The green light on his body gave birth to the side, trees appeared, and a special oval shield appeared directly in front of him, and then the sword energy could not be cut at all, but was directly hit by this powerful force in an instant. blocked in.

There was a slight surprise on Wuchen's face.

And the man was shocked and said in surprise: "Woo, wood, how can life energy be possible? This is a world that has never had a little bit of vitality. You can't create life, how is it possible, how can you do it... "

As he spoke, his body immediately turned into black water and dissipated.

Wuchen heard his words and saw his terrified appearance, he felt even more frowning, and he was even more curious. What this guy said was so weird, so bizarre, so suspicious!

The world cannot create life, so what does that mean?The more he thought about it, the more strange it became, but after thinking about it, his main purpose was to break the contract!

I haven't found the contract now, but according to them, as long as they can find the ghost stone, it should be fine.

Thinking like this in his heart, he turned his head, walked over, and then walked forward. The more he walked, the more wrong he felt. What the hell is this place?What's wrong here?

He thought so in his heart.

He frowned and let go of his perception, and at this time an inexplicable energy broke into his perception again.

And this time.

In the mortal world, General Ika sat cross-legged on a tall building at this time, and his face revealed a bit of surprise.

He said indifferently: "It seems that this guy has caused something, don't drag me down, or things will be troublesome!"

There was some helplessness in his words, obviously as if he knew something, and he took a deep breath. ..

242, Special People [Second]

Wuchen is the power to create life at this moment.

The face of that short man was full of horror, and he just couldn't believe that someone could create something like life energy in this world, and everything here should be dead!

There shouldn't be any living creatures, how could he do it? !

I was full of fear.

The short man involuntarily took two or three steps back, took a deep breath, and widened his eyes.

Wuchen looked at his frightened expression, and said a little strangely: "Can't you create life? Then what the hell is this place?"

His words speak.

That is to lift the wooden ingot wall.

A little curiosity on his face

And after hearing this at this time, the short man swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva again, and took two or three steps back again to feel the surging life energy of Wuchen, and his heart was full of panic. .

Said: "You lunatic! How can you have such a surging and terrifying life energy in your body!"

His words sounded even more frightening.

When Wuchen heard this, he said in confusion: "What do you mean? Don't you have life energy here? There is no life energy here. He suddenly wanted to understand, yes, this world is a world dominated by plunder, I don't care about life energy at all, and I never care about life!

Wuchen suddenly realized, and was a little surprised for a while.

Said, "I get it roughly..."

He had just said his words, the short man had a terrified expression on his face, and there was a deep fear in his eyes, and his involuntary body immediately stepped back. He seemed to be hesitating for something, but soon it was After thinking about it, pulling a leg in an instant is running quickly.

Wuchen saw him run away quickly

He sighed helplessly and shrugged his shoulders.

He said to himself, "What a troublesome guy!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and walked forward. He was also puzzled, because according to the original plot, the mysterious mask should exist in this world, and this world should not be like a lake. Can you find yourself as long as you come?

Moreover, he has been approved by General Ghost Shadow. Logically speaking, he should be able to find it soon. Why does he have no feeling at all, and there is no way he can find it.

He thought so in his heart.

He shook his head with a wry smile, sighed, and then walked forward.

And just as he continued to walk forward for ten minutes.

A large piece of gray-white grassland finally changed, and his face was slightly surprised, and he looked forward seriously.

At this moment.

He just saw

There was a large forest in front.

Furthermore, it is a 10-minute dense jungle area.

Although it is still black and white, this is enough to surprise him that the landscape here is so changeable. What's going on?What the hell is this place? !

He thought so in his heart.

Slightly confused, then walked forward, and there was a sloping downhill in front.

Walk slowly, downhill.

If he continued forward, he would follow a path into a large jungle ahead.

It's just a slight thought, so he thought about it and then walked forward. After all, there should be no one in this world who can hurt his life. After all, he now has ten tails and a black dragon.

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