When he said this, he revealed a deep smile!

When Wuchen heard this, he couldn't help sighing to himself that this guy is a lunatic?

But the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes, this guy's face looks really familiar.

I thought so in my heart.

But I feel strange, where have I seen him?But since coming here, I haven't seen this guy again.

But when he saw the man immediately waved his right hand, a baseball bat appeared again, he laughed and said, "Wait for you to die!"

His words rushed out again, like an odd-shaped species.

Wuchen saw that he was in a hurry, and even more quickly rushed over and sneered, stepped back slightly, squatted down and swept with one leg.

He shouted in a low voice, "The Konoha Whirlwind!"

As soon as he said this, his legs flew out.

But the man's body was kicked out by this leg and turned into a spinning top, and hit a large trash can with a bang, but he still stood up, as if he was a monster. It's weird.

Wuchen is really a little hard to figure out, his strength is really great, and he has directly used the eight-door Dunjia!

How could he not be killed, how could he be like a cockroach that could not be killed at all? It's really strange.

At this moment.

The man got up again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a big laugh, and laughed loudly: "You can't kill me, I'm your nightmare, now it's my turn!"

His words came out, and he brought up the baseball bat that should have been broken again. The flames appeared on the baseball bat, and he took the baseball bat and slammed it in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, only a monstrous fire wave suddenly appeared.

the whole road.

It seemed that they all burned, and the same scorching high temperature appeared.

Wuchen was startled, and the waves of fire that rose directly into the sky rushed towards him.

He frowned.

With a cold snort, he kicked out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge wave of air sprayed out from his legs.

The powerful energy and air waves formed a huge air bomb!

In an instant, he met the wave of fire.

Only a rumbling sound could be heard.

The collision of the two energies made the 4-week-old house that had been dilapidated even more directly click, and it was blown away a lot.

Because there are abandoned houses all around, so there are no people inside.

And right now.

When Wuchen thought there was nothing wrong, he only saw that in the extinguished fire, a tall man in the smoke immediately carried a baseball bat, like a boss, and rushed over frantically. ! ..

164, Blocking the Road [Second]

The man was still banging himself with the burning baseball bat.

Wuchen couldn't help but froze, is this guy really immortal?Is it a zombie?How could it not be dead?

He felt more and more strange in his heart, frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and kicked out again with a spin.

At the same time, the man was kicked in the chest, kicked and flew out with a bang, hit a street light pole with a bang, and then fell directly, but he still climbed out of the big pit.

His face was full of excitement.

With deep pride in his eyes, he laughed and roared: "You can't kill me!"

Wuchen frowned, what is the matter with this guy's power, the body seems to be completely indestructible, it is really strange.

This is impossible, and I feel more and more surprised in my heart.

This person's strength and body seem to be indestructible. What is going on with him, but he doesn't have a huge energy like himself.

After the man was kicked out, he laughed again and said, "Hahaha, you can't kill me!"

Wuchen couldn't help rolling his eyes, this guy is really troublesome.

I saw that the man once again held the stick in his hand and rushed forward.

Wuchen took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Konoha Dragon God!"

These words came out, the legs suddenly rolled up, and a huge white dragon appeared directly, and then swept out.

The huge white dragon formed by the airflow directly swept the man's body into the sky, and the dragon's body turned its head, smashing his body into pieces and turning it into flesh and blood.

Paris hurriedly dodged to the side, and the man's body was directly smashed into pieces by the power of the giant dragon.

Wuchen snorted coldly and slowly stepped back, while the man's flesh and blood was beaten 4 times and scattered.

There is absolutely no chance of resurrection.

at this time.

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