at this time.

Only one voice was heard: "You dare to kill my people!"

The voice fell.

Countless black-purple smoke immediately poured out of Astros' body

Those black and purple smoke gradually rescued Astros.

Nangong hated being able to feel that the black and purple smoke belonged to a powerful person, so he flew back and watched the changes, with a somewhat surprised look on his face.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Just then.

Astros was completely covered with a human form.


It finally appeared!

Ozma appeared here at this time, and everyone was shocked.

There is a surprised look on Wuchen's face. Things are in trouble now, and this guy has come over, but is it really okay for him to come here? !

I just thought about it in my mind.

Just then.

Nangong Hen laughed and said, "It's good to come, there are such powerful energy fluctuations, let me see how much you are capable, I will defeat you today!"

As soon as the words fell, he was immediately pushed out with a palm.

Powerful energy spewed out from the palm of his hand, and Ozma, who had just arrived at this time, immediately pushed his palm lightly, sending out a purple palm force.

The strength of the two people met, and the earth suddenly became unbalanced. There was a burst of sound all around, and with a rumbling sound, both of them stepped back.

Nangonghen said with a surprised look on his face, "It's interesting!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly grabbed a blood-red blade with one hand and appeared in his hand, that was the ghost magic knife he often used!

Holding the knife in his hand, he rushed out and slashed with a sudden knife.

Ozma used to be a mage, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use swordsmanship. He immediately condensed a black-purple sword and the sword and spear. , disturbed for 4 weeks!

Nangong's hatred is already strong, but at this time, anger is blessing, and excitement is even more blessing energy to press down!

Even though Ozma was powerful, his body sank under the pressure of this force at this time, and at this time he did not come down with his body, but a half-body will.

At this moment, he couldn't resist at all.

There was a little surprised look on his face, and he was beaten and retreated immediately.

Nangong Hen laughed loudly.

Just then.

Surrounded by wind and clouds, strange things happened.

Jig had just gotten rid of the fighting lunatic, and was walking on the beach in a rather embarrassed way. At this moment, he felt a sense of unease. His heart was a little strange, and he only felt that his body was changing. When he suddenly clenched his fist and opened it, he found that his body was slowly disappearing, and he said with a little distress: "Sure enough, the will of the world will not allow so much blending between the two worlds. I'm sorry, but let me leave first!"

When the words came to this point, his body dissipated in place with a black-gray smoke, leaving nothing behind.

And those who came with the meteor slowly dissipated.

Nangong Hen also immediately felt that his body was slowly disappearing and he was heading to another dimension, and so was his consciousness, but he did not leave immediately at this time.

Its energy is also strong enough to fight against a part of the will.

So at this time, he still intends to fight to the fullest.

He looked at Ozma coldly and proudly

Said: "At the last moment of this departure, I will give you this blow!"

As soon as Ozma heard this sentence, she said: "You have no chance, let me send you away!"

His words said that he waved his hands here, and suddenly a black-purple ball was pushed out of his palm.

Nangong Hate immediately seized the opportunity in an instant, and his palms changed with a swoosh!

Immediately, his palms directly stretched out a huge amount of energy, completely inhaling the sunspot's ball into his body, and at this time his body also moved slightly, stomping his feet suddenly, realizing that the energy was surging, suddenly a Palm pushed out!

At this time he also shouted loudly. : "Three thousand in one gas!"

The words uttered countless energies and rushed out of their hands.

Ozma's body dissipated at this time.

Nangong Hate's body also slowly disappeared.

And this time.

Feeling the change of things, Wuchen suddenly turned around and looked over.

Paris, who came from another world, rushed over desperately.

But just now, the body has dissipated! ..

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