Kagome immediately protected it, hanging the jade of the four souls on his chest, and said, "What? What are you doing with this thing?"

Qibao made a sound, turned his head and said, "Of course I want to use it!"

Wuchen walked over and sighed helplessly and said, "Really, it's really troublesome for this thing to attract these monsters!"

Qibao was stunned when he saw him, his eyes were full of surprise, and his eyes widened in shock and said, "You have a lot of...spiritual power...even more than...the Jade of Four Souls... ...and more..."

The words said this, and his eyes were rounded with a look of surprise.

Wuchen laughed and said, "Is that so? What's your name, but why did you steal the Four Soul Jade?"

"My name is Qibao! I... The reason why I need it is because..."

Qibao quickly told everything he knew.

Inuyasha and the others fell silent all of a sudden, it turned out to be revenge for their father.

Wuchen said suddenly: "So that's the case... Then I probably understand! But even if you get it, it's useless, because even if your father has the jade of the four souls, he is still used by those two. The monster stole it, and it was killed even more, and you are even weaker, if you stole it, it would be of no use, right? You can only die for nothing?"

With tears in his eyes, Qibao immediately struggled and shouted, "I must go!"

Wuchen understood at once, with a smile on his face, sighed and said: "Well, why don't you take us to find them, after all, the things on them are also what we want to recycle. No desire, do you?"

Qibao froze for a moment and said, "But they are very..."

The words just came to this point, and suddenly I was stunned. The man in front of him had a strong and terrifying aura, and there was also this half-demon who grabbed his tail, and he also had an aura that he couldn't see through at all. Two people might really be able to defeat the two brothers.

Wuchen smiled and said, "Where is it?"

Qibao said blankly: "They are on the mountain not far in front... If I remember correctly..."

I was a little nervous when I said this.

Wuchen looked at Inuyasha

Inuyasha snorted and threw Qibao directly to the ground.

Qibao immediately stood up and patted the dust on his body.

Wuchen squatted down and rubbed the hair on his body and said: "Well, you go to rest first, there is a place to take a bath, and if you want to wear clothes, you should wear this one on your body first, and tomorrow, you will give We can lead the way!"

Qibao couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Suddenly, stars appeared in his eyes.

Immediately nodded.

Wuchen turned to look at Kagome and said, "Take him in..."

Kagome nodded blankly, stunned for a moment.

Kagome went in with Qibao

Wuchen then said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, the next goal is done!"

Inuyasha snorted and said, "Look at what you mean by this guy, wouldn't you want to take this guy in?"

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face and said, "Why not? Do you mind?"

Inuyasha didn't mind, but said very dissatisfiedly: "Che, what a troublesome guy, I'm going to bed!"

After he finished speaking, he untied the knife from his belt, carried it on his body, and jumped up to the second floor.

Wuchen laughed out loud, a smile on his face.

I have some expectations in my heart, is it a monster with thunder and lightning?This is kind of interesting.

He thought so in his heart.

He also went to sleep.

Early in the morning.

Wuchen rubbed his eyes

He just woke up from the bed in the hall on the 1st floor

Qibao poked his face and said, "That..."

There was a bit of anxiety in my heart, but I didn't dare to disturb, and there was a little panic in my eyes for a while.

Wuchen smiled, got up and patted his little head and said, "Okay, let's go now!"

Qibao nodded blankly.

After Wuchen got up, he didn't set off immediately, but had a very leisurely breakfast after washing up.

Inuyasha looked at him and said, "Didn't you say to go?"

Wuchen held a barbecue leg in his hand and said while eating: "Take your time and don't be afraid!"

Qibao said very anxiously at this time: "But..."

Wuchen smiled and said, "Don't worry..."

Kagome was also anxious: "Then when are we going?"

Wuchen looked up at the sky. At this time, the sky was covered with thunderclouds. It should be the time for the two brothers to come out.

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