In order to maintain his image, he didn't say a word at this time, just sat beside him blankly.

Ah Fu was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't reveal it.

A Fen whispered to the other three: "Soon things will be sent in, it should be the first thing sent in in a while, you should pay attention!"

This sentence came out.

At this moment, only a voice was heard: "Today is Mr. Warden's birthday, please sing a song for Mr. Warden!"

Soon the large group of prisoners sang songs to please the warden.

Dustless is indifferent

At this time, the warden also laughed very happily, and soon, only a cake was brought over and placed on the large table in the prison cafeteria.

Just then.

Zhou seized the opportunity and stood up directly. He knew that the thing was probably the Panku treasure box that was sent in.

He exclaimed, "Let's celebrate!"

As he spoke, he picked up a plate of vegetables, as if it was buckled in a trash can, turned back and buckled, and then those vegetables and branches and leaves flowed all over his face!

At this moment, the man who was being detained by him immediately became angry and overturned the table. Everyone was in a mess, and the warden also widened his eyes in surprise.

Ah Fu ran over quickly and slammed the cake away, only to find that there was nothing!

He was stunned for a moment.

After all, Ah Fen's eyes were vicious, and he saw it all at once!

At this time, Ah Fu was directly pulled down by the guard gate, and the person who made trouble just now was pulled aside.

A Fen immediately put away the Panku treasure box while the chaos

Ah Fu and other troublemakers were immediately locked up.

A-Fu wanted to run to his room while he was holding something in a mess. ..

216, the situation is in chaos [first more]

Wuchen couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't care less, so he immediately chased after him. Originally, his purpose was to let this group of people get the Panku Treasure Box and then grab it so they won't release the devil!

You can also find that location.

Then strengthen the seal again, it will save a lot of trouble.

At this time, he immediately changed to chasing A Fen.

A Fen quickly ran to his room holding the things in his hand, trotting all the way, and soon returned to the cell.

Wuchen chased after him and was stunned involuntarily when he saw what was in his hand. He was holding a lot of pine nuts in his hand.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes

A Fen was very surprised to watch him chase after him into his cell and said dumbly, "Hey, brother, why are you here with me?"

Wuchen didn't want to talk nonsense with him, he frowned, grabbed his neck suddenly with one hand, and said, "You guy, where did you put the Panku treasure box?"

A Fen was stunned for a moment, and recognized it at once. He recognized it because of this sentence, and said in surprise, "You know... wait who you are..."

Wuchen heard his words, canceled his disguise, and said coldly: "Guess who I am? Where is the Panku treasure box?"

A Fen froze for a moment and said, "It should be here..."

As he spoke, he looked at the kraft paper bag he was holding in his hand, and then, Wuchen grabbed it and suddenly a lot of pine nuts fell on it, and there was no Panku treasure box at all!

Dust-free is a little surprised

But at this moment, he felt the emergence of a demonic aura, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he pushed A Fen to the ground at once, and turned his head to look over.

His perception ability is extremely excellent, and he immediately sensed where the demon was. He gritted his teeth, and his body turned into a gust of wind and ran back, and he immediately saw a familiar-looking man.

That man looks very familiar

Obviously it is the demon of wind, Sao Feng!

It was still released

Just then.

A large group of guards ran over, grabbed his shoulders and said, "What's going on?"

Wuchen was stunned for a moment.

The guards ran over and knocked him down.

Wuchen immediately broke free, freeing all those guards

Xiaofeng understood at once, and when he stepped back, he could see that the person in front of him was coming towards him, with a cold snort on his face.

Said, "You came for me?"

Xiaofeng's words came out.

Just then.

In the wall next to him, only a familiar figure appeared in the dark shadow.

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