That thing is simply a bug-level thing, and it can dispel all external forces!

Wuchen is really a little curious, what ability can he directly crack the Amaterasu flame, and his heart is full of strangeness for a while.

General Ika took out a knife again, and said coldly: "If that's the case, then I'm welcome!" ..

235. Save People [Third]

General Manny also immediately manipulated his soldiers at this time, and the shadow soldiers in the shape of mantis rushed out directly.

Wuchen was not polite. He waved the black stick in his hand and swung it away. Immediately, those soldiers were beaten and turned into black water and dissipated. Power assistance, so there is no way to recover.

Although General Manny's strength is strong, he can't stand the huge consumption.

He couldn't help being defeated, took a deep breath, took two or three steps back, and then stabilized his body.

Wuchen had just repelled the attack of the large wave of soldiers in the form of mantis and was a little tired, but then, only General Ika and his large group of soldiers were besieged.

Wuchen took two or three steps back at this moment, and then suddenly spurted out of his mouth, shouting loudly: "Big flame bomb!"

So you spit out a huge firebomb and smashed right through it.

General Ika and his soldiers were knocked back in one fell swoop.


At this moment.

Wuchen I also slammed open, and then Amaterasu flames formed instantly.

General Ika felt inexplicably wrong, and immediately took a dozen steps back, and his body instantly turned into a black shadow, dissipating at this moment.

His soldiers couldn't dodge at all, and they were directly burned into coke. There was no way to do it. Even if they turned into black water, they were scorched in an instant.

At this time, everyone was stunned.

Tara on the side was also stunned, this flame really can't be cracked!

The words he said just now were just because he wanted to have more confidence in his zodiac sign, but this trick can't even be cracked by himself. Logically speaking, it should be able to be cracked.

He thought so in his heart, and he was very panicked at this time.

Wuchen took a breath, using so many tricks, he was not easy.

With a cold smile on his face, he said, "I think you don't want to run away!"

The words speak.

The six tin sticks were stuck on the ground, and the palms snapped together and shouted loudly, "The Immortal Law: all kinds of things!"

The words fell, and a green light of life appeared on him immediately, which directly enveloped the entire huge warehouse. At this time, everyone present was stunned for a moment, only to see that green light enveloped the entire crotch pants, and Trees grew behind him.

Huge trees rose from the sky, blocked by the barrier, and then slowly grew, growing wildly within the barrier, and all of the ghost generals were all at once surrounded.

Several people panicked.

General Ika's most shrewd body turned into a shadow, and he entered the world of shadows in an instant. He escaped from his heart at once, but he knew his boss very well. Although there is a new boss now, even if it is In this way, you and others shouldn't be able to beat this guy!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was not good, so he fled first, and Tara naturally knew that General Ika had left, and he knew that he was going to run as soon as he bit his teeth.


Before he could issue orders, the ghost army generals under him also knew what was going on, and they all threw themselves into the shadow world.

After the tree was fully formed, Tara was stunned at this time. He stood on the wide tree trunk with a little more surprise in his eyes. He could no longer feel the strength of his companions.

He was stunned.

Wuchen stood not far from him and said coldly, "Should you run away now or wait to die? Dare to kidnap my friend, you should be ready to die, right?"

His words came out, and at this moment, the imprint of his hands was completed in an instant, and at the same time, his mouth suddenly sprayed.

He shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Fire Dragon Fire Bomb!"

The incandescent flame sprayed out from his mouth, and Tara was startled suddenly, pulled out the knife, and slashed it out suddenly. The sprayed incandescent flame was divided into two, but it quickly ignited the tree !

The lit trees emit even more heat!

At the same time, the hot gas also poured into his body, which made him feel as if he was about to suffocate.

How could Wuchen let him go, and quickly rushed to him.

Six tin sticks swayed away!

Tara was hit in the face at once, and the whole person was beaten and flew out.

Dust-free snorted coldly

Both hands knotted and completed quickly.

He shouted: "Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

The sound fell, and a small block appeared in the hand immediately, and it flew directly from the hand.

Tara immediately felt the danger of imminent death at this time. The dangerous aura made him shudder, and his body quickly turned into a black shadow, which dissipated in an instant.

In an instant, his body immediately entered the shadow world.

The dust-free technique of stripping the original world hit the trees, and it was directly decomposed into dust when it was hit!

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