With a bit of helplessness on his face, he said, "Dad can't find it..."

Jackie Chan hurriedly said: "Why don't you look elsewhere, maybe there will be. Now the situation is extremely critical, you should try harder..."

Dad turned to look at Jackie Chan and said, "I know, I know this better than you, but I can't find that book, that book was left to me by my master, I can find those books. things, but I don't know where to put them now..."

This has just been said.

Xiaoyu held an old ancient book beside her in a daze, then walked out of the kitchen and said, "Is it this one? When you were playing mahjong, Daddy, you brought this book to stand on the table. …”

When the words were spoken, the book was handed over.

And that book is written: "Ancient Chronicle"

When Dad saw the book, he immediately got excited and put it in his hand and said, "This is the book. I've been looking for it for a long time. This book contains stories about them!"

After hearing this, Sheriff Black looked stunned, blinked his eyes and said strangely, "Who are they?"

Dad snorted.

The finger tapped directly on the bald head of Sheriff Black and said, "Devil!"

When these words were spoken, the book was opened, and the first page of the book was about the demon being sealed.

Dad then scrolled down.

A smile appeared on his face all of a sudden, and he said, "I found it, it's him!"

Everyone gathered around.

The old man said: "In ancient times, there were eight great demons. Later, there were eight great undead gods who sealed them, and the Holy Master was one of them. He ruled the eastern territories, and there were countless mages and demons under his hands to support him! Now he Go back and find his palace, if I remember correctly! His palace should be right now..."

As he spoke, he brought the world map from the side and pointed to Hong Kong.

He said, "Hong Kong! If you want to find him, go to Hong Kong now!"

The words were spoken.

Sheriff Black said immediately, "I'll mobilize the army immediately I..."

Dad tapped his finger again, tapped on his forehead and said, "Are you an idiot? How could we just let us go by ourselves!"

As he said these words, he shook his head helplessly.

Said: "That's the territory of another country, you can't just violate the territory of other countries!"

The words say so.

He turned to look at the snake and Paris and said, "You two are responsible for finding the materials for me, otherwise I won't be able to subdue that evil dragon!"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and nodded.

The old man turned to look at Jackie Chan and said, "He will be taken care of by you. He is one of the hopes. If he can wake up, it would be great. If he can't wake up, it will depend on you!"

Jackie Chan didn't choose to say anything this time, but nodded silently, with a bit more solemnity on his face, took a deep breath, and knew the importance of this matter!

Xiaoyu said very actively at this time: "Dad, what am I going to do?"

Dad turned to look at Xiaoyu and said, "You? Just stay!"

When the voice fell, he turned his head and went into the study.

The two girls followed suit.

Start configuring the recipe before busy.

And this time.

at Hong Kong.

The Holy Master turned into a human figure and soon came to his palace, with a slightly gloomy expression on his face. The reason why he was able to recover his strength so quickly was that he could inhale all the spells into his body.

Moreover, the reason why he can start to recover his magic power without getting the spell is because he made a deal with another demon!


It's that guy.

The Holy Lord reached an agreement with him so that he could broadcast the predicament so quickly, and what he has to do now is to rebuild his palace, keep evil dragons in the palace, and at the same time open the gate of time and space to make Ozma's army of infected people Come to the earth and conquer this earth with him. After conquering the earth, open the gate of time and space again and conquer other spaces!

an agreement between the two

at this time.

The Holy Master soon shouted loudly, only to see that there was movement in the wasteland in front of him, a huge sound of movement sounded, and then the sound of turbulence sounded, all four weeks were violent turbulence , and at this time a huge magnificent majestic resplendent palace appeared.

His body turned into a giant dragon again, and slowly walked into the palace.

Walking into the palace, he was not polite at this time. In the courtyard of the palace, he suddenly grabbed the dragon with one hand and slowly let out a howl!

At this time.

At this time, the plane rang.

Sheriff Black has contacted the Hong Kong police.

With a large group of agents holding weapons, they came to the plateau outside the palace, with a heavy and dignified expression on their faces, they had already set up their weapons!

And right now.

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