"Thank you, Toma."

"Thousands of years, I have lived so long, no one has ever told me to protect me."

"Thank you."

Datuki Kaguya threw himself into Senjutoma's arms, his eyes were red, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, which was beautiful.

For so many years, no one had ever said that she wanted to protect her, and in order to survive, she had to do something that others thought was bad.

But everything is about protecting herself, she doesn't feel like she has done anything wrong, she just wants to live.

"The way Kaguya cries is really beautiful."

Senjutoma looked down at Kaguya in his arms, looking at her crying, there was a stunning feeling, and his whole body trembled.

This beauty, incomparable, cannot be described in words.

"Go, I'll take you somewhere."

"Let you devour the Ten Tails."

Senjutoma smiled and pulled the big tube of wood Kaguya and disappeared in place.

As for Hei Jue, Kaguya also created a physical body for him, making him truly become a person.

The original black absolute, just the will embodiment of Datumu Kaguya, was created with Yin and Yang Duan, and due to the urgency of time, it was about to be sealed, so it was created in a bit hastily.

As for Otsuki Haji and Otsuki Hamura, they are also children created by Kaguya himself with Yin and Yang.

She received the blessings of the villagers, and she did not know what it was like to be a mother, and they begged her, the 'savior', to give birth to children.

In the end, Kaguya Otsuki accepted this blessing and used his yin and yang escape to create two lives.

And separated a part of his own Chakra, after the birth of two children, the motherly love of Kaguya Otsuki flooded, maybe it is, it's really too cute!

No one could have imagined that it was these two children who finally sealed herself.

"Wasn't the Ten Tails devoured by you?"

"Toma, it's okay, give it to me, it's all the same."

Otsuki Kaguya shook his head and looked at Senjutoma, feeling that he no longer needed the Ten-tailed Chakra.

"It's okay."

"I naturally have my own way."

Senju Toma smiled slightly, waved his right hand, and directly took out the divine tree in the system space.


The divine tree seemed to sense something, and actually emitted a burst of chirping sounds, which appeared in the minds of the two.

This world is a world of ice and snow, and as soon as the divine tree appeared, the ice surface became landslide.


Senjutoma looked at Kaguya and said softly.


"You actually have a divine tree?"


Otoki Kaguya was horrified in his heart, looking at Senjutoma, unable to believe his eyes.

"It's simple."

"You don't care how you got it, put it in your body!"

Senjutoma smiled.


Datumu Kaguya nodded, and while being shocked in his heart, he also looked at his long-lost divine tree, directly plucked the fruit, and ate it in one bite.

His own Chakra is basically above the Ten Tails, and after being withdrawn, his Chakra has dropped by half, and now he can finally return to his own strength.

This time, she ate another divine tree, allowing her strength to break through again, and she was a little stronger than her original self.


Datumu Kaguya stepped forward, and the divine tree immediately turned into chakra and poured into her body.


Suddenly, Kaguya Otsuki regained his strength in his heyday, and even improved.

Because the current strength is much stronger than the original Ten Tails.

The nine tailed beasts of the Six Dao Immortals, when they came out, were at most six or seven meters tall.

The nine tailed beasts after that were dozens of times the original size, which shows that their chakra was huge, far beyond the juvenile period at that time.

After completely fusing the nine tailed beasts, the ten-tailed chakra formed was more powerful than the original.

Not to mention that this is still a divine tree that has been sacrificed by the six immortals.

"My power, again, is back?"

Datumu Kaguya's heart was overjoyed, and the nine-hook jade reincarnation writing wheel on his forehead opened, and an incomparably powerful momentum frantically surged out.

"Tomama, my power is back, and it is even greater than the original strength."

"Thank you."


Datuki Kaguya's heart was ecstatic, he stood on his heels and took a bite on Senjutoma's face, with a smile on his face.

"No thanks."

"Just work hard tonight."

Senjutoma chuckled.

"Hmph, don't want it!"

Datumu Kaguye's face turned red.


Senjuto laughed.

"System, activate the replication ability, copy the Chakra of Kaguya of Otoki."

Senjutoma looked at the delicate and uneasy wooden Kaguya in front of him, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he said silently in his heart.

[Ding, the copy system is on...! ] 】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully replicating Chakra of Kaguya Otsuki.

Suddenly, a system prompt appeared in Senjutoma's mind, and his Chakra skyrocketed again, increasing all the Chakras that Otsuki Kaguya now owns.

"What a huge amount of chakra!"

"After copying the Chakra of Kaguya of Datumu, the Chakra in the body has increased by nearly three-fifths."

"This ability, it's not too cool."

"The ability to copy, basically invincible to single out."

Senjuto smiled slightly, looking at the delicate wooden Kaguya in front of him, and a hint of softness flashed in his eyes.

"There are absolutely bad people in the world, and there are no absolutely good people."

"She just wants to live, that's all."

"No one wants to die, why should the person who died be himself, not someone else?"

"People are selfish."

"That's good."

Senju Toma smiled, waved his right hand, and two huge ice sculptures appeared in front of him, and the ice sculptures were lifelike, that is, the appearance of Kaguya and the two of him embracing.

"This is me?"

Datuki Kaguya looked at the ice sculpture in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

Once upon a time, she was just a carefree little girl.


"We will be together forever in the future, and no one will be able to hurt you."

Senjutoma nodded, a serious word.

"Thank you, Toma."

"It's my luck to meet you."

Datumu Kaguya's face turned red and he muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't hear?"

Senjutoma turned his head sideways, put his hand to his ear, pretended not to hear, but there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't hear it, forget it."

Datumu Kaguya's face turned red, and he turned and walked away.

"Hey, don't go!"

"Stay and fight until dawn?"

Senjutoma stepped forward, waved his right hand, and a huge ice room wrapped the two inside.

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