"Is it the Blood Succession Limit again?"

"Tai Duan? Haven't heard of it.

"It's not bad."

"Unfortunately, it's still too weak."


Uchiha smiled slightly, and a thousand birds appeared above his right hand, slashing suddenly.

The thunderstorm wind in front of him was instantly cut, and Uchiha Madara walked in, and there was no fart trouble.

And the center of the thunderstorm wind is not any danger, it rises into the sky at a height of tens of meters, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to jump in.

But if you want to cut this thunderstorm wind at will, it is even more difficult, so the strength of the first generation of Thunder Shadow is still very strong, and it can suppress Yunyin Village.

However, such an ability, in front of Uchiha, did not have the slightest effect at all, and he cut through the thunderstorm wind with Chidori at will.

There is not only a huge typhoon in the thunderstorm wind, but there are also flashes of thunder within the typhoon, but it is still cut by the thousand birds, which shows how strong Uchiha's control over the thousand birds is.

"This? How is this possible? "

Cut my thunderstorm wind directly?"

"Has my platform never been broken so far? Not to mention the power of thunder and lightning.

"He was actually able to cut off the thunderbolts?"


"Uchiha, sure enough, you are worthy of being the top two peerless powerhouses in the ninja world."

The original Lei Ying felt extremely shocked in his heart, and his own stage was the first time he encountered setbacks.

I have to say that Uchiha is really strong.

"Just this bit of strength?"

"If that's the case, then you can die."

Uchiha smiled slightly, raised the scythe in his hand and pointed at the original Thunder Shadow.


"Tai Dun - Thunder and Wind."

The original thunder shadow said coldly, and there was a fierce wind blowing around, and thunder flashed, turning into a series of thunder and lightning blades, rushing towards Uchiha.

Countless lightning blades were like violent winds, cutting towards Uchiha.


Uchiha screamed, blood splattered.

"Hmph, no matter how fast your speed is, is it fast with the Blood Succession Limit Formation of my Thunder and Wind Escape?"

"Thunder and Wind are originally extremely fast techniques, and the speed of the two is very fast."

"It's beyond what the human body can achieve."

"Uchiha Madara ?"

"The strongest in the ninja world?"

"That's all."

The corners of the original Lei Ying's mouth were raised, looking at everything in front of him.

"The original Lord Lei Ying is so powerful."

"Long live the original Lord Leiying...!"

"So arrogant, haven't you been killed?"


The original Thunder Shadow Guard stood aside and couldn't help but laugh.


"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?"

"What a ignorance!"

"Just play with you, but you take it seriously."

"Next, let you feel the feelings, what is called fear."

"Psychic – Yao."

"It's your turn too."

Uchiha just made a joke with them, but they took it seriously, and it was really interesting.

At this time, Uchiha was already standing on top of the Thunder Shadow Building, with his hands lined up on the ground.


"How is that possible?"


"Such a fast speed?"

"Actually evaded the attack of the original Lord Thunder Shadow?"


Everyone in Yunyin Village felt incredulous, turned their heads, and saw Uchiha Madara standing on top of the Thunder Shadow Building, and was still releasing psychic techniques.



"Damn, disturb my dreams."


Yao's heart was full of anger, and he had just squinted for a moment before he was summoned and roared, and the eight tentacles quickly churned.

"Scolding, do you still want to dance?"

Uchiha said coldly, and directly opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.


Yao looked into Uchiha's eyes, his whole body trembled, and his eyes were full of horror.

"A bunch of perverts."

Yao couldn't help but think in his heart, not daring to speak more.

First saw the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye of Uchiha, and then saw the reincarnation eye of the thousand hands, and its heart was already full of fear.

"What do you psychic me do?"

Yao looked at Uchiha and said coldly.

"Smashed Yunyin Village for me."

Uchiha stood on top of Yao's head and smiled slightly.

"This? What is this?

"This I, I have seen, this is, this is in the sea, that time I have seen it, directly set off a monstrous wave."

"This, such a big monster?"

"What the hell is this?"

Most of the people in Yunyin Village had never seen what the eight tails looked like, and looking at the eight tails in front of them, their eyes were full of fear.

It was the first time they had seen such a huge tailed beast, which was beyond their awareness.


"Say it early!"

Yao nodded, and the eight tails flung out wildly.


Countless buildings in Yunyin Village were destroyed, and as for whether any unlucky ghosts were smashed to death, it is unknown.

"Quickly organize the evacuation of villagers, quickly, quickly."

The original Lei Ying was shocked in his heart, and looked at the several guards behind him and roared.

"Yes, the original Lord Thundershadow."

Several Thunder Shadow guards disappeared in place.

"Help, run!"

"The monster is coming, run!"

"What the hell is this, cows don't look like cows, octopuses don't look like octopuses?"

"Run, it's too late to run."

"Help, save me, I'm pressed, ah...!"



For a while, countless Yunyin Village names fled in all directions, and countless buildings collapsed, crushing many people and causing chaos.

"Damn it."

"Let the villagers leave."

"All ninjas cover the villagers to leave."


The eyes of the original Thunder Shadow were full of anger, seeing that Yao was destroying it, but there was nothing he could do, and using too many attacks in the village would make the entire village even more collapsed.

It was okay at the gate just now, after all, there was no one at the gate, and now in the middle of Yunyin Village, releasing ninjutsu, I don't know how many people will die.

"Get this monster out first."

"Everyone, use iron chains and tie this huge octopus out."


As soon as the battle broke out, countless ninjas threw out iron chains and trapped Yao's whole body.

"I can't beat this pervert, can't I clean you up?"

"Open it for me."

Yao roared angrily, he was bullied by two people in a row, and his heart was originally on fire, and now they just became his own anger.



A group of ninjas used chains, but Uchiha didn't intervene at all, standing on top of Yao's head, looking at everything in front of him.

If he made a move, he would be able to turn that Yunyin Village into ashes in an instant.

Yao pushed a slight force and directly overturned the group of ninjas.

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