The dust-free body has already come to the top of his body again in an instant.

A Fen looked up and saw his legs immediately.

Wuchen shouted mercilessly: "Yi Lei Shen Furious Thunder Axe!"

The moment the words fell, the legs were like tigers, covered with a huge amount of chakra, and slammed down!

A Fen's rumbling thunder was directly smashed into his body, and his entire body almost flattened.

After Wuchen finished smashing him, he once again turned to look at the three people in different directions, who already seemed to be dying, and then sighed with satisfaction and said, "This is not bad, I thought you guys could still jump around. stand up!" ..

129. Get the Bull Charm [First Update]


Wait until a few people leave.

At this time, when Jackie Chan and Niu Warrior faced each other awkwardly.

Dust-free, also finally appeared.

He arrived at the duel arena sweating profusely.

There was a bit of embarrassment on his face, looking at the two people on the stage, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Wuchen looked at Jackie Chan in surprise and said, "Why haven't you done it yet? It's just a charm!"

Jackie Chan said with a wry smile, "But..."

At this time, the cow warrior frowned and looked at Wuchen.

Said: "The cow warrior never takes off his mask! What are you trying to do? Who are you!"

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "You are really troublesome, do I have to explain to you obediently? I won't!"

His words could tell, and at this time, he directly took the first two steps.

Niu Warrior felt the danger of 10 points, and involuntarily narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought very quickly in his heart, because he didn't quite understand what was going on with these two people. Get your own mask.

Wuchen stepped forward and said: "I don't want your mask, no one wants your mask, I know it belongs to your glory, but your mask is on! If there is something we want, I will return the mask to you. You, just give us the spell on your face mask yourself!"

When his words came to this point, Warrior Niu was stunned for a moment, and he touched his mask with his hand, and soon felt a hard bump. He didn't pay much attention to it before, he frowned and said: " what is this?"

There was a bit of inexplicable confusion in the words, because he didn't quite understand what it was, and it felt like a stone.

Jackie Chan explained: "It's a magical power that can make you very powerful!"

The cow warrior was stunned involuntarily.

There is a bit of surprise in his eyes...

After all, Niu Warrior is not a brainless fool. He gradually realized that he was hesitating in his heart. Maybe that kind of magic would help him, but he just thought about it for less than two seconds, and immediately made a decision. Taking a deep breath, he forcibly tore off the spell on the mask!

He handed it to Jackie Chan next to him and said, "Is this what you want? Then take it away!"

He just ripped the thing off.

Niu Warrior immediately felt that the power in his body was much less, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he did not regret a little bit, because he knew that even the champion that he ushered in by that power was not real, and he Rely on your own strength!

At this time, Wuchen couldn't help being stunned. Although he didn't experience a battle like the original book, the cattle warrior at this time had such a great determination, sure enough!

Niu Warrior is indeed a man!

A smile appeared on Jackie Chan's face, and he quickly put the cow spell into his arms and said, "Thank you cow warrior!"

Niu Warrior laughed and said, "I feel honored to be able to help you!"

There was some excitement in his words.

Wuchen stepped forward and said: "We took your things, it's a bit unfair to you, after all, it's your thing, and it also damaged your mask, in order to make amends for you, I'll give you something!"

Niu Warrior was stunned, but did not speak.

Wuchen immediately took a deep breath, and at the same time stretched out his right hand. Under the surprise of everyone's eyes, at this moment, his right hand suddenly turned into a huge snake. to the ears of the cattle warrior.

Then took a bite.

Both of them were startled, when Jackie Chan was shocked and wanted to say something.

Niu Warrior directly covered his own, and squatted down where he was bitten. He said with a surprised expression: "What..."

Wuchen laughed and said: "It's a gift for you, you have to cherish it, but this gift is difficult for you to control at the beginning, you have to control your temper, you must first know a word, a wise man seeks within Strength, the unwise seek strength! This is my gift to you!"

Niu Warrior didn't have time to answer at this time, his eyes were directly blurred, he wanted to stand up straight, but suddenly fell down with a snap.

At this time, Jackie Chan widened his eyes in shock and said, "What did you do? What the hell is that?"

Seeing Jackie Chan's surprised look, Wuchen smiled helplessly: "It was the same gift as you, I gave it to him, I think he is a good person, so I gave him this gift!"

Jackie Chan was relieved, but his expression became complicated and said. : "That big snake really scared me to death!"

He didn't have much fear in his actions, after all, the person in front of him was his good friend, and he believed in the dust-free person in front of him.

Wuchen laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Jackie Chan nodded.

The two quickly walked out of the duel arena, and at this time the two were walking in the night scene.

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