Wuchen didn't want to see a huge amount of energy pouring out of his body, but then he felt that his energy was constantly being sucked away, he turned his head and looked at it, and his eyes widened. It was a wall, but it was full of emptiness at this time, and there was only a black light that devoured everything!

The blackness made him feel a little scared, and he couldn't help but startled and said in surprise, "What the hell? What the hell did you do? What is this?"

That's what he said.

Liu Mushuoyang laughed and said, "This place belongs to me, and you really helped me. As a good person, you should help me to the last step, so make it a sacrifice! Become a sacrifice of the times!"

When the words were spoken, a frantic expression appeared on his face.

"I will become the emperor of this era, I will become a god, and you will replace me as the sacrifice of the previous era! Die!"

Wuchen's whole body's strength was almost sucked away at once, and he couldn't condense his strength in an instant, only to feel shocked at this moment.

In an instant, the body seemed to turn into a stream of water, and with a swoosh, it flowed into the depths of the black abyss.

Wuchen only felt that his body was constantly being stirred in the black abyss, as if it was placed in a blender, which made him uncomfortable.

But what made him even more uncomfortable was that he didn't kill the bastard, and he didn't have time to drag that guy in too. What the hell is this place?

With this thought in his heart, he slowly opened his eyes, and then he was involuntarily stunned.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Here's what they call... the abyss? !

Wuchen stared blankly at the 4-week environment, no matter how he felt like he was taking a breath, he scratched his hair in confusion, and was stunned for a while..


259 , Inuyasha

Wuchen looked at the pile of dead bones in the dry well in front of him, he felt a little disgusted, and immediately stood up, patted the dust on his body, shook his head and sighed.

He didn't expect that he was in a dry well at this time. What is this place?

He thought so in his heart.

At this time, he scratched his hair, only to find that it had grown a lot longer.

Also, all the clothes on him have changed.

It became a black and red kimono

I don't know if the appearance has changed.

Wuchen thought so.

He couldn't care less, he didn't want to stay with a lot of bones for too long.

Thinking like this in my heart, I took a deep breath, stomped my feet, and suddenly my body's strength rose, and when I jumped, I jumped into the air, and with a slight jump in the air, I jumped to the ground.

He loosened his muscles and said to himself, "What the hell is this place? It's really troublesome!"

The words say so.

Followed by.

Just then.

Only a violent roar sounded: "Powerful spiritual power! This human being belongs to me!" The voice fell, followed by a violent wind blowing from the back of his head!

An extremely violent and foul-smelling wind blew from behind it.

Wuchen frowned slightly.

The wind made him very uncomfortable.

He jumped up suddenly, rolled over and jumped over.

I stepped on my feet hard, and the sound of booming sounded!

He had stepped on something at this time.

A tiger that speaks human language.

Wuchen was a little surprised, if it wasn't for the fact that he remembered what the tiger in the tunnel looked like before, he would have thought that the tiger had chased after him.

It's a pity that the tiger was not chasing after him, and the stripes on the tiger's body were completely different.

The whole body is not that big, it is only the size of an ordinary tiger, but it has rhino-like horns on its nose.

Wuchen was a little surprised, and his foot also stepped on the tiger's forehead at this time, and the tiger was stepped on the forehead, how could he bear a loud roar, and suddenly shook his head, directly It is to fly the dust-free top out.

Wuchen was shaken by his strength and jumped down, flying and jumping back.

The tiger turned around slowly.

Looking at Wuchen, he said coldly: "But I don't know what kind of human you are, but you have a very sweet smell of spiritual power, I will eat you!"

This has just been said.

Wuchen looked a little helpless, rubbed his eyebrows, sighed and said: "What a troublesome guy! I want to eat me as soon as I get here, is this the abyss?"

He just said this, when a slightly old woman's voice appeared behind him: "Be careful, that's a monster!"

Wuchen looked back and saw only a one-eyed old woman with a bow and arrow in her hand, followed by a large group of warriors. At this time, a group of people looked very worried.

The old woman was not far behind him.

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