Wuchen immediately activated the divine power and absorbed his cross into the space.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he had gained a lot. He gained two masks and added 12 spells. ..

233. Kidnapping Case [First Update]

Sunny day and scorching sun.

Wuchen woke up slowly in the attic of the old man's antique shop. It had been three days since the incident that happened before. Of course, the incident was full of storms!

There have even been rumors that the so-called god of the forest, because of the over-exploitation of human beings, has generated anger and made a scene at the airport!

But that kind of thing is just a fool's idea.

Wuchen doesn't care at all, and has been working in Dad's antique shop for the past three days.

And today, he slept a lot.

at this time.

The old man downstairs shouted loudly: "What are you doing up there? Why don't you come down and help?"

When Wuchen heard the harsh sound, he walked downstairs with a helpless expression, and just rubbed his eyes to see the things in front of him.

The old man said very impatiently: "There are so many guests today, you are still sleeping late!"

Wuchen had just walked down with a helpless look on his face, but he was stunned involuntarily and appeared in front of him.

It's very strange, the store is actually full of people, and a large group of people are picking up those tattered antiques. Of course, to Dad, these are very valuable treasures, but to him who doesn't understand antiques .

I really can't understand why there are so many people today, so he walked to the bathroom to rinse his mouth.

I felt a little strange in my heart.

His brows furrowed slightly.

At this time, Dad stood at the counter and greeted the guests with a smile.


The guests flocked to the father's side and asked

Wuchen's eyes were full of surprise, and he slowly walked out of the bathroom, and he was even more surprised, why there were so many people today, just when he was thinking about it.

Otherwise, he would find something wrong all at once.

What about Xiaoyu!

what happened?

Where did the people go?

She doesn't have a cram school today, and she doesn't need to go to class. Why is she no one?This little girl usually likes to stay in the antique store the most.

Wuchen was stunned for a while, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

He turned his head to look at Jackie Chan, who also just woke up.

Said, "Where's Xiaoyu? Where did she go?"

Subconsciously, I suddenly thought of bad things. So many people are too weird. It's not right at all. It's not right. Logically speaking, it's not right. This is really wrong.

Xiaoyu, the owner of the antique shop who goes shopping every day, is gone today, and she doesn't come out to help when there are so many people. It's definitely weird.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I feel.

Jackie Chan also felt very strange at this moment, rubbed his eyes before he had time to wash up, he shouted loudly: "Xiaoyu!"

Wuchen suddenly understood at this time. Although he didn't feel any power in it, he could sense it.

This thing doesn't taste right.

He snorted coldly and said, "I'll go look for you and watch the store!"

As soon as his words came out, he walked out of the door of the store immediately.

After putting on a robe and going to the street, today's day is extraordinarily gloomy.

There was a smell of musty salted fish, and there was a strange look on his face. How could there be so many guests in such a strange weather? Someone must have hired them to come here to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

He was just thinking about this, when a violent wind blew behind him.

Followed by.

Wuchen suddenly turned around and grabbed a shuriken, which he held in the palm of his hand. He slowly opened the palm of his hand and held it in his hand. At this time, a small letter was tied to the arrow.

Wuchen suddenly felt a deep shock in his heart, his face changed, he opened the letter, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes, sure enough.

Xiaoyu was captured!

Dust-free teeth clenched.

Said: "It's so mean!"

He thought so in his heart.

At this time, he snorted coldly, and his body suddenly jumped up.

He jumped up to the roof, and immediately jumped on the floor according to the instructions in the construction.

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