He said coldly: "You have just come here, if you don't fight against me and don't do anything, then I will let you live, if you insist on fighting against me and want to do things, then I will End your life, you only have one life, I don't believe that guy can resurrect you, how about you try?"

When Yamazaki Ryuji saw the sharp lightning in his hand, he couldn't help being stunned.

There was a bit of fear in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and was speechless for a while.

Wuchen continued: "Don't think that I dare not kill you, killing you is just an easy thing, I just want to make things clear, but if you want to die, I don't mind at all! "

Yamazaki Ryuuji thought for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want me to say?"

Wuchen snorted coldly and said lightly, "Who asked you to come?"

Yamazaki Ryuuji froze for a moment and said, "Don't you know? He said he knew you, he said he was familiar with you..."

When Wuchen saw the expression on his face, he immediately stepped on his chest, because he was staring at a black stick on his chest and was stepped on, and immediately shouted in pain: "You despicable bastard, don't step on me..."

Wuchen let go of his foot coldly, put it on his lower body and said, "If you don't say it, I will make you a eunuch for the rest of your life, okay? If you dare to play with me again, I will make you a eunuch for life. !"

Yamazaki Ryuji was so frightened that cold sweat broke out, and he said quickly: "You are really vicious, well, I said a guy with a purple body... It looks like a guy like a poisonous mushroom..."

Wuchen was stunned for a moment.

Say: "What? Poisonous mushrooms?"

Yamazaki Ryuji quickly nodded and said, "Yeah, that guy is talking about fate, what the hell, and said that if I help him, he will give me more power, and he can let him. I went to another world to play... Said that I would prepare a lot of opponents for me..."

Wuchen heard this.

He said coldly: "Really? This is interesting? You said that he looks like a poisonous mushroom, so does he have horns on his head? Is he tall? He is surrounded by black smoke?"

He already had the answer in his heart, he just wanted to confirm it again.

Yamazaki Ryuji nodded and said, "How do you know..."

At this time, he knew that he had asked this sentence, and he felt a little silly, but he quickly asked.

Wuchen smiled disdainfully and said, "Why can't I know, but for your honesty, this guy is so honest, so I'll give you a treat, I probably know who it is!"

His words came out.

I saw a black stick grow out of his hand again.

Yamazaki Ryuji hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, what else do you need to know? I'll tell you everything, don't kill me..."

There was sweat all over his forehead. He managed to escape from the original world with great difficulty, and now he is going to die again. Isn't it worth it, he just made a deal to die? !

This is totally not worth it!

Wuchen heard his words of begging for mercy, but said indifferently: "I'm sorry, your begging has no value in front of me, so please go to death! And I will be very troubled if a person as bad as you lives. !"

As soon as his words came out, his palm was facing Yamazaki Ryuji's head.

Only the sound of the wind was heard, and blood rushed out.

Yamazaki Ryuji's head was directly pierced. He widened his eyes and lowered his hands slowly. He had nothing to say, because dead people don't have anything to say!

Dustless turned his head away.

Take a look at the 4 weeks of the environment being rehabilitated.

There was a little helplessness in his eyes.

If this continues, the whole of San Francisco will explode.

After all, how could this city hold so many people fighting.

Those bastards are no joke.

Wuchen sighed helplessly, and then walked towards the east coast.

He had only just taken two steps.

There was another voice that disgusted him: "Oh, my puppet is broken!"

Wuchen turned his head and looked over, with a speechless expression on his face.

Sure enough, that bastard.

He has long blood-red hair and a face like a mutated elf.


Both hands are holding daggers.

Looking at Yamazaki Ryuji's body, his face was a little helpless.

Wuchen looked at him coldly.

I didn't expect his action to be so fast, and I don't know if he had arranged it a long time ago, or if he ran back last night and called Yamazaki Ryuji!

The one who appeared in front of him was Astros, one of the three dark knights!

Astros looked at him with a helpless look on his face and said, "The master is very angry and said that I must kill you. I can't help but think that you have broken even my puppet, but there are two puppets for you next. Play! I wonder if you can stop it?" ..

171. Lukeka [First Update]

Wuchen frowned slightly, and after hearing this, he said coldly: "What? What..."

Just when he was stunned.

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