the people in front of him, his heart trembling, and he didn't know what to say.

The rest of the clansmen of the Thousand Hands Clan secretly lowered their heads, and their eyes were helpless.

They want peace, they don't want to fight, and although they feel guilty, they have no choice.

"Quan Xing, have you thought about it?"

Senju Toma frowned, stepped forward, looked at Senju Quanxing and asked.

"Young Patriarch, we have already thought about it."

"The eldest husband was born between heaven and earth, how can he be sorry for his father and brother's family."

"Even if it is death, we recognize it."

Qianshou Quanxing's eyes were full of determination.

"I can promise you on behalf of the patriarch."

"However, I have one condition."

Senjuto said coldly.

"Young Patriarch, please speak."

Senju nodded.

"This time, we will take you to the battlefield, and you will be responsible for confronting the army of the Uchiha clan head-on."

"Kill as much as you can."

"However, once the fighting stopped, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan reached an alliance."

"You guys are not going to shoot."

"Otherwise, I will personally kill you one by one."


Thousand Hands Toma looked at the Thousand Hands in front of him, and said coldly, Chakra immediately gushed out wildly, and a strong sense of oppression swept more than four hundred people in front of him.

"What a powerful force?"

"Is this the power of the Young Patriarch?"

"The power that is not lost to the patriarch at all?"

"The chakra burst out of the young patriarch is simply terrifying."


More than 4,000 people present felt the shock, gasped, and looked at the eyes of the thousand hands, full of shock and worship.

"This kid, Chakra has grown a lot?"

"It's almost catching up with me."

Senjuju smiled slightly, looked at Senjutoma in front of him and nodded.

"Don't worry, Young Patriarch."

"Once the patriarch and the Uchiha clan sign a peace agreement, we will never dare to fight."

Qianshou Quanxing was shocked in his heart, felt a huge pressure on his body, and his back was cold, and he immediately said.

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