Flames enveloped the dragon's body.

What happened just now, the farce has already made everyone in Elk Paradise almost evacuated, and because of Wuchen's huge roar, everyone also evacuated, so almost no one stayed in the park.

The crowd had just withdrawn at this time.

Wuchen was still standing not far from the door.

At this moment, in the light group, the sound of dragon roar broke out again.

The old man at the door was stunned, and said dumbly, "Is the legendary demon going to be resurrected!"

After these words were spoken, the ice cream in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, his face was full of surprise, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the dragon generated from the huge light group.

The face is full of complexity.

Wuchen didn't expect things to turn out like this, he stared blankly at the dragon that appeared in the light group!

At this moment, a rumbling thunder sounded, and the legs of a giant dragon stepped directly on the land of Paradise.

In the next instant, all the light clusters dispersed, and a huge evil dragon appeared in the dust.

Holy Lord


What's different from the past is that huge wings grew behind him, and at the same time, he became more imposing, and his body was bursting with energy, and the huge power exploded around it.

There is a strong murderous aura in his eyes, and the energy flashing from his body makes all directions vibrate.

Wuchen felt the huge energy, and his face was full of surprise. This is fucking troublesome!

He thought so in his heart.

With a look of surprise on his face, he couldn't help but take two steps back, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and said, "It's troublesome now!"

He thought so in his heart, and his words said so.

Just at this time.

The Holy Master laughed loudly, his body was several 10 meters high and his body rushed into the sky, his wings covered the sky and the sun, and the whole paradise was covered with his murderous aura and fierce light!

There was murder in his eyes.

Roared loudly: "Damn bastards, it's time for you to die, let the demon age come!"

This sentence was just spoken.

Wuchen couldn't help but take a deep breath. This guy's ability has been enhanced a lot, and he has obtained his original magic power, which has restored the energy to him for 4 weeks. Now it's a bit difficult to beat him by himself. ! ..

196, the trouble is big [third more]

Wuchen looked at the huge dragon in front of him, his face full of horror, how to fight this thing?

He thought so in his heart.

Instead, the Holy Master looked at him like an ant, and said coldly: "Damn little ant, you are just a little ant in front of me, and today I will crush you into mud!"

When the words came out, he immediately raised his big foot and stepped on it.

Wuchen suddenly jumped, and Qi dodged the blow, but when the foot stepped on the ground, the earth suddenly shook, and the rumbling sound rang out.

At the same time, the Holy Master immediately spurted out a huge flame from his mouth!

Wuchen flew into the sky again, and the fire followed.


The body quickly turned into light, and a swipe went straight through his body!

In an instant, his body turned into a yellow flash and passed through the body of the Holy Lord in an instant!

The Holy Master was hit by the laser, and of course it was painful. He turned around immediately. Although his body was cumbersome, his response was very flexible.

Dust-free stands in the air with the help of light.

Sweat appeared on his forehead.

Gotta get him here.

Thinking of this in his heart, he is no longer polite.

I took a deep breath, my eyes were full of lines when I lifted them up

His eyes instantly turned into reincarnation nine-gou jade.

At the same time.

The corner of the eye is a fairy pattern!

At the same time, he immediately entered the Six Paths Immortal Mode.

Six tin sticks appeared in his hand, he flew back and looked at the Holy Master coldly

Said: "Today I will surrender you here, you damn demon dragon!"

After the Holy Master heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "Is there a way to subdue me? Even Lu Yan back then only sealed me, I am immortal!"

After Wuchen heard his words, he snorted coldly.

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