"They have also seen the strength of the tailed beast, and know that we in Konoha have eight tailed beasts, you think."

"They're so scared of this beast, and we have eight, what do they think?"

Senjutoma pouted, he couldn't do anything about the stubborn father who couldn't pull back ten cows.

You can't use violence against your own father, right?

If only he knew that he and Uchiha had designed it to dominate the ninja world.

100% will reward yourself with a few big pockets.

"It's man-made."

"I'll talk about this later."

"We need this opportunity to negotiate now."

Thousand Hand Pillar frowned and shook his head.


Senjutoma pouted, fortunately he had already planned it, and when the time came, he would establish an organization with Uchiha.

Then let you try to be afraid, and in the midst of fear, everyone will begin to unite.

When the time comes, I will propose to merge the entire ninja world together.

Anyway, he is still young, he is not in a hurry, he is not in a hurry.

To talk about unifying the ninja world is not interesting at all.

Could it be that he came to the ninja world and had great power, and he wanted to rule the ninja world and even conquer the entire universe?

This is also too tired, how you want to live, how to live, why do you need guidance from others.

He doesn't want to be the emperor, and if others can't die, it really has little to do with him.

All he cares about is the people around him, other people, what does it matter to him?

"I'll arrange the manpower."

"Go now."

"Don't kill people, just deter them and let them come to peace talks."

The Thousand Hand Pillar nodded, and with a wave of his right hand, several dark parts immediately disappeared.


"Wooden doppelganger."

"Just do it for you!"

Senju Toma snorted and looked at the wooden doppelganger in front of him.


"Come with me."

The wooden doppelganger nodded, looked at the group of elite Shinobi behind him, and rushed out.


A group of elites on endure you look at me, I look at you.

Senju Toma actually used a doppelganger directly to go, is this to go to war?

Without waiting for them to think more, Senjutoma himself had disappeared in place.

"Let's go, keep up."

"The strength of Lord Toma is not something we can speculate."

A man from the Uchiha clan said coldly and followed.

The rest of the crowd nodded and immediately followed.


Konoha border.

"I knew your dad was an old stubborn."

"A tendon in the brain."

"People are knocking on the door, and they still have to think about not killing people."

"It's stupid, it's stupid."

"Are they grateful?"

"At that time, I'll see how your dad will end."

"These people are all cannibals and don't spit out bones, and they want to make a peaceful settlement with them, which is simply delusional."

Uchiha pouted and stood at the border, looking at the Yunyin Village that was slowly advancing towards Konoha, his eyes full of disdain and anger.

These people are some beings who eat people and do not spit out bones, and if they want them to retire, I am afraid that they will have to pay a lot of price.

"No way, the person is Hokage, what can I do?"

"I can't beat him up, can I?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care."

"I didn't want my dad to succeed."

"Eventually, we have to start our plan."

"We can fulfill this great dream ourselves."

"Daddy's words, one day, he will understand our painstaking efforts."

Senju Toma pouted, clasping his hands to his chest.

"That's right, this ninja world, if it is not unified every day, war will definitely break out."

"This time, you must solve them all at once."

Uchiha nodded.

"Uncle Ban, how has the organization been established recently?"

Senjutoma nodded.

"It's pretty smooth, and I've already had more than a dozen rebels."

"They were originally from all major families, but they were defeated by these first generation shadows and escaped."

"These people are barely making ends meet."

Uchiha nodded, established an organization during this time, and also accepted a lot of rebellion.

"Enough, rebels will continue to appear, just accept it when the time comes."

"I can also send people to rebel."

"This matter, my six six-way doppelgangers can go."

"In addition, Bai Jue can provide intelligence."

"Just give it to Uncle Madara to use."

Senjuto smiled slightly, and a white and black yin and yang figure appeared on the ground beside him.

"This is?"

Uchiha was slightly stunned, looking at the white in front of him, a little surprised.

This creature is really the first time I have seen it.

One side white, the other black, intersex people?

"This white absolute was cultivated by me using the power of the eye of reincarnation and my own cells."

"He can integrate into everything and detect intelligence."

"It's still very good."

Senjutoma smiled slightly, during this time, he also cultivated Bai Jue, and let the spirit of Hei Jue attach to it, so that his cheap son, the little military master, appeared to help Uchiha Madara.

After all, it is impossible for him to help Uchiha anytime and anywhere, and he is troublesome.

With the help of Hei Jue, it is much easier for myself.

The black old traitor is the best intelligence officer and the best strategist.

"I'm becoming more and more curious about the power of the eye of reincarnation."

The corners of Uchiha's mouth turned up and he chuckled.


"Hello, Mr. Uchiha."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Bai Jue."

Bai Jue looked at Uchiha and stretched out his right hand.


Uchiha nodded and did not extend his hand.

"Bai Jue, follow Uncle Madara in the future and provide intelligence."

Senjuto looked at Bai Jue and smiled.

"Okay, I'll definitely help Mr. Madara."

Bai Jue laughed.


Iwahide Village and Konoha border.

"Iwahide Village."


Senjutoma stood in place and muttered.

Seeing the densely packed army of more than 10,000 people rushing towards his side, it was really imposing.

"Toma-sama, what do we do now?"


The captain of the border guard looked at Senjutoma in front of him and bowed.

"Out of the way."

"I'll meet them."

"Stand where you are, don't move."

The wooden doppelganger between the thousand hands shook his head, stepped out with his right foot, and a wooden dragon immediately drilled out in front of him, leading him to rush into the sky.

"Is this the wooden dun of Lord Toma?"

"The momentum is so strong, when I see this wooden man, I feel my whole body tremble."

"Toma-sama is the strongest of us in Konoha, and Izumi-sama was defeated by Toma-sama alone!"

"That's right, it's really our luck to be able to fight alongside Toma-sama."

A group of ninjas looked at Senjutoma and felt shocked one by one.

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