Just thought so.

this moment.

In those woods, people rushed out immediately.

I saw people wearing cloth robes and weapons in their hands slowly approaching him, forming a circle around him. At the same time, the leader was a man with a feather-like crest on his head.

It was a young man wearing slightly better leather armor.

With a big knife in his hand, he led the crowd around, and when he saw the dying monster that was burned, there was a bit of surprise on his face, and he looked very surprised and said, "Flame? What are you doing? Could there be flames? Who are you? What's your name?"

Here comes his words.

At this moment, there was suspicion in his eyes.

After Wuchen heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then took two steps back and said, "Hey, brother, you are not the same color as here..."

As he said this, he realized that although the clothes on this group of people were all black, their skin color was not pale, but yellow, white and gray.

Unlike other shadows, soldiers and creatures are all pale white, and the weapons on their bodies are also of other colors. What's going on? This world seems unusual, he originally thought it was the same as in the plot. Exactly the same, just an extension, but it seems like this is a world of its own.

heard this.

The man was stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little more surprised and said: "You can see the color, wait, you are an outsider, you are not from this world?!"

The words are even more surprising! ..

240, looking for a contract [fifth more]

After hearing this.

Wuchen nodded dumbly and said, "I'm from outside..."

As soon as he said this, the man said in amazement: "What is it from outside, what is the matter with people who can come from outside? Why is this happening?! He can't have flames from outsiders, but you can actually bring the flames with you. Entering the world of shadows, no, who are you? How could you do such a thing!"

Involuntarily, there was a little more panic in the words, and there was a strong look of surprise on his face, and he said in a daze.

Wuchen touched the back of his head in confusion and said, "Why can't you bring it in? What do you mean? Can you tell me the truth? What's going on? What the hell is this?"

That's what he said.

Followed by.

The man sighed helplessly and said, "Actually, we are all from the outside world, we just can't bring the flames when we come in, but why are you able to bring the flames, and why haven't you become the nourishment in the shadow world? , how did you get in? Didn't you get in by swallowing the shadow?"

Wuchen was stunned.

The man went on to say: "Ordinary human beings want to come to this world, either through the most special gate of shadows, or through being swallowed up by people, the body is also pulled in, and then becomes the shadow world. Man! Which way are you?"

Wuchen was stunned and said in amazement, "I came in through this thing!"

When he said that, he pointed to the special decoration smelling on his shoulders.

Hearing this sentence, the man stared at the past, and everyone was startled, their eyes widened.

The man took a deep breath and said, "Who the hell are you? Not only can you bring the flames here, but you also have a special tattoo of the leader of the shadow world! Why is this? Who are you? Woolen cloth?"

Wuchen said in a daze: "I came to find something, and I was entrusted by someone to find something!"

After saying this, the man froze for a moment and said, "How can you come to find something, it's strange, what do you mean by come to find something?"

Wuchen said: "I'm here to find a special contract, which is a contract that can bind the nine ghost generals. Do you know where it is?"

His words said this, and then everyone was immediately startled, and the man said in surprise: "The contract that binds the nine ghost generals, are you talking about the one hidden in the deepest shadows? Ghost Stone? No normal person has been there, or people from the shadow world can't go there, even the most powerful generals can't go there. Are you actually going there? "

It's amazing what he said!

And this moment.

Wuchen felt a little puzzled after hearing this, because according to the guy.

The special contract hidden in this world should not be known to anyone, so how can these guys know?

Ghost Stone, what the hell is that?

He thought so in his heart, and looked very surprised: "What did you say just now? Why does it sound so strange, what does it mean?"

This has just been said.

The man was very surprised and said, "Don't you understand this? I don't know how you got in. Come with me. Our residence is here, and I will tell you everything!"

Wuchen nodded dumbly and followed a group of people away.

But when he followed a group of people, he also discovered a detail, that is, someone even pulled the beast that he had defeated, which seemed obviously inedible, and came back with him.

Soon a group of people came to a cave, which was located at the foot of the mountain.

And very spacious.

Wuchen followed and walked into the cave.

There is a flame in the hole, but the color of the flame is not the same, it is black.

With a slightly surprised look on Wuchen's face, he sat down beside the flame.

The man also sat down beside him, and there were many people gathered in the cave.

The man sighed and said, "I don't know what you mean by looking for that contract, but I know you must be an unusual person. My name is Woody. I came here about three years ago. I came here. The way is that after being swallowed by the black shadow, the body was brought here by them, and the shadow became one with the shadow and became a special shadow man, so they could no longer go out, and they were the same!"

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