Just then.

Just when he just finished saying this, Astros was also surprised, thinking that he was also a colleague, and that Belials was about to die.

Just at this time.

The image of Bellas reappeared.

Nangong Hen's eyes were slightly surprised, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

As if Wuchen had a premonition, he hurriedly walked to Nangonghen's side and said, "Quickly send a palm! That guy is about to be resurrected!"

He could feel that Belials' energy was reuniting, not only the signs of Belials, but also slowly emerging, the images all appeared, and even more exaggerated were the disguise scattered on the ground The flesh and blood of the people were drawn to the past.

Except for those who were still alive, all the flesh and blood of the other pretenders were sucked in, and everything that died was slowly sucked in, and then slowly formed a small flesh-shaped vortex.

That's right, not far in front of Nangonghen, just 10 meters away, a flesh-shaped vortex is constantly and desperately attracting energy and blood!

But at this time, Nangong said coldly: "I will never attack a dying person, and this person can be reunited, which is somewhat similar to the people in the net, but I want to see how many he has. The strength has not been released, although this person looks ugly and strange, but his strength is extraordinary and his will is firm, I really want to see how far he can reach!"

When he said these words, everyone present was speechless.

Paris has a helpless look on his face, but he knows who Belials is and one of the three dark knights, and he is also a lackey, a despicable and shameless person, and also has extremely terrifying strength, although !

Nangong hates it to be able to defeat it, but who knows if something will go wrong in a while, and the guy standing behind him is the God of Chaos.

Paris hurriedly said: "That man is too dangerous, he must destroy the body he is recovering now!"

This has just been said.

Wuchen immediately made a decision, followed by the completion of the seal with both hands, and suddenly slapped it out.

He shouted loudly: "Xianfa: Melting Escape: Spiral Shuriken!"

As soon as the words came out, it was a direct word, and a spiral shuriken was shot in the hand.

The spiral hand spun in the air and flew over at a high speed.

At this moment, Nangong Hen flew out and jumped out, the yin and yang powder in his hand was a sudden movement, and his energy turned into two strands, blocking the shuriken!

He directly blocked the spiral shuriken in an instant, and said coldly: "Whoever dares to stop me and fight him, then whoever is my enemy!"

In his words, there was a bit of arrogance in his cold-blooded eyes, because he knew in his heart that although Belials was strong, he was by no means his opponent, but he also longed for his opponent, that guy To be able to reunite the body and have such a strong will, is exactly the same as the people in the Internet back then!

If this person can reunite the body and have another hearty battle with himself, it is really exciting!

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

The spiral shuriken was disintegrated by his yin and yang and breathed into the body in an instant!

Everyone at this moment was shocked, and there was a bit of surprise in Astros' eyes. This guy is really a lunatic.

And right now.

Belials' body began to slowly appear bit by bit.

At this time, Nangong Hen suddenly turned around, fanned himself with a yin-yang fan, and said with a big laugh, "Come on, let me see how much you have left!"

This has just been said.

At this moment, a white-haired man immediately jumped down from the air.

Nangong Hen snorted and thunder flashed to the side, the knife slashed to the ground, creating a gully.

Nangong Henke was completely unafraid. After directly dodging this move, he slapped it out with a violent palm. The white-haired man immediately hit the knife horizontally, the sound of ding dong sounded, and the man immediately closed the knife.

The man's face also appeared.

Wuchen recognized it at once, this person was Kane in the Screaming Cave.

At this time, Kane had a provocative smile on his face, and a cold smile was drawn, and he said, "It seems that you like to challenge the strong! Then am I strong enough, can I be your target?"

Nangong Hen laughed and said, "Then you will know if you try it!"

There was a bit of indifference in his words.

Hooked towards Kane in front of him.

I saw that Kane started immediately, the knife in his hand once again made a breakthrough to the sky, and the general sword energy flew out.

At this moment, Nangong Hate saw his sword qi flying over, but he was not afraid, but just lightly stood on the yin and yang in his hands and slammed it out!

I only heard a crackling sound, and the two yin and yang qi immediately formed a gas bomb in the air!

The qi bomb flew out, scraping the sword qi in an instant, and it even dissipated into the space!

At this moment, Kane was a little surprised, narrowed his eyes and said, "You are really strong, but I am definitely not weak!"

The moment his words were spoken, he drew his sword again, and the moment he drew the sword, he had already shot out 10 sword qi.

Nangong hated to see dozens of sword qi flying towards him, he just smiled coldly, he didn't care at all, turned around gently, his cloak was turbulent directly, secretly Clap!

Powerful light waves shot out from his hands, and in an instant, the dozens of sword qi were completely blocked.

And at this time, Kane was even more shocked by that palm!

The whole body was beaten and retreated more than ten steps, and only then did he stabilize his body, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

Nangong Hen sneered and said, "You want me too with your strength. Do I take you as a target? It's too weak, too weak, it's not enough to see, come and try again!"

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