My mind flashed back to more than 50 years ago, and I suddenly thought of the ghost spider.

Said: "By the way, a bandit ghost spider said something like that many years ago!"

After the words are finished, the scene at that time is retold.

Wuchen squinted his eyes and analyzed: "It's possible to accept that bastard, after all, he actually has such evil thoughts, in his heart, maybe he really thinks this is a happy way to pollute a clean person... see that totally unattainable goddess, and finally become... a tortured monster! Destroying everything that unattainable person has... It's not that no one has such a twisted heart!"

Granny Feng thought it was exaggerated, and everyone was surprised.

But when you think about it, it seems to make sense.

Inuyasha said: "Let's go and see! Where did the guy you mentioned appear before? I'm going to see!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Granny Feng led the crowd to the back mountain, and soon everyone came to the back mountain. At this time, the place was overgrown with weeds, and it was obvious that no one had come before.

At this time, when everyone slowly came to the entrance of the cave.

A large group of people were stunned

Because everyone has a cultivation base, even the weakest and weakest Xiao Chu, at this time, felt a huge evil energy blowing towards her face, which made her shudder involuntarily, and there was only surprise in her eyes. Take a breath!

Wuchen squinted his eyes and said: "Such a strong evil spirit remains here, and it is not a monster, but a human... It seems that the quantitative change caused by such a strong evil spirit! Interesting, that ghost spider may still be alive! " ..

283. The Ghost Spider

As soon as Wuchen's words came out, everyone was shocked.

At this time, everyone also suspected that the various markets showed some strange eyes, and then walked into the cave.

Just walked into the cave.

And at this time.

Granny Feng brought everyone to the place where Ghost Spider City had been lying, and everyone felt a chilling evil energy.

Evil qi surrounded the entire cave, and everyone was stunned at this moment.

Granny Feng narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was only a look of surprise in those eyes. She never thought that such a terrifying evil spirit would arise here.

Very surprised and said: "What's going on? Why is there such a strong evil spirit here, what's the matter, why is this happening? Are there monsters gathered here? It's really strange!"

Wuchen shook his head at this time and said: "It's not a monster, but someone, this must be the place where the ghost spider you mentioned is located, I can feel the powerful evil spirit that makes people feel sick, really Unbelievable, after so many years, it still exists, it must be as we guessed, he is still alive, but I don't know where he is now!"

The words were just spoken.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart showed a bit of anger, and his face also showed a bit of cold murderousness, and said, "He's still alive, I want to find him and kill him!"

After Wuchen heard this, he smiled helplessly and said: "Don't be so mindless, now even if you say these words, it will have no effect, because he has not appeared now, how do you find it, and the world is big you Saying this, there is no doubt that looking for a needle in a haystack is not so easy to find a person, there are so many monsters in the world, and it is not easy to find a person to become one!"

Inuyasha didn't feel discouraged when he heard this, but showed a bit of confidence, and said coldly: "Even this group I have to find out! If those despicable people let me find him, I will He's smashed to pieces!"

The murderous aura leaked out from his body, and everyone sighed for it at this time.

Although Inuyasha is usually very easy-going and will not release the murderous aura of himself casually, once it is released, everyone can feel the horror.

Kagome was also taken aback.

Wuchen sighed and said, "Okay, okay, let's leave first, we must not stay here for long!"

Everyone immediately left.

Wuchen took everyone out of the cave and converged to the entrance of the cave. At this time, he immediately cast his magic.

A faint green light appeared from his hand, I saw him take a deep breath, and his fingers continuously conveyed strength, and the light was emitted from his fingers, immediately turning into two couplets, which directly sealed the hole!

After Wuchen finished all this, he turned his head and said: "I sealed this place, no one should be able to come in, there is a lot of evil here, if other humans or monsters come in, it will definitely be Bewitched by it!"

Granny Feng nodded, and everyone went down the mountain.

to the foot of the mountain.

Inuyasha was speechless for a while, but he was quite lively at this time, but he couldn't say a word at this time. He learned that there was another secret, and the murderer was free, which made his mood even more complicated, and he was speechless for a while. language.

Seeing his appearance, Kagome quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, we will definitely find it. Although the world is so big, we will definitely have to go to more places to collect debris, so maybe in a few days. Can you meet that person?"

Granny Feng shook her head, sighed and said, "That ghost spider should have died, but according to the current situation, it should have turned into a monster, and it is not easy to find him, after all, his original When a despicable person turns into a monster, it must be a twisted thing, and it will definitely not be found so easily!"

Inuyasha cut and said, "I will find him, and I will kill him!"

The voice fell and became more determined.

Wuchen shook his head and sighed, and said a little helplessly: "What an idiot!"

And it was night time.

Everyone looked at it. When the evening came, Granny Feng said at this time: "Don't delay, how about having a meal together since the evening?"

Inuyasha said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if I eat or not..."

Wuchen slapped the back of his head with a slap. Although he knew that his emotions had not disappeared, it was still the same at this time, and his attitude was unpleasant.

He simply said: "You brat's attitude is annoying, don't hurry up and eat something, if you're not hungry, we can come with me!"

When someone saw Kagome like this, the street burst into laughter, and everyone went to make a fire.

And this moment.

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