When his words came to this point, many shadows appeared behind him, and the soldiers followed his shadows. As many as 10 percent of the soldiers slowly walked out of the alley, and immediately surrounded the two of them.

Wuchen and Dad suddenly became a little nervous.

At this moment, a low and slightly vicissitudes voice appeared behind the two of them: "Kill the two of you first, and our mission will be completed. There are two people who can't finish it, the two of you. I can't believe it!"

This is spoken.

Immediately afterwards, Tara appeared behind the two of them.

At this time, Wuchen immediately gave a signal to his father, and he suddenly turned around and immediately finished the seal with his hands and shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Fengxian Fire Technique!"

The moment his words fell, flames spit out from his mouth, like a meteor falling from the sky, and like a rain of fire.

Tara was stunned all of a sudden, and immediately pulled out the knife, and he could play too. As soon as he pulled out the knife and pulled out the knife, he immediately slashed all the flames away, but he was also beaten for it. Hit the exit and go a dozen meters.

The knife in his hand trembled slightly, and he held the knife coldly with a slightly serious expression in his expression, and said coldly: "Can you release your power so quickly? It's really amazing! But You must die here today!"

Immediately after him, countless black shadows appeared behind him, surrounding several people. Half the road was wrapped in black shadows, and it seemed that he had come prepared.

With a cruel look on Nijia's face, he pulled out his knife and immediately commanded, and a large group of soldiers besieged Zhang Jun.

At this time, the old man naturally wanted to fight immediately!

Wuchen wouldn't let the old man fight, he suddenly attacked and swept out with one leg, shouting loudly: "The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

The sound fell, and a gust of wind immediately swept out, sweeping away the large group of ninjas.

Immediately afterwards, his hands suddenly slapped, and the earth shouted again from his mouth: "Tu Dun: The Technique of Huangquan Marsh"

As soon as the sound fell, the ground became soft, and when Tara got up, she felt that the ground under her feet became soft in an instant. It jumped up suddenly and the knife light flashed before shouting at the two of them. Suddenly a knife slashed over, this knife swung out the knife, and the gas attacked the two like a crescent moon.

Wuchen was not polite when he saw that he raised a knife and slashed at the two of them. He immediately raised his strength and shouted loudly. The energy in his body burned up, and he suddenly responded with a palm, and a curse mark flashed in the palm of his hand.

At this time, he treated the knife with the meat long, and when the two forces collided, there was an explosion. Tara was shocked by this force and flew out, and he was stunned for a moment.

Nijia immediately shot and slashed at the weakest old man, but at this time, the old man was ready, and immediately took out a puffer fish from his waist, and said aloud: " The monsters, monsters, leave, monsters, monsters, leave!"

As he spoke, the puffer fish immediately spewed green light like a bullet from its mouth, and directly hit Niga, who was rushing over.

Nijia was hit all of a sudden, black smoke appeared in his chest, he was sent flying more than ten meters, and hit a huge telephone pole behind him, and then stopped his body, he stared in surprise. When he opened his eyes, the armor on his chest was blown to pieces, and more blood seeped out. He just couldn't believe that his body was stronger than steel, and that move just now almost took his life!

At this time, the old man was merciless. He took the puffer fish in his hand and took out a circle of powder from the belt and sprinkled it on his feet. He took out a small bell and shook it, and said aloud. : "Leave the monsters and monsters! Leave the monsters and monsters! Leave the monsters and monsters!"

After repeating the incantation three times, it immediately started to move. I saw the bell swaying very fast, and then the green powder turned into light and rushed over quickly.

Nijia gritted his teeth, raised his strength and stood up suddenly, the knife in his hand drew a crescent moon, and the sword qi flew out, colliding with the green light, but the sword qi was terrifying, but in an instant It was directly swallowed up by the dragon-like breath, and it had no effect at all.

Nijia had no choice but to use the knife to win, and the two forces collided. The power of the spell tore at his armor and body like a dragon, causing him to roar and scream.

Although Dad doesn't know how to seal this shadow corps, what he is now using is only the most basic sealing spell, that's all.

This seal spell is useful to any evil force.

this moment.

Nijia screamed. After being bitten by the magic dragon, the knife in his hand dropped directly and was hit by the foot of a giant dragon. The body was knocked out again, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

Wuchen looked very surprised. Was the father so strong?Not much magic power was used, and with just such a little ability, a general of this Shadow Corps could be beaten like this.

Sure enough, don't compare the combat power with the characters in the funny plot, that's the pinnacle that you can't compare!

Seeing this situation, Tara took a deep breath, widened her eyes, and her body immediately turned into a stream of black water and drifted away. He knew that things were going to be troublesome now, and even his own zodiac sign would go up with him. I can't figure it out, and there is no one else to help. If I stay here, I have to be planted here.

The thought in Tara's heart had long since dissipated, and his breath was gone in an instant, and the ninjas he summoned also disappeared with him in an instant.

At this moment, Nijia, who was his subordinate, wanted to cry but had no tears. He stood up from the ground in embarrassment. After fumbling on the ground, he found his knife. Holding the handle of the knife in both hands, he gritted his teeth and stepped back. He took two steps back to the depths of the alley.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and at this time Dad wanted to make a move.

Wuchen walked forward first, wrote and drew with his fingers, and the spell appeared in front of him. ..

229. Seal [First Update]

The dust-free words slowly fell, and I saw the golden light flying out, and immediately hit directly, Nijia in the depths of the alley!

Nijia immediately screamed in pain, screaming, his whole body seemed to be fried, and his body radiated light. At this time, he was completely in pain, screaming loudly with a score of 10, his eyes It was full of anger and resentment, but he couldn't resist without any effect. The violent force appeared on his body with the appearance of a 10-character stake!

Dust-free is quickly imprinted on the hand!

This is his newly researched power!

At the same time, it is also a new trick for him to combine qi magic and spell magic, plus incantation magic, plus ninjutsu!

The name is: Five Elements Fire Seal!

The principle of this move is to directly inject the power of the seal into the enemy's body, mobilize the power in the enemy's body, and then reflect the power in his body into the power of the seal!

So it makes sense.

It can be said that Nijia was sealed by his own power. At this time, he was directly rumbling and thundering that his body was twisted. His body became a cross in an explosion, standing on the ground, and his cry. Also completely gone.

Wuchen walked over with great satisfaction, but on this cross, there was a mask hanging on the center point at this time, which was the mask of the Ghost Corps.

Wuchen was a little surprised, with a smile on his face, he pulled out the huge cross, carried it on his body, and walked out of the alley.

Dad was outside the alley, watching him come out carrying the huge cross, and said in surprise, "What are you carrying this thing for? What is this thing?"

Although Dad is a mage, he can feel the change of energy just now, but he doesn't understand what it is.

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