The huge water in the shape of a trumpet shot directly from the air.

The man was not afraid at all, and immediately threw the short knife in his hand.

The dagger thrown out has a small transparent, ordinary rope attached, he just shook the rope, and the dagger in his hand immediately rushed out with the manipulation.

The short knife in the handbrake immediately slashed the water that fell from the air.

He only heard the sound of tearing, as if cutting something, the water that rushed down was cut by a short knife in an instant, and he was not hurt at all in the center of the attack, because the impact The water that came down dispersed to both sides.

The man took the knife back again, snorted coldly, and flicked his hand.

Said: "There are other tricks to use! Let's see..."

Dustless fell from the sky.

The seal of both hands is completed: "Water Escape: Water burst!"

Immediately above his head in the air, balls of water shot out like cannonballs.

There was a crackling sound, and the man was waving a short knife in his hand and smashing the water balls that were impacted like cannonballs!

He wasn't hurt at all, instead he took two or three steps forward.

Seeing to hit the front again.

Wuchen will directly enter his attack range.

Wuchen smiled coldly.

Instead of launching an attack, it merged into the darkness. This is illusion, the technique of darkness, which deprives the enemy of their vision. The most terrifying thing about this trick is that in such a shadow world, it will also make the enemy directly Fall into the dark!

At this time, the man is naturally invisible, and has no longer attacked the dust-free

All of a sudden, he was a little panicked. Looking around, his waist was slightly arched, and he was holding the short knife in his hand, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Wuchen looked at his appearance and smiled coldly.

It had already gone around behind him.

Take a deep breath.

"Water Escape: Hard Vortex Water Blade!"

He jumped straight up, and in his hand there was a sharp blade formed by a tax that was spinning like a head!

The gas engine only heard the sound of thumping, and the water immediately cut the man's body!

It was also cut open, and the man didn't have time to make moves!

His back was cut open, and a huge wound was kicked into the air.

Wuchen directly activated the connection in the air, the man couldn't get down at all, his whole body was cut open, only the sound of thumping thumping was heard, and the blood burst from the body.

Wuchen finally hit the ground, while the man was still in the air, he turned his head and immediately flicked the huge vortex-like water in his hand, which immediately turned into a deadly weapon!

Hearing the sound of a rumbling explosion, the man was knocked out by the blow!

There was a bang in the air and the water exploded, and his whole body fell to the ground, just ending the dark line!

And at this moment

Wuchen didn't kill him either, he just wanted to know what information this guy knew, otherwise he would just keep walking forward like this, and he wouldn't be able to find the exit according to the road map in his mind!

At this time.

Just turned around, the man did get up from the ground, as if he was immortal, the wounds on his body began to heal, because of the cut just now, so the clothes on his body were cut into tatters and the wounds healed. more obvious.

Wuchen was stunned all of a sudden, his eyes were a little more surprised, and he said with a little surprise: "I didn't expect, do you actually have such an ability? It's really unexpected!"

His words speak.

And the man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Said, "You are dead!"

His words came out.

But he took off the bow behind him.

Put the knife away.

Wuchen became interested at this time, got up and said with a smile: "Is it all right after so many attacks? But what about the next step?"

The moment the words were spoken, a special imprint appeared in his eyes!

He entered fairy mode.

A pair of palms snapped together.

He shouted loudly: "Xianfa: Ming Shenmen!"

The moment the sound fell, a huge torii fell directly above the sky.

The incomparably huge torii roared and slammed into the man's body. With the bow in his hand, the man couldn't make a move immediately, so he was instantly captured by the huge torii.

Being directly weighed down by Mingshenmen, the energy on his body was suddenly unable to run, his face was a little more frightened, his eyes widened and he took in a breath of cold air, this thing can actually suppress his own. Energy runs!

There was a little panic on his face.

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