There was a lot of hesitation on his face, and he hesitated for a while, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists, for revenge and shame.

Say, "Okay!"

Immediately after that, he was about to kneel down and worship the teacher.

Wuchen laughed loudly, and quickly stepped forward to stop him: "Okay, okay, okay, I'm not the kind of person who makes you kneel, so..."

Master Maitreya was suddenly stunned, and was served dumbly.

Wuchen smiled and said: "It seems that your belief in revenge is very firm. Let me give you this first!"

After he finished speaking, he took out two or three talisman papers from his pocket!

What is written on it is the magic spell to subdue the devil.

Wuchen specially wrote a spell with Qi magic.

At the same time, these things are specially made, and the weak human beings in this era also need these things.

Wuchen handed over the three charms in his hand and said, "This can help you. As long as you have mana on you, it can be activated at any time, and there are no side effects! Just use this to replace the power on your body!"

Master Maitreya was stunned, and when he took it, he couldn't help but startled, there was actually a spell in it!

And the ingredients in it are much stronger than their own masters.

Wuchen smiled and said, "Are you satisfied?"

Troublesome teacher coughed lightly and said quickly, "Thank you, Master."

Wuchen smiled and said, "Okay, okay, we're leaving too, do you want to follow me?"

Master Maitreya clenched the three talismans in his hands, clenched his teeth slightly and said, "No... I have to do other things... I have to find Naruo, so I will not act with you... "

Wuchen sighed regretfully and said: "Well, since that's the case, we can only part here, but I believe we will meet again!"

Master Maitreya nodded when he heard this.

Wuchen said goodbye to him and went back to the road.

on the road.

Inuyasha whispered: "What a strange person, no matter who you are, you seem to want to help him..."

Originally thought that dust-free is inaudible.

Wuchen has heard this.

Rolling his eyes, he said, "No matter who I am, I will help him. This guy is looking for the same person as you! The enemy of the enemy is the friend. Don't you understand this strategy?"

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, then turned around: "Naraku, is it a ghost spider?"

Wuchen nodded and said: "Do you think? Of course it is! Such a similar breath is either a pimple, a father and a son, or a person!"

After hearing this, Inuyasha said, "No way, really?"

Wuchen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is it possible that I still have time to lie to you? Such a similar breath has never been felt in two people, so it can only be like this, and humans can't change their names? Humans can change their names to monsters, but they can't change their names?"

Inuyasha was stunned all of a sudden, nodded dumbly and said, "That's right!"

Wuchen laughed: "Let's go, let's go!"

The words are finished.

Inuyasha cut and said, "It always feels like you're lying to me!"

Wuchen smiled and walked forward with Qibao.

Inuyasha froze in place and hurriedly caught up.

The group then walked forward.

And this time.

Wuchen led a few people to a strange place soon.

It's a big wasteland

But there is an extremely foul smell here, it is not some other smell, but a strange smell mixed with corpse and demon.

Kagome involuntarily frowned slightly and said, "What a strange stench, what is this place?"

After hearing this, Wuchen said: "The place, it must be that after some monsters were killed here, the corpses were mixed with the monsters here..."

As soon as he said it, he immediately widened his eyes and shouted: "Get back!"

When everyone heard this, they were all startled, and they flew back and quickly retreated. At this moment, a huge demon dragon appeared in front of them more than ten meters away.

Inuyasha was startled, his eyes widened involuntarily, he sucked in a breath of cold air, and the knife around his waist was directly pulled out.

Iron Broken Teeth transformed instantly!

A faint light shone in it.

Wuchen looked coldly at the demon dragon that appeared in front of him and said, "It turned out to be caused by the grievances of the demon... Let's kill it!"

Inuyasha smiled proudly and said, "Let me do it!"

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