
Countless bubbles exploded in the ocean, killing all those poisonous sharks.


Qianshou smiled slightly, and the poisonous fish that had been killed by the explosion condensed again and rushed towards them.


The original Water Shadow White Lotus continued to use the water escape confrontation between the water dun and the thousand hands, and continuous explosions occurred in the ocean.

"Shui Wuyue people, use ice escape."

"The rest of you, hurry up."

Bai Lian's brows locked, feeling a steady stream of poisonous sharks, even if she blew them all up, they could quickly condense and form, and did not dare to delay any longer.

Only by reaching the ground quickly can you have the most powerful advantages.

"Ice - ice and snow."

A man of the Shui Wuyue clan quickly made a print, his hands on the surface of the sea.


Suddenly, all the sharks on the surface of the sea were frozen into ice.


Freezing such a large area of sea water made this man of the Shui Moon clan gasp for breath.


White Lotus continued to lead everyone towards the shore, and it didn't take long to see the coast.

"Water Escape - Rough Waves."

Thousand hands slammed on the surface of the sea.


Suddenly, the originally calm sea suddenly surged rapidly, and finally turned into a tsunami hundreds of feet high, rushing towards the people of Wuyin Village.

"Ice escape—frozen for thousands of miles."

"Ice escape—frozen for thousands of miles."

Hundreds of clansmen of the Shui Wuyue clan immediately released their own ice escapes and directly cut the ice in front of them.

"Water Escape - Water Break."

A high-pressure ray spat out from his mouth and went straight towards Yunyin Village.

"Rush over."

"Water and iron cannon - double ding."

Bai Lian looked at the frozen tsunami in front of her, roared angrily, stretched out her hands, like a pistol, and shot out high-pressure concentrated water gun shells.


"Look at us, corpse vein - Tang Song Dance"

A man from the Kaguya clan, covered with terrible bones, turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards the wall of water in front of him.


The frozen ice surface immediately broke, and countless ice blocks fell from the sky.


At this time, a high-pressure water gun shot just between the thousand hands.



The man of the Kaguya clan who rushed to the front was directly cut in half by coincidence, and there was no way to fight back at all.

"Not good."

"Water Escape - Water Array Wall."

Bai Lian's heart was shocked, and she immediately cast a water escape defense.

"Water Escape - Water Array Wall."

The water defense released by thousands of ninjas formed a thick wall of water directly in front of everyone.

At this moment, the water break between the thousand hands came to an abrupt end.

"Thirty-one are coming?"

"You Konoha, don't you look down on our Yunyin Village too much?"

Bai Lian's brows furrowed, looking at the thousand hands in front of him, he couldn't believe that this Konoha sent thirty-one people, and he wanted to stop more than ten thousand of his own?

Are you kidding? Do you really think you're muddy?

"You're the original Water Shadow, right?"

"Now immediately retire, in addition, go to Konoha to participate in the Five Kage talks."

Thousand hands hugged his chest, looking at the white lotus not far away and smiled.

"Hmph, just you? Or by the thirty-one of you?

"Want to stop more than 10,000 of us?"

"Boy, you're a Senju Gate, right?"

"Quite arrogant?"

"But, boy, I can tell you, the more arrogant a person is, the faster he will die."

Bai Lian's eyes were full of anger, looked at the thousand hands not far away, and slowly raised her right hand.

"Water Escape - The Art of Water and Iron Cannon."

The white lotus instantly attacked, and a stream of high-pressure water rushed out and rushed towards the thousand hands.


A wall of water appeared in front of the Thousand Hands Gate, directly blocking it.


"Instantaneous escape?"

"But that's it?"

Bai Lian was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that the reaction speed of the thousand hands was so fast, and he instantly blocked his attack.

"Since you are so disobedient, then I can only come hard."

"Immortal Law."

Thousand hands chanted in his mouth, and a very natural immortal stripe appeared on his face.

This is a special immortal art that belongs to the body of immortals, and the body of immortals, not only because he has a huge chakra, but can absorb the energy of nature and form immortal arts.

It's just that the bloodline is not pure, and it is difficult to master this skill, which is the main reason why the Thousand Hand Pillar has not learned immortal arts at all, but he can immortal methods.

The body of the immortal not only possesses a huge chakra, but also can absorb the energy of nature for its own use.

Now the Thousand Hands Pillar knew that his strength was still too weak, and he had to grow up as soon as possible, and used the cells between the Thousand Hands Pillar to enhance his immortal body, and also opened the Immortal Art.

"Immortal Law - Ice Escape Mystery - Ice Heaven Divine General."

The thousand hands were folded, and the ice crystals were directly condensed above the surface of the sea, and finally turned into an ice crystal god general with a height of 100 zhang, which looked very similar to the wooden man.

This is the powerful ninjutsu created by the Thousand Hand Flying Sword using Ice to imitate Mu Dun's wooden art.

His power is not inferior to the art of the wooden man, and even stronger.

Because this ice escape not only has the power of yang, but also adds immortal law in it, the power is several times that of the wooden man, which is why the thousand hand pillar let the thousand hands go alone to deal with the entire Wuyin Village.


The Ice God General has a pair of wings behind his back, and has eight arms, each of which grabs a huge ice sword, roars up to the sky, and the roar sounds, forming a huge tsunami above the sea in front of him.

"This? What is it?

"Oh my God? This? So big? "

How could there be such a terrifying existence?"

"Ice escape? Even our Shui Wuyue clan can't create such a huge ice escape?

"My God? Is this simply not human? More

than 10,000 people in Mist Yin Village saw the frost giant in front of them, and their eyes were full of fear.

This fucking mother, none of them are human?

"Lord Kuruma?"


"Is it any wonder that the original Hokage-sama directly let Lord Kuruma come out alone, it turns out that Lord Kuruma is so powerful?"

"This? This is simply invincible, huh?

"Who can defeat such an existence?"

Thirty dark ninjas had already appeared several miles away, and looking at the scene on the sea, they couldn't help but swallow.

"Han, what can you do?"

Bai Lian squinted and looked at the frost giant in front of her, her pupils shrunk.

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