"What are you?"


Otsuki Kai and Otsuki Homo sapiens frowned, looked at Senjuto, and were slightly stunned.

"You are the current patriarch of the Otsumi clan and the main family?"

Senjutoma did not answer their words and asked rhetorically.

"Grab it immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Da Tu Muhuiren frowned and said coldly.


"So overbearing?"

"It's okay."

Senjutoma smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.


Datumuhuiren was shocked in his heart, and suddenly felt a powerful suction force coming towards him.


Homo sapiens frowned, and with a wave of his right hand, several puppets rushed in, attacking Senjuto, firing countless chakra cannons.

"Not polite at all."

Senjutoma stretched out his right hand and directly absorbed these chakra cannons and turned them into a small ammunition.



"Is it a puppet?"

Senju Toma grabbed the big tube of Kikito in his hand, and immediately felt wrong, this is obviously a puppet, it seems to be a substitute.

"However, Chakra took it."

Senjuto absorbed all the chakra in the puppet's body and turned it into a pool of scrap iron.

"Who are you?"

Otsuki Kai and Otsuki Homo sapiens stood together and looked at Senjuto and said coldly.

No wonder I saw two people joining forces together, there was an invasion of external enemies, now is not the time to engage in infighting, it is necessary to join forces against the enemy.

"Aren't you looking for it, Outer Path Golem?"

"I channeled it."

Thousand Hands Toma smiled slightly, and directly opened a pair of Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eyes, and the purple light flickered, extremely evil.

"This? This is? "

Reincarnation Eye?"

"And there are nine gouyu?"

"How is this possible?"

Otsuki Homo sapiens was horrified in his heart, and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that a pair of eyes in the Senju household actually had the eyes of the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel.

"Reincarnation eye, you actually have reincarnation eye."

"Are you a descendant of your ancestor's brother?"

"But why have you never heard of these eyes?"

Da Tu Muhuiren frowned, said coldly, his right hand behind his back, his fingers kept shaking, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Make small movements in front of me."

"What ignorance."

Senju Toma didn't know when, he had already appeared behind the big tube of Muhui, his right hand suddenly shot out, and a yin-yang stick was inserted into his body, directly blocking the chakra in his body.


The big tube of Muhui roared, and the whole person was inserted on the ground, unable to move.


"What do you want to do with the Psychic Golem?"

"Soon release Kaito."

Homo sapiens saw his brother being stuck in the ground and gritted his teeth.

"Is it really brotherly love?"

"Get down too!"

Thousand hands said coldly, and with a wave of his right hand, several yin and yang sticks flew out.

"Abominable, good, so fast?"


Otsuki Homo sapiens and Senjuto were not a level figure at all, and they were instantly inserted into the ground.

"The Otsuki clan?"

"Actually, I'm here to save you."

"Originally, you were all about to go to war."

"At that time, the main family and the divided family of the Otsuki family will be extinct, and only one child of the divided family will be left to live on this moon."

"You should thank me too."

Senjuto smiled slightly, and his eyes flashed purple.


Suddenly, Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens were controlled by his illusion.

"Wooden doppelganger."

"Okay, let's go and take care of your own business!"

"I don't have time to deal with you."

"After that, you'll stay here and watch them."

"If you are not honest, just kill it."

Senjutoma smiled, separated a wooden doppelganger, and looked at him and ordered.

"Don't worry."

"No problem."

"Everything is wrapped up in me."

The wooden doppelganger smiled and patted his chest.


Senjutoma nodded and disappeared in place.

Instantly controlling the patriarchs of the two Otsuki clan, the entire moon was in the hands of Senjutoma.

With the addition of his own wooden doppelganger to watch over here, there is no surprise.

"This is it, comparable to the power of the six realms."

"Reincarnation Eye?"

"So it's this big reincarnation eye?"

"These people are all blind?"

"It seems that the Otsuki people have long been preparing for war, so they sacrificed the eyes of their people to create this huge turning eye."

"It's a pity, it's cheap for me."

Senjuto saw a huge golden reincarnation eye in front of him, was slightly stunned, stepped forward, and approached the reincarnation eye.

"Unfortunately, today's copy has already been used, otherwise, it would be good to copy one."

"There are the purest white eyes inside, and once they fuse with the only ones of the Ninja Realm's Hyuga clan, they will definitely be able to awaken the reincarnation eye."

"Reincarnation Eye, this is a powerful existence that cuts off the moon at will?"

"The Eye of God at the same level as the Eye of Reincarnation."

"Let's talk about the income space first."

"Copying tomorrow."

With a wave of his right hand, the Thousand Hands Household directly collected the huge golden reincarnation eye into the system space.

These branches of the big tubular wood clan sacrificed countless white eyes to obtain this huge golden rebirth eye, which shows how powerful its inner pupil power is.

"There are millions of white eyes gathered here, and they should all be the eyes of the dead Datumu family for thousands of years, all of which have been used here."

"The good things have been accepted, it's time to go and see Datuki Kaguya Xiaomeimei."

With a wave of his right hand, the purple Nine-Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye flashed with a strange light, and a black hole appeared in front of him, stepping into it.

"Is this the inner space of the moon?"

"It's still the same as the whirlpools, in the sewers."

"What a strange sealing technique...!"

Senjutoma immediately appeared in a sewer pipe, and as he walked all the way inside, he saw a cage, which was decorated in an antique manner, and a woman in a white robe was sitting on her knees in a daze.


The white-robed woman seemed to feel that someone had entered the sealing space, and she was a little puzzled, turned her head, and saw Senjutoma, her pupils shrinking.

"Is this Kaguya Otsuki?"

Senjutoma stepped forward, and finally saw the appearance of Kaguya Otsuki.

I saw that Datumu Kaguye had a beautiful face, white jade beads were not enough to compare its color, and the first appearance of roses could not be beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy.

His complexion is white and tender, smooth and crystalline, and his long blue-white hair is draped on the ground, just like him, he has no eyebrows, and there are two cute little horns on his head, just like rabbit ears, very cute.

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