Wuchen followed the demonic energy with a few people, and soon came to a special room.

In this particular room there are many women wrapped in transparent film.

It looked very scary.

Wuchen frowned and said: "These women have all lost their breath, and the life essence of their bodies will be sucked away! It is really dangerous!"

The dust-free words just came out, and the few people beside them also took a breath.

Gan Lixin suddenly remembered his own young lady and was stunned. ..


Gan Lixin was stunned for a while, his hand was directly on the handle of the knife, and a huge toad monster appeared in front of him.

The toad monster in human form made him clench the knife immediately, sweat dripped from his forehead, and there was a little more fear in his eyes, but he recognized it all at once, and the monster was hugging in his arms. It is his own lady.

He suddenly became angry and immediately pulled out the knife and shouted loudly: "You bastard!"

At this moment, I saw that the toad monster immediately became angry and opened its mouth wide and shouted: "You guys dare to come here..."

At this time, the young lady was already in a state of fainting, which was obviously not very good.

Inuyasha snorted coldly, took a step forward, slowly put his hand on the handle of the knife, his white hair fluttered gently in the wind, looked at the huge toad monster in front of him, and said lightly, "Oh? It seems that these girls are the tools you use to suck the life essence, right?"

He had already guessed it.

This guy is a monster, and he has collected so many girls, obviously to absorb the life essence of these girls!

Kagome quickly reminded: "On his body, yes, there is a jade of four souls on his forehead!"

Wuchen sighed and said, "Let me solve it, or do you want to solve it?"

Inuyasha was not polite, and immediately pulled out his knife and shouted loudly, "I'm coming!"

The words said that the big sword that had transformed into shape directly chopped it at the head of the monster!

At this moment, the toad monster was startled, and the power attached to it was neither demon energy nor spiritual power!

Let him take a deep breath, the power he had never seen before made him involuntarily fall into a cold sweat, but then he immediately flew back behind him and threw the girl in his arms suddenly.

Gan Lixin jumped out and caught the body of the girl who was thrown over with his body. The girl also woke up at this time, and said quickly with a bit of panic in her eyes: "What happened?"

Gan Lixinchang smiled bitterly under her and said, "Miss..."

The girl froze for a moment, covered her mouth, and got up quickly.

Kagome said hurriedly at this time: "Your husband..."

As soon as the words came out, the girl said with a crying look: "My husband was possessed by a monster a month ago, and then it became like this..."

Inuyasha had already chased out at this time.

Hearing this, Kagome hurriedly said, "Is the lord himself still alive?"

The girl nodded dumbly.

Wuchen frowned slightly and said: "Ge Wei, don't have so many pitiful thoughts, that lord has already been occupied by monsters, if we are a little hesitant now, that monster will kill us in turn!"

Kagome was still a little uneasy, and said quickly, "Mr. Wuchen, don't we have any other way?"

Wuchen sighed helplessly and said: "Don't have much pity on these monsters, they have already begun to devour other people's lives, it has been proved that their humanity has begun to diminish, and they are gone, know our pitiful place, don't have too much compassion!"

Grandpa Mingjia also said at this time: "Yes, yes, why should you pity those guys? Those guys deserve it!"

But this time.

The young lady whispered, "That's my husband after all..."

Nobunaga Gan Li immediately said: "There must be a way to save it!"

At this moment, Inuyasha was already carrying a big sword and was about to slash that monster directly, but at this time.

Kagome, Nobunaga Ganli and the young lady quickly chased after him.

Wuchen sighed helplessly and stayed where he was, with a speechless look on his face, and a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

Grandpa Mingjia on him said, "What a troublesome guy!"

Wuchen said speechlessly: "These guys are really troublesome, forget it, let's clean up the mess for them!"

The words just came out.

At this time, Inuyasha shouted loudly: "Get out of me!"

Inuyasha directly grabbed the collar of the possessed lord, looking at the monster in front of him, the knife in his hand was between his necks.

Kagome seemed to have thought of something.

Said: "Right! This guy is a toad, and the toad is afraid of being hot!"

Inuyasha froze for a moment, a smile on his face.

Although he can't use very advanced magic

However, using energy to draw out flames is still very good at it. The flames appeared on the knife and pushed the back of the knife with a loud shout.

The raging flame instantly made the toad scream and jump out, and immediately left the lord!

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