This has just been said.

Jackie Chan said in distress: "It's also troublesome to find a house again. Do you have any good solutions?"

Wuchen pondered for a while, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Let's go out of the city!"

Jackie Chan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react.

Wuchen grabbed him directly and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

The two of them quickly took a taxi and went straight out of the city.

After going out of the city, this is a suburb, almost all are empty and abandoned places, no one will live here, and it is full of beasts and all kinds of messy smoke.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face.

And Jackie Chan on the side said very distressed: "What should I do now?"

Wuchen looked at the starry sky and said with a smile. : "Don't worry, some people just stay!"

His voice came out, and I saw him seal it immediately!

Taking a deep breath, he slapped the ground with his palm.

He shouted loudly, "Woodun: Four-Pillar Family Technique!"

The moment you said those words, you might have moved in front of you, how could you involuntarily widen your eyes in surprise, and in front of him a very nice, beautiful wooden house appeared instantly!

Jackie Chan involuntarily widened his eyes and took a deep breath. What is going on with this guy? He has such a powerful ability that he can build a wooden house in one fell swoop. Wouldn't he be a real estate agent? Want to make a fortune?

Wuchen laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go in!"

These words came out, Jackie Chan nodded, and the two walked into the Four Pillars House together.

After walking inside, I found that the furniture is very complete, and it is a typical Japanese-style house.

Jackie Chan said with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect the things here to be so complete, it's really surprising!"

Wuchen laughed and said, "Don't worry, they shouldn't be able to guess. Let's find a place to sleep first and go back tomorrow!"

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to expose too much in front of Jackie Chan, he could even use Susanoo to fly across the border and return to San Francisco.

After all, it is here now, but the modern world cannot be too public!

The two quickly took a shower

They each chose a room and went in. ..

139, sneak attack [first more]

And when the two are going to sleep.

in the original hotel.

In the largest room on the highest floor of the hotel.

That is room 908.

At this moment.

Just at this time.

This room has been packed.

At this time, the beds, beds, stools and stools in the large room were all moved.

And on the east-facing wall is a stool.

At this moment.

The group of 4 looked at the stool with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Because 4 people are doing things as instructed.

A Fen slowly took out the phone from his pocket and hurriedly called.

It was Wallon who answered the phone.

Wallon answered the phone and said coldly, "It's done, right? The spell has been given to them, right?"

This sentence was just spoken.

A Fen nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, they have already taken it!"

Wallon said with satisfaction: "You have also followed my instructions to clean up the things in the room, right?"

After saying this, everyone nodded quickly.

Wallon smiled and said, "There will be someone to assist you, now you just need to wait, someone will show up to help you at 12:00!"

After hearing this, several people were puzzled, who would they be when they woke up?How strange.

Although the power of the Holy Master is very strong, it is not necessary for the Holy Master to help him personally. If he can fly, why would he need others to help him?

Everyone thought so in their hearts, and the time passed slowly, and it was 12 o'clock in the evening soon in the past.

At the moment when I just bought it at 12 o'clock in the evening, when everyone was sleepy at this time, only the sound of a boom was heard.

Then everyone turned their heads and looked over in horror, and black smoke was already coming out of the chair at this time.

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