When Sheriff Black heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded. ..

135. Little Snake Gets the Hand [First Update]

After things are done.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face.

At this moment, the little snake said helplessly behind him: "You are really..."

Wuchen turned around and said in confusion, "I think it's doing pretty well..."

The little snake rolled his eyes and said, "You are such a straight man!"

The dust is quite a bit speechless.

Said: "Forget it, let's go..."

The little snake nodded.

After the two settled the bill, they left the store directly.

The two who left the store were walking on the street, and the neon lights had not gone out at this time, because even in the middle of the night, there were still many tourists walking on the road.

At this moment, the two of them were walking on the street, and an inexplicable atmosphere rippled through them.

Wuchen seemed to think of something, and stopped directly.

The little snake beside him noticed it, and quickly stopped, blinking at him suspiciously and saying, "What's wrong?"

Wuchen said at this time: "Don't you think the night scene here is quite ugly?"

When Xiao Snake heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes and looked speechless.

With a sigh, he said, "You are such a disappointment..."

Wuchen laughed, touched the back of his head and said, "Do you think I'm very humorous?"

The little snake rolled his eyes, shook his head and said, "No!"

Wuchen coughed twice, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, let's go now, let's go buy that thing!"

His words came out.

At this time, he immediately led the little snake to a hypermarket.

Soon, the two entered the hypermarket.

The things to buy are also very simple, and the common household utensils are just bought easily.

Wuchen didn't know if he was pretending he didn't understand or he really didn't understand, so he just let the little snake take his daily necessities, and he didn't mean to help at all!

There is a bit of surprise in the little snake's eyes, it is really a straight man of steel!

The eyes are full of surprises, this kind of guy must be alone for a lifetime!

The little snake thought so.

Wuchen was walking leisurely at this time, pointing at the storefronts as he walked and saying, "Don't underestimate the smallness of these storefronts, they are considered to be the boss here! After all, this group of people can work hard here. Get a high income!"

With all kinds of things in his hands, Xiao She couldn't help complaining: "I really hope I can get a shop here, it's not bad..."

The words he said casually made Wuchen immediately fall in love. He said, "Really? Then I can help, as long as you have enough money..."

The little snake rolled his eyes involuntarily and said, "I'm joking, help me get something!"

Wuchen snorted and nodded.

The two quickly returned to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel.

The little snake went up to the original room with him at this time.

Just opened the door.

There was a bit of nervousness on Wuchen's face, because he didn't know that he couldn't stay in this world for too long, and he didn't dare to have much relationship with this woman, he took a deep breath, his face was slightly Feeling embarrassed, he said, "I'm leaving for you, so please clean up first..."

He said what he said and put things in the door casually, and just when he wanted to turn around and leave, the little snake slammed the door shut.

Immediately afterwards, the little snake lowered his head and said slowly, "Did I make you hate me like this?"

There was a bit of embarrassment on Wuchen's face, he laughed, relieved the embarrassment and said, "No, no, really no, but I have something to do..."

There was obviously a bit of panic in his words, and it was a bit difficult for him to judge for a while.

Did you like this girl?But what do you do when you have to leave?It's not something you can control at will!

The more I thought about it, the more nervous I felt.

At this time, the little snake took a deep breath and said, "Are you afraid? Are you panicking?"

There was a deep serious look on his face, because he was inexplicably anxious.

What if this man is never seen again next time?What if you live in San Francisco? !

It is very likely that this guy will never meet himself next time!

Wuchen gritted his teeth and said, "Why am I panicking? I don't panic when dealing with that group of people..."

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