At this time, Feitian thought so in his heart, he laughed and went crazy, attracting him Inuyasha!

At this time, Inuyasha was also very annoyed by Feitian's crazy appearance and shouted loudly: "You are really annoying enough!"

After the words were finished, the knife in his hand suddenly swung away, and a green knife slammed directly, and immediately the knife smashed the flying sky, driving more than ten meters away.

At this time, after the Feitian was opened more than ten meters, the figure disappeared.

Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately thought of something, turned his head sharply, and saw Fei Tian holding a spear in front of Kagome like thunder and lightning.

Qibao couldn't even see Feitian's movements at all, his eyes widened involuntarily, he felt incredible.

Very frightened, he said, "What should I do, what should I do..."

Wuchen yawned aside.

He didn't mean to take action at all. If the two people he taught couldn't deal with this monster at all, then he should leave them and go somewhere else, but he was waiting.

When Feitian wants to put Kagome on skewers with one blow!

at this very moment.

Inuyasha had already rushed out, and with a slam, his eyes widened and he roared, his body was like electricity, and he came to Kagome immediately.

Hearing the sound of puffing, the long spear directly penetrated his heart.

Wuchen stood up immediately, this guy won't die like this, just thought about it.

As soon as Inuyasha bit his teeth, he immediately grabbed the barrel of the gun with his left hand, and Kagome, who was being guarded behind him, blushed and dripped with tears, and immediately became a seal on both hands!

Incredibly fast, incredibly fast, and terrifyingly fast.

The energy in the body was finally used very quickly, and the incomparably strong power was extremely frightening when it was used at this moment.

At this time, Feitian did not expect such a thing at all.

There are not many people Kagome learned, but there are fire elements!

"Fire Escape: Flame Bullets!"

The high-temperature gas formed by the energy directly spewed out of the mouth, which directly formed a huge and incomparable flame bomb!

Blast the flying sky 10 meters away.

Inuyasha held back his severe pain. His heart was suddenly frostbitten, but it was recovering. He suddenly pulled out the long spear stuck in his chest and threw it aside, his eyes reddened, and he roared angrily. , slashed down with a single blow, with a loud bang!

The sword qi shot straight into the sky!

Feitian didn't have the ability to resist at all, and under that blow, he turned into annihilation and dissipated his body, and was cut to ashes directly.

Several fragments fell directly to the ground, and Feitian was completely gone at this time.

Inuyasha just fell to the ground all of a sudden, his eyes rolled and passed out. ..


The hot sun shone down from the sky, through the window, and into the room.

Wuchen sat next to the bed, and on the bed next to him was Inuyasha

Kagome had already left because she was going back to school.

Inuyasha passed out because his strength was exhausted and he didn't have time to replenish it quickly, so he had to carry it back for treatment.

Wuchen didn't expect Feitian's speed and power to exceed his imagination at all, and he didn't have time to take action. That's okay, this guy has such a great consciousness, and he has such a fast speed and power. Really, really Surprise yourself.

Granny Feng walked out slowly at this time, looked at Inuyasha lying on the bed, and said, "Oh? Has he not woken up yet?"

Wuchen snorted, nodded and said, "This kid's injury is too serious, it's normal that he hasn't woken up yet, but this guy dares to fight like this, for a little girl to be able to do this. It's not bad, it didn't live up to the ability I taught him!"

After hearing this, Granny Feng rolled her eyes and said, "You guy didn't rescue him immediately, you obviously have such great ability!"

Although Granny Feng's ability is not big, she can also tell who is superior and who is weak.

She can naturally feel the powerful power of Wuchen, and she has been able to sense it since Wuchen first appeared. This guy is very capable!

After Wuchen heard the words, he gave a helpless smile, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I also want to exercise this kid. I didn't expect this kid to be so inexperienced, there's nothing I can do..."

Granny Feng sighed, put the firewood she picked aside, and said, "That's right, he's not growing up enough right now, according to your words, although he is already very strong for us ordinary human beings. !"

Wuchen nodded and said: "He is indeed very good, but he is still too weak compared to the real strong, but human beings are really fragile!"

Speaking of words, there is a bit of loneliness here, and this sentence is also the words of Orochimaru

And after hearing this.

Granny Feng frowned and said, "How can you say that..."

Wuchen laughed and said: "Mother Feng, this is something you have to admit, in this chaotic world, monsters are always much stronger than humans, and there are also many half-demons that are much stronger than humans. Many creatures are stronger than humans, but the most valuable thing for humans is the spirit of self-improvement and the inheritance that never gives up!"

After Granny Feng heard the words, she couldn't help being shocked.

Wuchen suddenly had an idea and took out a scroll from his pocket.

He raised his head again and said to Granny Feng, "Mother Feng, I want to write something, can you give me the pen, ink, paper and inkstone?"

Granny Feng nodded blankly and said, "Okay, wait for me, I'll find it for you, no one has used it for a long time!"

When he finished speaking, he walked slowly, and after going out for a while, he slowly returned with the rather worn pen and paper.

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