Astros made a decisive decision, and directly bit his teeth, flew back, and grabbed Wallon.

The two of them only heard a click in an instant, the sound rang, and the space was broken, which was also Astros' forte, and they evacuated in an instant! ..

147. The person who came through [First Update]

After seeing the two of them leave, Wuchen couldn't help but snorted coldly and frowned when he saw the embarrassment all over the place. Astros has come, and things will be much more troublesome now.

He thought like this in his heart, because he knew that once all kinds of strange broken characters appeared in a world, and all kinds of other world characters appeared, it meant that the spatial order of this world had been destroyed.

This time things got more complicated.

Wuchen thought so in his heart, and Jingzhou frowned, thinking about the problem.

At this time, he turned around and left.

Soon he was on the street.

walking on the street.

His mood became more complicated.

At this time, he walked slowly.

And at this time.

The commotion in front made him frown, and he saw loud screams and the appearance of people watching.

Wuchen trotted over.

There was a deep surprise in his eyes, he took a dim sigh, and involuntarily murmured: "No way..."

His words were full of surprise, and he couldn't believe it.

Because in the crowd of people there was a woman

But the woman looked very strange.

The clothes he was wearing didn't look like the clothes of Earthlings at all.

Or it doesn't look like the clothes that real people often wear.

The woman wears heavy gauntlets on her hands

With emerald green hair, his face is very delicate, and his eyes are like flashing lights.

There was a look of vigilance on his face.

He was wearing a robe that looked like it was in Europe.

The white satin robe covered him.

A toned belly leaks out.

The woman frowned in confusion and looked at the crowd who were watching her.

A slightly dissatisfied look appeared on his face.

Wuchen recognized it at once, this guy is Paris in dnf!

How did this guy come into this world?

Wuchen stepped forward in a hurry, and seemed a little prominent among the crowd.

after all.

Wuchen was wearing clothes that were similar to the robes he wore in ancient times.

Paris saw the surprised look on his face at once, and walked over slowly.

He said in surprise: "Who are you...are you..."

After Wuchen heard this, he said helplessly: "Do you want to be watched like a monkey by the crowd?"

Paris coughed twice and said, "Then let's go first!"

Soon the two of them immediately got into the alley, in fact, just to avoid everyone's perspective.

Walking into the alley, I finally came to a small street.

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Paris with a distressed face and said, "I never thought you would appear here!"

Paris said very strangely: "What is this place? Why is the building here so high, and the clothes these people wear are really strange, which country is this in Arad? Why have I never been here, could it be? skyline?"

This question was asked directly.

Wuchen said with a helpless and bitter expression: "You are wrong, this is never the heaven, and it is never what you call the Arad Continent, this is the earth, it is a very special place, anyway, this is not what you are familiar with. anywhere, this is a place you've never been!"

Paris frowned and said, "I only remember that when I came here, there seemed to be a whirlpool that kept spinning, and I followed involuntarily, but I came here all of a sudden. People find it strange, your earth is so far... How far is this from the mainland of Arad?"

Wuchen shook his head and sighed: "I don't know, but I know you because I have traveled in time and space, and I know your name. You are Princess Paris of the Sewer! You are a famous celebrity in Arad and a member of the Revolutionary Army. But how did you get here to that vortex, are you talking about the so-called time-space tunnel?"

Paris said blankly: "You actually know that I travel in time and space, maybe, just take it as it is, so how do I go back now?"

Wuchen said helplessly: "I can't go back, because this place is not as simple as you think. It should be far, far away from the mainland of Arad, and I saw Astros!"

He just said this, and he seemed to be very collapsed, because why did the characters of dnf appear? !

Paris said, "Is it far? But it seems interesting!"

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