After he finished speaking, there was a bit of disdain in his eyes, and he snorted coldly, but at this moment, everyone was suddenly surrounded. Everyone was surrounded, no matter who was stunned for a moment, there was a bit of surprise in their eyes, why did this guy come over suddenly?

At this moment, I saw that the lord riding on the horse showed a little more pride on his face, and he laughed and said: "You have eliminated monsters, but you are monsters yourself, so what you have in your hands is handed over to you. My lord, let me take care of it, and I can spare your life, if not..."

After speaking, there was a bit of cruelty on his face, and he coldly threatened: "I will execute you on the spot, break into my territory, and even join forces with monsters!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions immediately changed.

Qibao said angrily: "What a despicable fellow, we didn't join forces with the monsters, and even helped you eliminate the monsters, you are still robbing us, you really are a despicable and shameless villain!"

The lord snorted when he heard this and said, "How about it? What can you do? Now if you don't give me all the pieces in your hands, I will immediately execute you all here!" ..

291、The heart is cruel

After Wuchen heard this, he sighed and looked at the shard in his hand for a long time. There was a very strong evil energy on it. It was the evil energy emitted by the human heart, which made people shudder and shudder.

Even he couldn't purify this power, he narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head to look over, and fell in love with the lord.

At this time, the lord immediately shouted wildly: "Hurry up and give me the fragments in your hand, or you will die. If you don't want to die, hand it over immediately!"

As the voice spoke, his face became more confident, as if he had seen the piece of debris in his hand, his face was full of ridicule, and at this time, several other people saw this appearance and wanted to shoot directly. But there are human soldiers for 4 weeks.

Master Maitreya blocked everyone's desire to make a move.

He hurriedly said in a low voice, "We can't let this guy use this piece of debris to attack us. This is his territory. Once we attack him now, we can't get out of his territory. This is called very strong. But it's not his own strength, but his strength!"

The words of Master Maitreya said this. At this time, everyone has a few more eggs. All adults can understand this matter. Once this territory is killed here, it will cause trouble for everyone and cause a lot of unimportant. But now, this territory wants pieces from everyone's hands. This is something that everyone can't bear. This is collected by everyone with a lot of thought. Nothing works!

Disappointment is more than anger.

Inuyasha Although Sister Lin knew that it would not be good for everyone if the incident broke out, how could she hold back the anger in her heart, she narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly, and immediately put her hand on the handle of the knife , said in a cold voice: "This guy is really bad, I really want to slash him with a knife, this damn bastard..."

After hearing this, Master Maitreya hurriedly persuaded: "If you cut him, we will be in big trouble. We must not cut him. We may be able to solve these things in other ways. If you cut it down, we will be in a lot of trouble, this guy has soldiers and horses in his hands, and if he uses all his forces to intercept us in a while, it will be in trouble!"

Master Maitreya has been in this city for more than ten or twenty years. Naturally, he is very proficient in these rules. He does not want to be the target of those lords, nor does he want to become a wanted criminal. He wants to live a good life to take revenge, so he does not want to provoke this lord. , he had an embarrassed smile on his face at this time, walked up and said: "Lord Lord, this is what we have collected hard, and there are many evil thoughts of monsters on it! If you take it, it will only be To cause harm to you, I hope you will never take such a thing, let us go, otherwise, the evil thoughts and evil forces entangled in it will cause you to suffer misfortune!"

I just said this, and I heard the lord laughed and said, "I'm not afraid to give me things, otherwise I'll cut you off. It's as simple as that!"

After hearing this, Wuchen shook his head in disappointment and said, "Since you're not afraid, there's nothing you can do, then I'll give you the things. Anyway, it's not me who is possessed by evil thoughts!"

After he finished speaking, he threw it away, and everyone was shocked. How could this guy speak so easily all of a sudden? It's really strange.

But at the moment when the lord took it, there was a sudden change in his whole body. He just grabbed it in his hand, but at this moment, suddenly there was a huge pain in his body, which made him involuntarily feel pain. When he was wrong, the right hand he took over directly grew a ghost hand that grew around him like a vine.

Of course Wuchen knew that this was going to happen, because he had long noticed that there were many evil thoughts of monsters hidden in this special piece of debris, as well as the power of monsters that had not been completely eliminated just now, so he specially threw it over to let him. This lord has become a complete monster, and if everyone destroys it, there will be no control over the fishing reels!

After all, this guy has turned into a monster, and it is very normal for everyone to destroy him together.

Immediately afterwards, only the body of the lord was seen, and it began to slowly become completely demonized, and the mount under his crotch was completely swallowed up, and he instantly became a huge, like a hundred-year-old. The existence of tree-like demons.

At this time, the soldiers under his command all panicked and fled around quickly, with expressions of horror on their faces. How could his boss become like this? Taking a deep breath, after retreating, he immediately took out his bow and arrow and wanted to shoot it!

It is at this time.

Their boss is the lord who asked for the fragments just now. At this time, he is completely insane, completely unrecognizable, and rarely goes out. The power of the vine-like ghosts is directly sweeping all directions.

At this time, the group of people under him were all killed directly by the sweep!

There was a smile on Wuchen's face, and he looked at the people beside him and said, "It's no problem to kill them now, although this guy has power on this side, and you are also afraid that we will be wanted on the land of the next lord. , but now that he's turned into a monster, wouldn't it make sense for us to kill him again? It's just that this guy's power is really a little troublesome..."

After Inuyasha heard this, he cut and said, "But I slashed him with a knife!"

However, Master Maitreya shook his head, squinted his eyes and said, "No, it's not that it can't be slashed with a knife, because this guy's power is not in the body, but in the power of the fragments that reside in it, and there are special evil thoughts in the fragments. , as long as there is evil thought, it will be resurrected!"

Wuchen nodded and said: "That's right, so you have to learn from me, you have to learn from me to transcend, the evil thoughts in it, so that these evil thoughts have nowhere to hide, so that they can no longer obtain any trace of power, and cannot be reborn. , destroy their evil thoughts, so that they can never gain power again!"

Wuchen's right hand pointed to the sky. At this time, the faint green light rose by itself and locked towards the lord like a chain. The lord couldn't react at once, and was completely bound by the green energy, and his body wailed. Yelling and roaring.

It doesn't work at all.

Wuchen chanted a spell in his mouth. ..

292. Encountering Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru stood under the darkness of the night, with his long white hair fluttering. At this moment, he was holding a newly forged tachi in his hand. The tachi was sprinkled with evil rays of light, emitting along the moonlight at this time. The texture is like jade!

His eyes are as cold as water, more like moonlight!

He waved a knife lightly, and the hillside in front of him was chopped in half with a single blow, which made him frown involuntarily.

Said: "It's really too weak, it's still a lot worse than my father's knife!"

When the words came to this point, he couldn't help frowning deeply, because in his impression, his father's knife did not feel so weak!

This is his newly forged knife, a knife of resentment forged with the remains of those evil ghosts and monsters, but there is no aura on it, only countless resentful roars.Although he can completely control these resentments, these resentments are only remnants of evil spirits after all. Although the soul is powerful, it will be broken once it encounters a real powerful weapon!

Xie Jian carefully appeared beside him at this time and said: "Master Sesshomaru, what do you think of this knife? This is a knife made by a very famous swordsmith I found, and it was provided by you, young master. It took a lot of time to make it with special materials!”

Sesshomaru stuck the knife on the ground, frowned slightly and said, "Although this knife is strong, it is not what I want, and it cannot surpass my father's knife, although this knife is made of monsters and humans. The grievances of my father are completely integrated, but even so, it still can't catch up with my father's blade!"

When Xie Jian heard this, he whispered, "But but... Lord Douya's sword is the best sword in the world, but young master..."

Sesshomaru obviously knew what he was going to say, and he looked over with a cold eye and said, "That knife is my father's last sustenance for that sad half-demon, but that's all, I don't care about things like this, and What I want to build is something stronger than my father's knife, so this knife is not enough. I want more power, I need more power!"

When the voice said this, the knife in his hand immediately swung out again, and suddenly a knife qi flew out. The hillside in front of him was cut in half, and it collapsed directly, with a rumbling sound. sounded.

At this moment, I saw a huge Minotaur immediately wake up. The Minotaur was carrying a huge axe, with a poisonous scorpion tail growing from its back, at least ten meters tall, and suddenly charged towards the two of them.

Sesshomaru saw the huge monster rushing over, with a few more smiles on his face. This was his first smile, but it was a bloodthirsty light, and there was a bit of curiosity in the depths of his eyes. He wants to know if his strength can kill this monster with one blow?This monster is not just an ordinary monster!

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