The soul of the Holy Lord appeared here, because the body has been completely destroyed!

Without a physical body, it can only appear in this space in the form of a soul.

The Holy Lord appeared in this hell, roaring loudly!

Just then.

A large group of demons were attracted.

Of course his demon brothers and sisters

At this moment, Xiao Feng walked over with a smile on his face, and said coldly, "Oh, who am I talking about, it turns out to be our good brother, why aren't you having a good time? We can see clearly. Seeing it really, I thought you had forgotten, we didn't expect to come back here to visit relatives so well? I thought you forgot our poor relatives!"

After saying this, his eyes widened when he came out, and there was a cold murderous aura in his eyes.

And this moment.

Ximu mocked lightly on the side: "Don't you want to rebuild your empire? Why do you want to go to hell to rebuild the empire, it seems that you can't do it?"

At this time, Zhu Lan also said sarcastically: "I thought you, this guy, had already forgotten about us. What are you doing here now?"

In fact, everyone knows it.

The Holy Master has failed, and he has been sealed back. The flesh has been cut off. To rebuild the flesh, it will take at least another thousand years, but the soul has been sealed in hell, it has been proved. , he's finished.

So everyone gathered around and mocked him.

The Holy Master is no longer complacent and arrogant, but said in a low voice: "Brothers and sisters, I..." ..

202. Deals Between Demons [Third Update]

Bazaar said coldly from the side: "Did you ever think that we were brothers and sisters? You only remember yourself, and the first thing you do is to rebuild your own palace, but have you ever thought about what our agreement was? What you should do is open the gates of hell and let us out, and you only care about yourself!"

As soon as this is said.

Bo Gang also came over, his eyes were red, and he said in a very scary voice: "You lied to us, you damn bastard!"

The words said, at this time, everyone looked very angry.

The Holy Master said in a low voice, "Brothers, I need your help, and now I..."

This has just been said.

Everyone has a cold expression.

No one wants to hear him talk.

At this time, the Holy Master quickly said: "I promise I didn't lie to you, I just want to rebuild my palace first, if I succeed first, I will naturally release you, you all misunderstood me, I am definitely not that kind People who forget about brothers, you know, I've always been the kind of person who is loyal."

No one will believe this word.

Zhongsu said coldly, "Really? I don't believe you!"

Di Kui said lightly: "You can't help us now, so you are ready to spend a lifetime in this hell, with us!"

The Holy Master hurriedly said: "No, no, no, brothers, I have a better idea. If possible, we can work hard to break free from this area. This place is so stinky. Every one of us suffers here. Enough is enough, isn't it? I have been successful because of the help of my brothers and sisters, of course... now you can still help me, if I can get out of trouble now, I have a good plan!"

Hearing this, everyone has a cold and murderous look, and can't wait to pinch his soul!

At this time, Zhu Lan said calmly: "Speak your plan!"

The Holy Master breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Think about it, what if I could go out and find the Panku treasure box?"

After saying this, everyone was stunned.

The Holy Lord continued: "You all know that that thing can release us all, we can walk out of the gate of hell with a bright and swaggering way, rebuild everyone's empire, and let each of us have our own territory. !"

His words were very tempting, and everyone was stunned.

Ximu expressed doubts: "Really? But I don't believe you, and how are you going to get out, you are locked up like us!"

At this time, Zhu Lan said coldly: "Let you go out as before, and use the power of our seven great demons to release your soul. Although you no longer have a body, you can use the state of your soul to resurrect in someone else's. body! So that you can find the treasure box and let us out, won't you?"

This sentence came out.

The Holy Master nodded and said, "Yes, brothers and sisters, you all want to go out, and I don't want to be trapped here. Without you, my rule is meaningless. Why don't you work together to let me out!"

After hearing this, everyone snorted coldly, thought for a while, and nodded.

Curse Lan said: "We can work together to let you out, this is something we can do, no matter how many times, but this time, in order to prevent you from cheating, what we must do is to stand on your body. Make a contract!"

After the words were spoken, a blue light suddenly emanated from the hands and everyone quickly sent out their strength.

The Holy Master cried out in pain, and he could also sense severe pain in his soul state, and the agreement was engraved on his body.

Curse Lan slowly withdrew the magic power, and everyone also withdrew the magic power.

Curse Lan said coldly: "We made an agreement on you together. If you don't strictly follow your plan after you go out, and you are not ready to let us out, then you are ready to endure the feeling of arrows piercing your heart. Well, every day, every moment, you must strictly follow our plan, or you will die!"

This sentence came out.

The Holy Master nodded, and there was a bit of hatred in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Everyone can see it, but in order to go out, we can only rely on this guy. Everyone knows that the Holy Master is very powerful, and he is also a cunning guy. It is difficult to control, but there is no way!

For this reason, everyone used their magic power again, forcibly opened a small door, this small door can only accommodate a little body, and it happens that the body of the soul can pass through, and everyone is not dead, nor can their souls come out of their bodies, they can only pass. The Lord sent it out.

And this time

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